



2024-07-11 19:22:14 来源:网络


《八年级英语用词适当形式填空》由liuxue86.com我整理☺️_🌸🦆。本内容整理时间为05月12日😘🌻|_🌿,如有任何问题请联系我们👽🌏——-🤣🤢。1. I want___(buy) a book.2. Sunday is ___ (1) day of a week.3. He'd like ___ (go) with tom.4. They all enjoy ___ (speak) English.5. This story is as _说完了🌤-🦎🤔。
1🎲*-🌸*、Mary_translated___(translation)the story into Chinese and we undestood it.2🤥_-🦚、Li Tao,my__spelling___(spell),is not good.What should I do?3🌵😚-*🦥、On New Year's Day,I often receive some _messages___(message)from my friends.4😑🐾|_😂🐓、The writing is good but there are some __mista还有呢?


Parents are supposed to warn their children to the Internet. 八年级英语试题参考答案及评分标准二♣*-|🤭🐗、单项填空(共15小题🍁——-🐓🐓,计15分)21—25 BBDAC 26—30 ADBBC 31—35 DCBAD三😞🌷__🏓🎁、完形填空(共10小题😕😽-_🤯,计10分) 36—40 BBACD 41—45 CBDBD 四🤗——🕊、阅读理解(共12小题🦃🐌_-🐃,计18分)46—49 CCDB 50—53 ABDD 54—..
为你解答🦘🤓——|🐷。1🦇🕹-_*、They all (agree🏅🦂|——🐗🐵,同zd意)that old people were cleverer than young people.他们都同意老年人比年轻人要聪明些🌛_🙄🦔。2🌩🌤-🎍😦、That's (why🌞——_🪀,为什专么)I'm as strong as before.那就是我为什么像以前属一样结实的原因*♥-🦏。
1.all the best 2.lie in 3.bump into 4.cut out 5.as well as 6.rather than 7.disabled 8.politics 9.handkerchief 10.basement 11.microscope 12.up until 1.A ___ is a room or area in a building that is under the level of the ground.2.His parents would just like to w希望你能满意🐏🦌-_🐼🪱。
1.behind time 过了时刻🌏🎋_🐗👿,迟了behind the time 落在时代后面🌝👺-——🐵,不合时The train is ten minutes behind time. 火车晚点十分钟🌵🦁-🦡💐。Such books are behind the times. 这种书落后于时代了*|——🐚😪。2.by day 在白天by the day 计日🌝|🥋😃,论日*-🎈🐄,按日计They don’t work by day but by night. 他们白天后面会介绍🎉|——*🌕。
3😏_🌈、Helen _rode__(ride)her bike to work this morning because of the heavy traffic.4🦂|🥀🦬、Gina _was having__(have)breakfast when the bell_rang__(ring)5🐇🪅-——🧶🪳、Roy __watched_(watch)a movie on TV at nine o 'clock yesterday evening.6😩——🌜、While my mother _was cooking__(cook)in the 还有呢?
1.Hi,kids,__help yourselves_ to some dishes.(自便☘️-|😤🕊,像在自己家里一样🎽🐗_🐃,常用于到别人家做客吃饭)2.Be more careful,or you_ _hurt yourself ___.(小心🐓|😒,否则你会伤到自己)3.She often __teach herself_ __French after work.(下班后🧸🐾|——🦠,她常常自学法语)4.Simon_ is pulling 还有呢?
初二英语阅读理解题以及答案下面是我给大家提供的关于八年级的'英语阅读理解的练习以及答案✨🦢-😘,大家一起来看一下吧😸🦆_😣!第一篇🦫_🥌:Long, long ago there were only a few thousand people in the world. These people move form place to place over the land, hunting animals for food.No one knows how希望你能满意🐦——🐍🎨。
1.When he was 15,his father ___ him to work on farm for one year when he was free.A.asked B.let C.made D.stopped 参考答案🦦🐌——⚡️🪁:A 分析🥋😤_🤣:固定的用法ask sb. to do sth.根据句中"to work"可知选A 2.The boy got up early and worked ___ until evening ,just like any other 等会说🌸-🎯🐏。