



2024-07-11 23:35:38 来源:网络


初一英语作文🦁🎭_🦐🐈:我的网友(My Net Friend)初二英语作文🪅——-🐖:如何过周末(How to spend sunday)初一英语作文🤬|——*:石器时代的人们(Stone Age People)初二英语作文*__🍂😈:我的暑假初二英语作文🌲-🐋:种花(planting flowers)初一英语作文🐅--😵:修理电视机(Repairing a TV Set)初二英语英语🥀👿——|🐼🏐:过去🐣🐍————⚡️🌔,现在和将来(Past,Now And Future)初一英语作文🕷🪅_🦉💐:上学路等我继续说🦒——☘🥍。
1. my ?favourite friend 2.my ?favourite star 3.my family 4.my day 5.my school 6.my english/manth/chinese/history/p.e./music/homeroom teacher 7.my hoileday plan 8.talk with (某个人) on the phone? 9自我介绍10.my favourite food 11.my favourite sport 12.a happy day 13有帮助请点赞😕||🙈。


1🧧🐫|😣😒、They went the back door into the garden🏅⛅️——_😺。A🪁🌝||🌷🤐。over B🐑_🤧🍁、through C😤🤣_🎃、in D🐋——🎽🤥、out 答案详细解析🦡🐗——🎯🦄:以上是考查go through 用法🎄*_——😓🐡,意思*-🐡🧶,穿过*🦙|——🏑,通过🎀__🐚,整个句子意思☹️🦅——🐏:他们穿过后门进入了花园🐣_🦑😤:所以答案为B 2🦢_😇、I was surprised ___him here .A😴——-🦋🌷、at see B🐳🦏-*‍❄、at seeing C🎿🦚-🙀、in see D等会说🦕🦅——-🪱。
The lesson I learned from this is that if you realize your mistakes, you should correct them at once, or you may leave yourself lasting regrets.初中英语作文题目3 I love weekend, because I can do many things. I can read books, watch TV and play some games……On Monday, 希望你能满意🎍💐|_🐇🌕。
1 which 2 in which 3 that 4 the one 答案🦜——🎆:2 解释🦐🥎-😞:这里是定语从句🤕__🛷🐽,which代替the river🐦🌦_-🐦,把从句语序调整过来就是I can swim in which(the river),这里关系词要做in的宾语🐀🐜——_🌴,而且in在前面只能用which不能用that🐓||🦕,如果river前面的the省略的话可以选择4 They went back to help the man是什么🐾|🐕。
1.--What are those?--They___ are rulers.2.On___my___way home,I met my friend Jack.3.--___who_is your English teacher?4.Lily and Lucy are sisters._They___are in the same class.5.He is a big boy and he can do it by___himself_6._What___is the weather好了吧🐦|👹🍀!
初中英语作文题目1 It is well known that exercise is important. In our school, we have to do an hour's exercise every day. Many students are very happy. In the one hour, some of us play basketball, football and ping pong, and some run around the playground. Everyone is后面会介绍🌼_——🌥。
一🤿🦃|🤣。1.certain 2.seriously 3.includes 4.playground 5.visitors 6.allowed 7.organized 8.collecting 9.apologize 10.complained 11.acts 12.moving 13.graduated 14. festival 15.traffic 二. behavior 2. dead 3. fell lay 三. 1.recently/these days 2. in the neighborhood 3.sb等我继续说☺️|——🐅😴。.
1.my favourite star:介绍一位你喜欢的明星(成龙👿|🦗、贝克汉姆🐆_🏏🏉、布兰妮)2.my partner:介绍你的搭档(一般是好朋友)3.our school:描述你的学校(用写信方式)4.my family:谈谈你的家庭(有多少人🦕_-🦆,几个兄弟姐妹🦇😆_🌳,他们的名字🎰--🐒🐈,性格等会说🤔😃__🦂🐁。)5.Food and drink:make a food and drink poster(写一些健康等会说👽🌵_🐖🥇。
1🌤||🌓、Internet 现在网络对青少年的影响越来越大🏈🤿——|🦓🪅,请你谈谈你对网络利弊的理解🐡🦚_🤡,利大于弊还是弊大于利?为什么?2🌻*-🌱🦃、Holiday 谈谈你的假期🎽|🐕,去了哪里🐩——|🦒,做了什么🤕⭐️|-😛,和谁一起去的🦚-_🦮🦔,怎么去的🐪🤢_——🐃🦜,何时去的?3☹️|🦩🐣、Letter 请你给你远在美国的笔友sarah写一封信🐜|👽🥅,简单介绍下你自己的学习😼——😅,生活😂🏒--🙈☄️,和兴趣爱好等🦈-🏵。4说完了🥏-_*🦈。