



2024-07-25 03:43:11 来源:网络


最简单的英文诗歌篇1 The Lamb 小羊(1)Little Lamb, who made thee? 小羊🐌🐓-🌗,你是谁造的?Dost thou know who made thee? 你可知道谁造你的?Gave thee life and bid thee feed 赐你生命🌾-🐌、教你吃草By the stream and o'er the mead: 在溪畔🐨-_🐌、在牧场那边🎨🌗_🦫;Gave thee clothing of delight好了吧🐬——🐩!
1🏆🐑——|*🐿、《I Stood Upon a High Place》Stephen Crane 我站在高处——斯蒂芬·克莱恩I stood upon a high place,我站在高处🐐😺|☀️😥,And saw, below, many devils 看到下面很多鬼魂Running, leaping,奔跑😎——*,跳跃⭐️——|🍁,and carousing in sin.沉醉在罪恶中🐱|_🌻。One looked up, grinning,有一个朝上看😺|🐿🦜,咧着嘴笑🦘🦢--😖🦆,And到此结束了?🦈_🐱🐆。


1*_|♥🍂、One I heard the echo, from the valleys and the heart.我听见回声🎳🌓——|🐭,来自山谷和心间🦦__🌔。Open to the lonely soul of sickle harvesting.以寂寞的镰刀收割空旷的灵魂🪰🐷————🦨。Repeat outrightly, but also repeat the well-being of.不断地重复决绝😄😛|_🦝,又重复幸福🎟🌧|🌺🎀。Eventually swaying in the desert oasis.终是什么☘🐓——-🦃。
关于经典简单的英文诗歌篇1 莎士比亚十四行诗第18首Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?能不能让我来把你比拟做夏日?Thou art more lovely and more temperate.你可是更加温和🐄😡————🌚,更加可爱🌝_🤧🐩:Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,狂风会吹落五月里开的好花儿🐥🐔|-🎄🦁,And summer's lease 说完了🦄*——_🐟。
1🎨——_😷🌲、Oh! Weep for Those 哭吧作者🦮-_♣💫:拜伦(英国)Oh! weep for those that wept by Babel's stream,哭吧☹️|——🐅💫,为巴别河畔哀哭的流民🤮_——😓:Whose shrines are desolate, whose land a dream:圣地荒凉🌈🤨-——😩🐩,故国也空余梦境🌹——-🧩;Weep for the harp of Judah's broken shell;哭吧😞🐹--🌘🤕,为了犹达断裂的琴弦🌗🙊-🐪🏓;Mourn—where好了吧🐅🐕‍🦺——_🌜!
I stood upon a high place,And saw, below, many devils Running, leaping,and carousing in sin.One looked up, grinning,And said, "Comrade! Brother!"我站在高处斯蒂芬·克莱恩我站在高处🎯🕸——😜🐽,看到下面很多鬼魂奔跑🏑🦛_🪁😲,跳跃沉醉在罪恶中🎋🦑——🦉🎄。有一个朝上看👹😪——🔮🦘,咧着嘴笑🦤-🦎,说道🧿🌹|🦃,“伙伴们*🐲_|🤥🪴!兄弟们🦅-|😥!
短小而又简单的英文诗有😪😝_😆:1🐋——_🔮🦈、To see a world in a grain of sand,一粒沙里阅世界*||🍀。And a heaven in a wild flower,一朵花中觅天堂😮*|🤬🌧。Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,无穷尽在掌心中😐-_✨。And eternity in an hour.🐵-|😉。永恒不过一刻钟🐘🦎-*。2🎏🐏|🏆🐙、If you were a teardrop;In my eye,如果你是等会说🦉🪢||🌤🤠。
英语诗歌对于提高提高学生的文化知识和综合素质*|-🐏,培养研究能力和创造能力有着十分重要的作用🦃🎄|🦗😰。我精心收集了🌕————🐹😴,供大家欣赏学习😥🔮——🥏!篇1 生命可以是一座玫瑰花园Life can be a rose garden,生命可以是一座玫瑰花园😒_✨🥊,If you change your life 如果改变生活🐿*_🌼,Change your thoughts;改变你的思想🤣💥__🙊🦛;At a height above 等会说🌺☺️_🦃👿。
有关短篇的英文诗歌篇1 《闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄》李白杨花落尽子规啼🏒😵_-✨🥅,闻道龙标过五溪*🧸——|🎇😠。我寄愁心与明月🍄🎎-☀️,随风直到夜郎西🐹*|♦🤥。To Wang Changling on His Banishment to Longbiao Li Bai As willow-down's all gone and cuckoos out with disturbing cries,I hear of thy fording five streams等我继续说🌞*——🌜。
简单好背的英文诗篇一 王维《春中田园作》屋中春鸠鸣😇🤤|_😴,村边杏花白*‍❄🎨-——🦠。持斧伐远扬🦈|🪡🌦,荷锄觇泉脉🌏😧——😫🐪。归燕识故巢🦭🎣|🦬,旧人看新历🦜😞_🥀。临觞忽不御🐏🦊————😝🥊,惆怅远行客🦂__🪶🦭。Springtide on the Farm The turtledoves in the house are cooing;The apricot deck the village with white,The mulberries are pruned with 后面会介绍🐱-|🦗。