



2024-07-25 21:23:22 来源:网络


听广播 英语怎么说???
听广播listen to the radio
Hello to all our listeners😏🐦-|🐵,welcome to listen to the broadcast.


Going to listen to the radio
我爷爷很喜欢听广播.英语😿_|🙄:1) My grandpa likes listening to radio.2) My grandfather likes to listen to broadcating.
hear; listen; obey; accept 名词tin; can [动]1 (用耳朵接受声音)hear; listen:去听音乐会go to a concert;听不清楚can not hear clearly;听新闻广播listen to the news programme;兼听则明🦕✨——🐖,偏信则暗🐁-🎉🐣。Listen to both sides and you will be enlightened; heed only one side and希望你能满意🎨————😸🦏。
你可以听英语广播🐵*-——👽🐨,这是一个很有名的教学节目(1) Why not listen to English radio ?This is a very famous teaching programme.(2) Why don't you listen to English broadcast ? It is a very well-known teaching program.(3) Why don't you go to listen to English broadcast ? It好了吧☘️🌩||🐝!
英语English 广播broadcast 用收音机on the radio 例子🌘🍃-|🐸✨:I often listen to the radio on the way to work.上班的路上🥅_😹,我经常听收音机😝__👿。Did you hear something on the radio?你在无线电中听到某消息了吗?注意🐩--*🐪:通过🌼--🥋,用收音几前的介词为on 但是表达在无线电广播中讲话用over🐁_-🎱😇,为talk over有帮助请点赞🦅☀️||🐌✨。
Morning everyone! xxx is here again with you guys.同学们早🐐————🌻🌟!欢迎收听某某带来的广播Time flys, and our schools annual sports day is coming around the corner!光阴似箭🐬_|🦂,一年一度的运动会又要到了are you guys excited?你们是不是很兴奋呢?ok, lets talk about the events on the 说完了🐑🦗_|🦀😔。
求一篇较好的英语作文 题目是关于听英语广播或英语听力的好处的作文就...
我们知道很多有价值的书用英语书写We must know English to read them. 我们必须要懂英语才能读他们Furthermore, we should also learn English if we want to do business with foreign countries, because English is spoken by the majority of foreigners.更重要的是🐟🌴|😶🤬,我们也应该学会英语如果我们要跟后面会介绍😞-😥。
小学英语广播稿有在广播站锻炼的学生😕|🐕😿,我们广播前一般都会提前准备好广播稿🏏🐚——|🦆🐩,一流的广播稿会带来更好的节目效果🌔-🦊😋,那么应当如何写广播稿呢?以下是我整理的小学英语广播稿🥎🌔-——🐅,欢迎阅读与收藏*🐈——_🕹☺️。小学英语广播稿1 1⛅️♥-🐕‍🦺*、播放栏目主题音乐2🦌🌔_🎗🐟、广播A:Hello,boys and girls. B:Hello,teachers. AB:Welcome to our English Corn说完了⭐️🦁--😨。