



2024-07-20 06:24:24 来源:网络


I watched TV yesterday.She danced before.He visited relatives before.Ann sang this morning.Amy surfed the net before.Bill played before.Ben had lunch before.Bingbing ate sonmething before.Gogo drank cola.Tony saw a movie before是什么🐡🐏|🦚。.
1.一般现在时🦘——😆:如我是西华大学的一名老师—I'm a teacher of Xihua University.(am为一般现在时态🐣_🎁,指我目前正在西华上班)😡_——🐫。2.一般过去时🦖_🥍:已经过去的事情🎰🐕--🐚🐨。以上句为例—I was a teacher of Xihua University.(be动词用的是过去时态☘🐽-🦟,指我曾是那里的老师🌿🦂-——🐥,现在已不是)🦘-_🐜;3.一般将来时🌹|🍀:可以预见的后面会介绍🎨__👿😪。


一般过去时的定义在过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态🦫🙀|🐿🎀。一般所在的句子有很明确的过去时间状语⛅️😊-🐽,如yesterday😄-🤤*,last week😩🥏|🐅,two years ago 现在进行时的定义是指动作从过去某时候开始🐼_|🪳🤓,持续到现在🏑|🎳,也有可能会继续持续下去🦬🐕_-🎄🐨,强调对现在的影响🐍|🎋*。常用时间状语😎——|*🌈,recently🐒🐕‍🦺_-🪳,in the past years🦅|🦟,since😏|-🦅😎,yet等🎰⭐️|——🎮。两者好了吧🐺-🌍!
last holiday,l went to library.l read a book.l was happy🙁🌸-|🐼*!
...做作业的句子(Du homework)。一般进行时、过去式、现在进行时,一般...
He does his homework. 一般进行时He did his homework. 过去式He is doing his homework. 现在进行时He doesn't do his homework.一般进行时的否定Does he do his homework?一般进行时的疑问He isn't doing his homework.现在进行时的否定Is he doing his homework?现在进行时的否定后面会介绍🏓🦢——🐊。
up.My homework has been finished.All that has been past.Leifeng will be remembered forever.The students are asked to finish the work.My pen is broken.They are lead to the cinema by their teacher.The dog is taken good care of.(小狗被照顾的很好)His leg was hit by a car说完了🪲😠——_🐺🎀。.
第一句The cat has a rat.这猫有一个老鼠🥈||🐿,表示拥有的状态使用现在时🦟🌚-✨。第二句The rat ran at Ann.这老鼠跑向了Ann🦗_|😿🙊,应该是指过去跑向⛈_🪆,用过去式第三句Ann has a cat.Ann有一个猫🌷-🐏,表示拥有的状态使用现在时🎿——|😷。第四句The cat ran at the rat. 这个猫(Ann的猫)🐅🪄————😘🤥,跑向了这个老鼠💫🥋_|🦄🏓,和第二是什么😓-——🎃🐝。
1.would be able 这里是虚拟语气(从句子意思看出)🐚🏒——|🦖🦇。意思🐘🦑|_🧿:如果你早点告诉我🌩|——⛳🍀,我就能帮到你了😐*|——*。(但你没有早点告诉我)2.couldn't have made 也是虚拟语气🦕——💐。句子翻译🤿🥈————🎲:如果你细心一点就不会犯这错误啦🏒🐁_🤥。(就是因为你没细心)3.could have come 同样虚拟语气😎-_😿😆。句子翻译🐱🪁|🐏🐌:如果你来了🏸🦖--🪳🐂,我们就会更希望你能满意🤓——_🐡🐼。
1.what are you doing?I am washing my clothes.what were you doing then?I was washing my clothes.what are you going to do?I am going to wash my clothes
第一个句子是错的🕷|_🌗。这句话是一般过去时🦟🐟_-🐆,一般过去时的否定式是在动词原形前加否定的助动词didn't🦙🐼_🧵,所以写成🥇——_🏅:I didn't go to school yesterday because I was ill.注意🐇🙁_——🎃,because引导的原因状语从句如果放在主句的后面🐕🌱——😥🐾,因为这个连接词已经把两个句子分隔得很清楚🐕‍🦺😲_🦍🐬,所以不需要加标点符号🀄_🤭。第三句🐣🌱_——🦟🐼、第四到此结束了?🐤|-😹。