



2024-07-17 02:52:12 来源:网络


1.讨论观点类文章🎟🌗--♠🐜:Nowadays,there is a growing concern over such a phenomenon that_ .如今🐘🦔-——🐖,人们越来越关注这种现象——(这是第一步🦁|😃,提出观点🎗😜_🐣🐉。Different people have different views on___.Some people think that___, others argue that ___.不同的人有不同的观点🙄|🤿,一些人觉有帮助请点赞🤮|🐜🐊。
英语作文范文100字及译文篇1 Many traditional arts are losing nowadays, because some of them have been replaced by the new machines and the scientific products. I feel so sorry about the losing arts, in my opinion, they are so classic and their charm will never fade away. Take等我继续说🐼|🐬*‍❄。


Although home cooking is time-consuming and following washing-u p tiresome, it offers healthy and delicious meals your body likes and needs. 英语四级作文必背万能句子一😵_*、用于作文开头的万能模板 1🦌😎_|🌔、Many people insist that有帮助请点赞🥊_🦭*。 很多人(坚持)认为……这句话乍看没亮点🐫-🦑🐨,但将众人皆知的"think"换为"i有帮助请点赞😥-|☀️*。
四级满分英语作文It's well known that books are the quintessence of human wisdom. Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. There are many famous sayings about reading throughout the history such as Reading makes a full man. Indeed, the importance of reading can neve希望你能满意🎍_🐇。
1. My Mother My mother is a housewife. She is a nice and hardworking woman. She can cook very well. My mother is also very gentle. She loves me and seldom scold me. When I did something wrong, she will tells me and teaches me on how to do it correctly. I love my 还有呢?
【四级作文参考范文】Dear Jack,I am so glad to hear that you will pay a visit to China next month. Since you told me you are interested in learning Chinese, I am writing this letter to recommend you some famous and interesting attractions for better understanding Chinese characters到此结束了?🌖*-_🐥🐓。
一🦝💫——*、用于作文开头的万能模板⛅️|🤒☄️:1🌚😱——_🐌、Many people insist that到此结束了?🌵*|——🐅。 很多人(坚持)认为……2🪢_⛳、With the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that到此结束了?🦔😖_🎄。 随着科技的发展🎉🌘__🦮,越来越多的人认为……3🦡🐨-_🙃、A lot of people seem to think that到此结束了?🐲-😨🐹。 很多人似乎认为……二🐅🦐-|⭐️🤢、引出不同到此结束了?🐭_-🐑。
1. 题目party iv writing英语作文1有人以音乐或运动为业余爱好🍁🪴——🤕,2有人的 Teaching grammar is always regarded very difficult because it may be very boring and the students may not participate actively. This semester we have learned some principles for teaching grammar, and we enjoyed a 还有呢?
【#英语资源# 导语】大学英语四级考试已成为我国最普遍🐳🐵-*、最权威的英语水平考核标准🌷|🦔🎉。下面是由考网带来的四级英语作文开头常用的句子🐥_——🤬🦝,欢迎阅读🤨*_⛈🕷! 【篇一】四级英语作文开头常用的句子1.There is no consensus of opinionsamong people as to …some people tend to have a favorable attitude后面会介绍🦌😂_|🪀🐚。