



2024-07-23 06:36:35 来源:网络


1🎨😭|😺、A thief knows a thief as a wolf knows a wolf.贼了解贼🦒-——🌼🥊,正如狼了解狼*🪱-*。2😀——|😈、It is a foolish sheep that makes the wolf his confessor.蠢羊才向狼忏悔🦟_|🐕。3🐆————🦃、Don’t trust a goat with the kitchen-garden,or a wolf with sheepfold.不能请羊管菜园🐨|🦚🐰,不能请狼管羊圈🧧🌻_😬🦖。4🐱🐔|✨、The wolf has等我继续说🦌🌛-🏑🍀。
5.The child is active and funny as well.这个小孩活泼又可爱🦨_🐭🦡。


take up:1. 拿起🏐🐊_|🌵🀄;举起🤮|☘️;拾起🐄-|🖼;给搭(火车等)🤿——|*🥍,汽车等)接纳(乘客)🦕🦈——😉🐈‍⬛,船)承装(货物)🐭——🐝;收做(徒弟等)🎄|🐐;保护🍂✨——|😈🥇。2. 逮捕🦃🎊|_🦓🤒。3. 吸收(水分等)🦝🕷|-⛳,耗费(时间)🦭——🪲🐡,占(地位)*-☘️;吸引(注意等)🦔🐅|_😿😦。4. 打断人家的话🐙*|🦫,打岔🐲🕊-_🐀;责备🙀_🙈。5. 开始🎆🎫|——😨🦦,动手(工作等)☘️🦆——_🐞🐀,从事🌼🦣——_🦍;提出🎋🤮——🐽🐆,处理(问题)🐯🥀__🌼;继续(中断的话)*🐗_🐒,接下去讲🐸_😅。
1.她是一个爱唱歌的15岁女孩1. She is a love singing of 15 year old girls 2.我们都认为她是个词汇量相当大的人2. We all think that she is a quite vocabulary a big man 3.顺便问一下🦎🐊|☁️🎆,还有其他什么要注意的吗3. By the way, what other need to be aware of 4.老师很生有帮助请点赞⭐️--🦠🦑。
1:在线么?请尽快联系我🦔-_🐖。【Are you there? Please contact me as soon as possible.】2:请告诉我您的银行账号信息🦃——😺🤔。今天我会支付给你🦡|🌓😢。【Please provide me your bank account information. I will make the payment to your account by today.】3:可以给我你的email吗🎖-*,方便联系🤓|-🙂🦤。【Could you 说完了⛸🐕-|🎭🦮。
In order to go to college,he studiea very hard.She work hard in order that everything can be ready in 6 o'clock.The weather was so cold that there was nobody on the street.It is two years since I saw him last time.我不确定🐣🧿_🐳🐀,不对的地方对不起啦说完了🌤🦔||🥏🦉。
1🦆|_🕷🌱:不论理由是什么🤖🙁__🥍🐀,反正我喜欢流行音乐🐃_🌏🕊。I like pop music no matter what is the reason.2🎾🦘-🐔😘:他的经历在学术生涯中一直扮演着一个重要的角色🧶|*。🥎🏒——🐼。His experience always acts as an important role in his academic life.3😄🧵————😛:还剩十分钟🌸💀——-🤬😭,既然你已经做完考题🤤🌛——-🎽,也可以现在交卷🐥🥇-🐜。It's ten minutes 说完了🐯——_⛳。
英语四级万能句型及翻译如下*——🕸🌗:1🐯💥_|🐥🦟、It goes without saying that+从句👽_🐞。2🐺🤕——-😯、I am greatly convinced (that)+从句🙁_😅。3🦝🐭--🐝🎗、Among various kinds of ……🌻-🌨🤫,主句💮_-🐗。4*|🧧🦘、Everyone knows+从句😧😬——_🐼。5🦂|🦘、As far as my knowledge is concerned, the following ways are of great help to me.万能套句🌱🐨|🙉🐆:1.在我认识的人好了吧*🤥-🦐😫!
1. Now there is a growing awareness that有帮助请点赞😕_🏵。而今人们更多地/越来越意识到有帮助请点赞🎆🦕|🦅🐂。😗🦖-🏏💥。2. It is time we explore the truth of 有帮助请点赞🐷🙉-_🐆🌹。到了我们该探索有帮助请点赞🥇🏉|_🎽🙃。的真相的时刻了🐖🪱——⛸。3. Nowhere in history has the issue been more visible.在历史上别的场合中⭐️🦁——-🐦🏉,这个问题从来没有如此明显过🦆——💀🐵。
1.宾语从句🦢🦉-——🛷😝:Do you know who can speak English well in our class?翻译*_🌳🎴:你知道我们班上谁英语说的好吗?表语从句🌱💮__🍁:The trouble is who can speak English well in our class.翻译🎳__🧿😇:问题/麻烦是我们班上是谁英语说的好呢🦖🐺-🤯。2.主语从句🥌🦈|_🧶🌞:What you will use to finish the task isn't important还有呢?