



2024-07-11 15:12:43 来源:网络


1.He lost his health, and therefore his difficulties increased.2.The dog was hungry, so we fed it.3.Turn the heat down or your cake will burn 4.The watch was cheap, but it goes quite well.
连接词很多种🐼😍||🐹,给你几个并列连词的句子吧🦗_|🍃😳:I called him and invited him to come to our party. 我打了电话给他🦔*|——🪲🥏,邀请他参见我们的晚会🤗|-🐡🧶。I called him but he didn't answer the phone. 我打了电话给他🥊——-🦀🐤,但他没接🪅_🌾🪀。I called him so he came yesterday.我打了电话给他🔮🦔|🌖🤮,所以昨天他过来了♣-|🦌🦍。..


首先🐒_⛅️,来看以下这段带有几个连接词和很短的句子的内容: Some sentences are short. Some sentences can be very long. Both types are useful. If you use only short sentences all the time, it can be boring to read. If you use only long sentences all the time it can be confus好了吧🐤_——🦦🤒!
英语作文中表因果的连接词therfore consequently because of for the reason thus hence due to owing to so accordingly thanks to on this account since as on that account in this way for as a result as a consequence 有关“起”的l 连接词语*⛸-🌾🌛, 用语开篇或引出扩展句. 1. at first/ in the beg等我继续说🏈*_——🎏🐒。
【高考英语】连接副词 关系副词??
1.连接副词起对等连接词的作用🌕——|🤕,连接两个句子或子句🎯🐷|*😑,如🎽🦟——_⛳🤢:however, so, then, therefore🙂👹——☹️。2.连接副词通常位于子句的句首🐾-|🦌🐩,有的也可位于句中*🦙|🥎🐐。They talked about it for hours. Finally, they decided to go🦡_-🎟。他们对此商量了好几个小时🦏_-🐃🦚,最后他们决定去🎍🦏_-🦃。finally作为连接副词🦔-💐,放在句子的句首🎄——😁。I have 后面会介绍🦛——🥀🦔。
连词是一种虚词🦘-🎄,用于连接单词🦀-👿🤒、短语🍃🃏-🐊、从句或句子⛳*-🐇🦀,在句子中不单独用作句子成分😻|——🌾。连词按其性质可分为并列连词和从属连词😪——🤑。并列连词用于连接并列的单词♠||😭🐹、短语💥⚡️_🙉、从句或句子🌴🕊-🦒,如and, but, or, for等🎈——🧵;从属连词主要引出名词性从句(主语从句☺️|-🤣🦆、宾语从句🏏🌓-🏐、表语从句等)和状语从句(时间状语从句😨——✨、条件状语从句🤖🌍——🦬、目的状语从句等),是什么🦀🎄__🐵。
按使用目的🌱🐣|——☀️,句子可分为陈述句🎎——-🐿*、疑问句🎣🙊——-🐡😂、祈使句和感叹句四类🥀🥍_|😓🎋; 2. 句子按其结构可以分为简单句🦝🦛|🦀、并列句🪳🤤——🦏*、复合句三类🏓————🐙🦢。下面就考试中常见的并列句和复合句做简单介绍🦊_|🐆😳。(一)并列句1. 由and🐃*‍❄|🌸🕊、but🐈‍⬛🦦————🌪🦀、or🌵--☺️💮、so🕊*——_🦙、for等并列连词把两个简单句连接起来而成的😩-_*。例如😍🪴|_🐈‍⬛🐨: John likes playing basketball, but he didn’t 等会说🌨🌒——🐰。
When you meet Malays,if you want to give gift to Malays: do not give toy dogs or pigs to children and do not give anything made of pigskin.Also,do not wear yellow clothes.what you must remmenber is that Malay women may not shake hands with men ,so do not actively shake希望你能满意🍀-🦬🐭。
food中的and 是作为并列连词😴🐅_🌸,连接的是3个动名词🛷-⚾🎉,就不能换成which 试着比较下以下的两个句子🌹🤮-🐦。They bought two bikes, and both of them are expensive They bought two bikes, both of which are expensive.第一个句子是一个并列句🌱🧩-——🌲,而第二个句子是一个含有非限定定语从句的复合句🐝🤑——🦝。望采纳是什么😌👺——|🏈。
连接词💥——🦘:and 和*😵_🐒🐺、nor 不😝||🌏、but 但是🦟——-🦏🌿、yet 然而🌱——*🎭、so 因而☘🦋-_🪴*、hence从此😳😱——|🥏🐫、however 可是then 然后🌨-🐩、or 或者🎰*-🎖🌝,否则😷_🐜🙂、for 因为🎋⚡️_🤨🦅、as well as 也😑🌕_😐🌏、nevertheless 然而比较常用的并列连词有an🎾🕷——🦧🐅、but*|_🎋、or🌓_——💥🦀、so 例句🐬🐌|🦎😰:Bob is a good student and a good child.翻译🌿🏓——🦂:bob是个好学生🤭🐤||🦟🐒、好孩子🎆🍀|🤧。