



2024-07-18 19:39:05 来源:网络


英文收到礼物的感谢信范文一dear laura,i was truly enraptured beyond expression to receive your flowers which turn edour living room into a garden. how considerate and wonderful of you to remember my birthday. you just couldnt have selected anything i had have liked more! you have 是什么🧶-|👺。
范文一 Dear Aunt Mary,What a beautiful Christmas gift you sent me! A fitted bag is something I’ve wanted for a long time, but could never get for myself.Thank you so much, Aunt Mary, I’ll have the bag for years and years, and I’ll think of you with gratitude a还有呢?


英文感谢信 收到生日礼物要感谢别人??
Thank you. (谢谢🐕--🛷!) You're welcome. (不客气☹️_🕷。2🐇|-🤒、多谢🌺-|🦖! Thanks.比Thank you.较随便些🌜🌤——_🦆🥇。3🐔🤣-🦅🌦、非常感谢🦅🦚_🦈! Thank you very much.4. 真是非常感谢🐵🦇-👺。Much appreciated. Thank you.appreciate “感激”🐃|-💮、“感谢”😽__🐊,多在美国南部使用🦑_-🦇。 I appreciate it.5🔮🧿_🐹🌵、谢谢您的好意😚🎨|🌾😽。Thanks for your kindness到此结束了?🦛|_🌵。
I am very lucky to have you as my friends and classmates!Yours,Li Hua
1🐟🌦_🎄、Thank you for providing the requested information.感谢您提供的请求信息🦡🖼-_🍃🍄。2🌟🎫-*‍❄、Thank you for all your assistance.感谢您的一切协助🦗__🤮。3🐆🐦|——😵*、Thank you for raising your concerns.谢谢您的关心🎳-🐕。4🥉-_🥀、Thank you for your kind co-operation.谢谢🐘🤒|🦠🌍,合作愉快🐷——😨。5🦐——-🐭、Thank you for your attention to this 说完了🪴😴——😳。
Dear Joan:Thank you for your Christmas gift.I'm very happy.I like the gift.Because i think the gift is very beautiful,and it's useful for me.Once again, thank you for giving me this gift.I want to meet you,but i'm very busy now .Looking forward to meeting with you等我继续说😎-🐣🐐。.
Dear Friends,I just wanted to thank you again for the birthday party last night.I was really happy when everyone sang the Happy Birthday song.I liked your wonderful presents too.It was a really nice s有帮助请点赞🐗-🐿🐃。
because I have never seen an Italian glass. I like it so much. When my friends see them, they like it too. Thanks again. I hope I will give you a gift in return. What do you want? Please tell me in your next letter.Best Wishes,Yours,Li Ming 写得不好😹🦮-_🐬,仅供参考🐍|🙈🤡!
Hi John, thank you so much for your scarf! It's very nice and I really like it. This is the BEST present I receive for this Christmas. Thank you again my friend.