



2024-07-20 07:29:25 来源:网络


proficient: [ prə'fiʃənt ]a. 熟练的🐟_-🎐,精通的n. 能手😮-🐓,专家superior: [ sju:'piəriə ]n. 长者🌸🌵——🐭*,高手a. 上好的*🎭——🐼,出众的🦁🍃——🐵,高傲的master-hand:n. 能手🦈——🎮, 高超的技艺overmatch: [ .əuvə'mætʃ ]v. 优于*🐒_😧🎊,胜过🌖😥|_🌼👽,压倒n. 高手🕸🌎-_🧐🐽,是什么🐅_🤧🧩。
达人🏵🦅——😶:expert 英['ekspɜːt] 美['ɛkspɝt; (for adj., also) ɛksˈpɝt ; ɪkˈspɝt]adj. 熟练的♣|_🤪;内行的🐇🎄_🐩🤪;老练的n. 专家🤭😡——🍀;行家🤠——-♣;能手😅————😂💐;达人vt. 当专家🦗🐟——🌑;在…中当行家例句🪀🪰——🤖:1🐿_🎗、After this you will be an expert o还有呢?


达人--- intelligent person; well-informed person; person who takes everything philosophically; expert
As a person of rationality, you are dealing with the whole realities in this world with your rationality.富有创造力的你🍃_——🐅🏉,正在利用着它改变着什么🐩——🦨🎖,也包括我☘🌦_🌷🌹。As a person of creativity, you are making something qiute different, including me.不要吝啬你的笑容🎏|🎐,正是它让我坚信你就是我的等会说🥇🤣——🙂😌。
There is no color in my life.There is no color during my life.There is only black and white in my life.
4. Stuck in a bottle called loneliness, with its exit too narrow, I'd rather myself being covered.5. Sands of silvery blue within the the transparent glass furnnel are flowing away, along the turning furnnel. Just like a master magician's curse, left for nobody to decode.6是什么🦃_|🦖*。
all the power you need to have everything you want in life 你需要全部的能量去拥有你生命中渴望的一切resides within you 驻留于你体内because every life is full of promise and opportunity 因为每段人生都充满了承诺和机会so have you ever wondered why not mine 那么你有没有好奇过是什么⛈——🐐🌳。
1. All the fellow students had left, leaving him alone at the dorm.2. In the middle of a class, he went out of the classroom to phone his parents.3. On a military parade, we must keep our bodies straight and upright.4. we find that various books are available at this 说完了🥊_🦮🦎。
许多东西需要你去捍卫☀️🌴|_🐯🎖,You have to defend many things,国家🀄🦨——🤓🧩,家人🌲😟|🪰,和你的尊严🦛🐥——|🐟🌦,Country, family and your honor 一旦有人践踏了你的尊严Once someone tampers your honor,或是伤害你的家人甚至国家🌳😤-|😘🐞,Or harms your family or even country,你决不能如此罢休🤥😶|🎋。You have to stand up and fight!