



2024-07-14 21:27:49 来源:网络


1.The Egyptian pyramids埃及金字塔到目前为止已经被确认身份的金字塔有118座🌵-——🤯。这些金字塔无论是对游客还是埃及国内的研究者都非常有吸引力和受欢迎🐚_🦛。2.Louvre Museum in Paris 在巴黎的卢佛尔宫博物馆卢浮宫的面积达到652,300 平方英尺🎀🐣_🏑。馆内收藏有超过三万五千多件藏品🐵🐉-🐷。一些举世闻名的艺术品收藏于此☘️🐊————🎄🐺,..
1 武陵源风景区2 平遥古城3 武当山(道教)古建筑4 大足石刻The Dazu Rock Carvings.5峨嵋山风景名胜区(包括乐山大佛) Mount Emei Scenic Area 6青城山Mount Qincheng 7龙门石窟Longmen Grottoes


Tianjin Jiulongshan National Forest Park, which is located in the area of Chuanfangyu, 20 km from Jixian county to the east, is the largest forest park inside Tianjin city. The total area of the park is 2126 hectare, with three main sightseeing areas of Jiulongshan Mountain, Lim说完了🦢——🦕。
The legendary sky mirror is especially uzziah, salt marsh (Salar DE Uyuni), it is located in the southwest of Bolivia uzziah, especially near the town, is the world's largest salt marsh, thing long approximately 250 kilometers, north and south about 100 km wide, with an area等我继续说🤑-|🦥。
of Lijiang, the Quartet question, Lugu Lake, the island than in the Treasury, the Yulong Snow Mountain, Yunshaping small ropeways, Baishui River, Hanhai of…大小石林🐙||🌥、狮子亭🧩——-🎫、剑峰池🎑_——🎫、望峰亭🌩——-🎯🤡、阿诗玛😉_😈🎾、丽江古城🐓-——🙄、四方待🐞|——😝🥀、沪沽湖✨——_🐙、里务比岛🌪|-🤤、玉龙雪山🥀——🦫🥀、云杉坪小索道🦔🧶-🦗🤩、白水河🎑--🐣💐、甘海子…
翻译如下🐁|😿🦝:Jingxian County has a long history, which is known as "the old county of Hanjia and the famous area of Jiangzuo" since ancient times.Jingxian County is the place where the Southern Anhui Incident took place. The former site of the New Fourth Army is one of the 100 说完了🐁_😬🎗。
The five scenic spots are very beautiful, must go to visit more oh.
2.In beautiful Melbourne Zoo,there's about 250 species of animal from all over the world.The zoo is just five minutes' walk from downtown.It opens at 9 o'clock every morning. Usually it is closed at 5 pm, except for the zoo's concert of twilight series in particular 希望你能满意🦗||🏸🦭。
PROPYLON的宫殿This is the main entrance to the palace complex and is located at its northwest corner.这是主入口宫殿和位于其西北一角🦆————😀。On the north side of the propylon Lay a paved court, at a lower level, at which terminated the two streets leading to the summit of the hill好了吧🐑🌲|🐩🙂!
1.清明上河园(Qingming Riverside Landscape Garden)为一大型历史文化主题公园Qingming Riverside Landscape Garden is a large-scaled history park .2.大相国寺(Daxiangguo Temple)以其传说闻名遐迩Daxiangguo Temple is famous for its great legends.3.包公祠(Lord Bao Mdmorial Temple)每年吸引着后面会介绍🐅|🪅🧐。