



2024-07-18 10:33:47 来源:网络


请帮忙翻译下英文,大概意思一样就行 谢谢???
英文翻译🐲🏒--🌿:We are so aware of your meaning ,furthermore,these days,I am looking for other customers who are also interested in the development of this Trim Kit so that mould /die fees could be shared among all the customers .however ,I have not been informed whether they are a到此结束了?🐋|🤒🕸。
Since we have signed an agreement with A company, under which they have the exclusive selling rights of this proudcts in European markets. We will have to undertake a huge sum of compensation once we are found to be reselling the products to other companies. After internal discuss好了吧😘🦚--🐝🐑!


Cheng Cheng's family, fourth-generation heir to the United States came back from as far away, in the way back, it was in his bedroom cabin hiding drugs, coincidentally, because he changed the compartment with others, to hide the past. And his cabin for a pair of Chinese coup有帮助请点赞😔-🐆🦋。
1.People in the disaster area that suffered flood are hungry for food,clothing and medicine.遭受水灾地区的人民急切需要食品😱_🏵🐏,衣服和药品2.He watched the TV series all night long,no wonder she looks tired.他整夜看电视连续剧🦘🙊_🎃,难怪他看上去那么疲惫3.If I were you, I won't get in还有呢?
friends with you all in this summer trip.Thank you!=== fond of 喜欢🪳🐐——-*😓,爱好☘——🦄。lead to 是通向😀_——*🎯,导致😺⛳-🪢,虽然中文是“生”但在英文里不能这么直译🦠|-*🤯,而是要用由什么到什么😽🐃——🌗🦟。开阔🎽🤣——|🌾:broaden/widen都可以🐿🐵|-😢🐽。invaluable🎭-_🌎:无价的🤩——-🐓🙈,价值无法衡量的*|🎍🎖。这才是珍贵的东西🍀🎐-🦋🏆,也是友谊不可用钱来买的🎾🦧|👽🥏。
Thank you for allowing me to love you so much that I have given all I have to love you I selfishly want to possess you But love is replaced by blessing I will use all of my courage for this love no matter there is no leeway but giving 够伤感的啊……哎Good luck to 还有呢?
帮忙翻译一下英文 谢谢 +分??
Cold Flame 利用冷焰现象实现轻油的预蒸发燃烧Realization of Pre-evaporation Combustion of Light Oil through the Use of a Cold Flame Phenomenon
订单实不足以达到我司要求开发新品的数量🤢_🐔。我们也还在与开发部同事协商🐓——🤭。Even if you are willing to invest part of the mold fee, but 500pcs orders are not enough to meet our requirements to develop new products. We are still negotiating with colleagues in development department等会说😄🪢|🐐😔。.
meeting to discuss with it. We will correct the quality, and we promise that there will not be the same problem from now on. My boss takes much count of the market foreground in Vietnam. Your information is very important for us. Thank you !没有完全按照字面翻译*_-🐀,仅供参考🐯-|🦋😩。
team’s next steps are to use cameras to monitor how the flower’s tiny seeds break through the thick vines and grow.大花草属31种巨头花记录😳🐄-🦎。它是一种寄生植物🦊-🐩🦒,就像它的兄弟姐妹👺🪢|-🤗🐤。为了生存🐬🎄——|🦕,水蛭水和养分葡萄树的根🎽-|😎。团队的下一个步骤是使用摄像头监控花的小种子冲破厚厚的藤蔓和成长🌙☺️|_🐝。