



2024-07-02 04:00:14 来源:网络


你耕田来我织布you plough and I weaving 我挑水来你浇园you water greengrocery while I hold a barrel 寒窑虽破能避风雨the cave can stop coldness although broken 夫妻恩爱苦也甜life is hard but we feel happy 从今再不受那奴役苦slave's life is over till now 夫妻双双把家还g有帮助请点赞🐬🐊——🎿🐽。
With pairs of birds singing on the tree So green rivers and mounts look great Picking a flower off conveniently I put it in my dear’s chignon affectionately From now on being of enslaving-free My wife and I are on the way home free You may plough and I will make some tex等会说🐵*__🪱。


《The husband and wife's double's double pair of's house return 》🐽🤿-🦅:夫妻双双把家还陈小芳&夏承平树上的鸟儿成双对绿水青山绽笑颜从今再不受那奴役苦夫妻双双把家还你耕田来我织布我挑水来你浇园寒窑虽破能抵风雨夫妻恩爱苦也甜你我好比鸳鸯鸟比翼双飞在人间树上的鸟儿成双说完了🎋🦄——🐷🪆。
Guanghui blossoming smile From now and then from that bitter slavery Both husband and wife around the house also You plow to my weaving I carry water to pour your garden Although kiln arrived cold wind and rain can break Bitter sweet loving husband and wife also I like your birds等我继续说🌗-——🐵。
《夫妻双双把家还》的歌词树上的鸟儿成双对绿水青山绽笑颜从今再不受那奴役苦夫妻双双把家还你耕田来我织布我挑水来你浇园寒窑虽破能抵风雨夫妻恩爱苦也甜你我好比鸳鸯鸟比翼双飞在人间music 树上的鸟儿成双对绿水青山绽笑颜从今再不受那奴役苦夫妻双双把家还你耕田来我织布说完了🪶-🐪。
I put it in my dear’s chignon affectionately From now on being of enslaving-free My wife and I are on the way home free You may plough and I will make some textile I shoulder water you do some watering while Being so humble, our house can keep out wind A loving couple 等会说🌤-|⛅️🐋。
英文版夫妻双双把家还 mp3英文版??
So green rivers and mounts look great Picking a flower off conveniently I put it in my dear’s chignon affectionately From now on being of enslaving-free My wife and I are on the way home free You may plough and I will make some textile I shoulder water you do some watering是什么🐜🐳|——🤮🕸。
夫妻恩爱苦也甜life is hard but we feel happy 从今再不受那奴役苦slave's life is over till now 夫妻双双把家还go back home after work 你我好比鸳鸯鸟you and me are like a couple of mandarins 比翼双飞在人间happily live on the world 参考资料🎇——😨:好了吧🐡🦠_|👻🌼!