



2024-07-17 19:19:28 来源:网络


关于日常英语对话带翻译1 bite the hand that feeds one 恩将仇报A:Why did you go out of your way to help a person like Joe?A:你怎么竭尽全力地去帮像乔这样的人🙉——😀。B:He said he needed my help, I'm not the one who see other people suffer with folded arms.B🤠🦚-_🏅🌼:他说他需要我还有呢?
全手工翻译一A conversation about taking the language course abroad 一段关于在外国上语言课的对话xiao Li and xiao wang met each other on their way home 小李和小王在他们回家路上碰面了LiHi*🤢————🛷🐽!xiao🤣🐓-🌹🌏。1对话英语是Dialogue🌼——🐤🥋,英式读音#712da#618#601l#594ɡ*🌸——🦘🐺,美式读音#712da#618#601#716l#5有帮助请点赞🐓🦍——-🌺。


英语情景对话带翻译一 Daniel😈_——🕸🐑:Pig Tom is over there.汤姆猪在那边🐂🏉-——⛸。May🐑————😆:Pig Tom?汤姆猪?Daniel🐗__🦒🌛:That's Tom's nickname.汤姆的绰号♣🌲||🦤。May🎇——💐:You are always a naughty boy.你总是很调皮🧿|_😔。Daniel🌸🌵|🌕:It's just me. Hey, Barbie, say hello to Pig Tom.没错🥈_——⛅️,这就是我😛|——🐾。喂🐳-🌙🦤,芭比🏵🌿_🌵*,快和汤姆说完了😓🐽_-☘️🦝。
Tom: What do you know is the earliest artistic form?你知道中国文学中产生最早的艺术形式是什么吗?Jerry: What is it?是什么?Tom: Should it be the poem?应该是诗歌吧?Jerry: Oh, I see, something like the The Book of Songs?哦🐌🦖_🌳🥀,我知道了🐟🎳_🧐,像《诗经》那种吧?Tom: Absolutely, The Bo还有呢?
一A🐺——👺🦔:My German teacher thought it would be a good idea to have German pen friends to write to in German.我的德语老师建议我们交个德国笔友练习写德语🐉*——|🌈。B🦋--🌏:What a great idea! Now you have a friendly audience to practice with!这真是个好主意🦒|🍀🎱!这样你就有一个友善的练习物件🐰——*🦩!A🪆||🦋🦖:The 到此结束了?🦛__🐁😝。
翻译如下🦚|_🦣🙀:Role-play the conversation.翻译🌍🦔_😓*:分角色表演对话😤🐬-🌩🐫。Julie🌙——_😟:Did you like the singing comperition yesterday🐑🐄_🐓,Anna?翻译♟🙉——😸:朱莉🦒_🕊:你喜欢昨天的唱歌比赛吗😔🏑|🐗,安娜?Anna🦃-|🌼🕸:Oh🐸😘_——🐪😩,it was fantastic! Nelly sang so well!翻译🐹|🏸:安娜🐕‍🦺|🥀:哦🏅🏵_|🎊,好极了🦕🐝|🌥!内莉唱得太好了🌝-_🎏😁!Julie🎣——-🦔🐥:Well🐤🤠_😆🏸,l think Lisa sang 有帮助请点赞🎏——|🪄🧿。
情景英语对话短文带翻译1 Learning Chinese “汉语热”Katbottno: Hi. Chuck. Nice to see you back at work. How was your tnp to China?你好💥|🏵,查克*😍-🤭🦎,很高兴看到你回来上班🦈🪢_——🌖🐂。你的中国之行怎么样啊?Chuck: It was so great that I wish I could stay longer.简直太棒了😝|🐜🥀!我希望是什么*🐦————🐒。
大学英语2人对话短文带翻译一 Tom🏉-👽:Do you guys carry ramen?你们有拉面吗?Linda⚾🦍——🤪🔮:What's that?那是什么面?Tom🌙|——🎍:You know, like instant noodles.就是泡面一类的东西🐦_-🎄。Linda🎄🪡|🌤😃:Oh, that would be in the pasta aisle.哦😸——⛸🍀,那应该在面食那排里🐰|🐘。Tom🏵🧸————🦚:Which aisle is that?是哪排啊?Linda🌦-🌴🏒:Right是什么🦣-🎉。
1🥅🦏——|🐄、I have left my key in my room, and now i cannot get in. could you open the door for me?我把钥匙落在了屋里🌸🐑-🌧😰,进不了屋🌱🎿-🥌🐖,你能帮我把门打开吗?That's what i am here for.我来这儿就是干这个的🦛_😓🐝。2🌝————🦖、How much do you charge?多少钱?One hundred and fifty*🕷-🦒🐀。一百五🐰——🎉😈。3🕸🕷_-🌸🦡、John,到此结束了?🦎-🦠💀。