



2024-07-21 03:26:30 来源:网络


11🦇🦁-|🪅、He should arrive within the next half-hour.(他应该会在半小时内到达🦄-🐣。12🎄🐌|_🦃、We should arrive before dark.(我们天黑以前应该能赶到🤕🦍——_🦈*。13🧵-🎳、Ben😱-_🎟,of course*-_🌑🦖,was the last to arrive.(本当然是最后一个到的🐣-——😍。14🧶|——🦌🌻、Just my luck to arrive after they had left.(我总是这样倒霉🦃——-🤕😝,他们离说完了🌾🀄|-🎣♥。
1🐅|-🐾、修饰语的使用🥍_🌱:可以通过添加修饰语来具体描述到达的地点🦍🐵|🦍*。例如🤨-_🐚🐨,“arrive at a small village”(到达一个小村庄)或者“arrive at a bustling city”(到达一个繁华的城市)🦓🤠————🐆。这样的修饰语可以帮助强调地点的大小和特征🐺_|😭。2🪴🦄-_🐐🐚、地点的描述☘——|🎋:在使用“arrive”时🍄⚾|-♦🍁,可以在句子中提供更多关于地点的描述💐——🪆😮,如还有呢?


造句1☺️🌩-🦃、人们所期望的经济复苏并没有来到🐆-🥈🐬。The hoped-for economic recovery did not arrive.2😯🌩||🐈‍⬛、偶尔裸浴的那个人来到这里🦎-🦈😎。The occasional nude bather comes here.3🦃-🌎🤔、我来到现场时🐙__🦒🎽,一切都已结束🎄🤯-😇。By the time I arrived on the scene,it was all over.4🐕😓--🎉*、舞蹈表演者出场来到滑冰场上🦟|🐣。The dancers后面会介绍🌍🐷||🤗🪴。
1.We must clear the room before our guests arrive.我们必须在客人到达之前把房间收拾好😥🐀——_🐈。2.Workers in a factory must clock in when they arrive.工厂工人到达工厂时必须记录上班时间🦝__☁️🐂。3.You must hook up with Mr. Ordway once you arrive there.你一到那儿必须马上与奥德韦先生联系有帮助请点赞🧩|_😙🐣。
你好🦛_🥊🌴,谓语动词是在主语是第三人称单数的时候加s或es等例如I will arrive in Beijing torrow morning.She alwalys arrives at her school at 8:00.长宁天山英语组🐇|🎎,
和arrive一样🦝-——🪲🍀,get也是不及物动词🌼——🐼,只是它多用于口语🌻|🐬*,其后接的介词是to🦂🤖——_🦙,后面如接副词🕊🏆_🥀😶,则不用介词to🪳🌝|🦂。如🌷🎰-🕊🐈:How can I get to the railway station?(我怎样才可以到达火车站)【arrive造句】They arrived at the station at 8 this morning.他们今天早晨八点到达车站的🦐——🦇。Her mother saw her when 等会说♦🐀|🐳😁。
arrive in的造句 1. Several long-awaited videos will finally arrive in the shops this month.几部让人翘首企盼的录像片终于将在这个月到货🐂——🐏🦒。2. It is estimated that every year 50 unaccompanied children arrive in Britain.据估计💥|♟,每年有50名儿童独自来到英国💀😰|-🐃🐾。3. A deluge of manuscripts有帮助请点赞🏉__🥅。
I arrived in kunming yesterday 我昨天到达了昆明😎_——🌷,
(oh,弄错😓)分别用arrive in 大地点和arrive at 小地点造句
I arrive at the hospital at eight o'clock, but I don't go on duty until nine.我八点钟就到医院了🙀|😞,但是九点钟我才去值班🏵🦥-**。I wish he would arrive at some conclusion.但愿他会有一结论🤤🌧——-😜。He is likely to arrive at any time.他可能随时会到🐱🙄-*🎍。The invader will arrive at dawn.侵略好了吧😩_🤣!
I arrive at the airport.You arrive at the school late.She arrives at the hospital at 8:00a.m.He arrives in beijing.We all arrive in the university.