



2024-07-04 04:29:06 来源:网络


PS😺————🎇🦆:你最后一个thirteen dollars**——😚✨,我感觉你是不是打错了🌝|——🦓*,应该是3 dollars?如果是的话就翻译成3美元🌓——🦢,不是就用我上面的翻译13美元🏓🥇|🌘🐨。


09湖北孝感英语中考阅读You may know the word “astronaut”.翻译
It means “Chinese astronaut”in English. It comes from the Chinese pinyin “taikong”and the English word “astronaut”. In 1998, a Malaysian Chinese scientist used the word for the first time. Since then, because of the fast development of China’s space industry(工业) mo等我继续说🐉——😨🐥。
Of all the things we eat and drink🌾_🐄,water is the 1 most important.The human body can go 2 without food for a long time🐸_🐗🐾,but two 3 or three days without water could make people 4 die.A lot of people don’t understand how 5 much water the human body needs 6 to work 后面会介绍🐄——🦩🤧。
【2010贵阳中考英语阅读B的原文及翻译】BEIJING-Lights went out for an hour at some famous landmarks and homes all over the world on March 28 for Earth Hour 2010.3月28日为了呼应2010年“地球一小时”北京一些著名建筑物和房屋熄灯一小时🛷_-🌿。It is a global event created by the WWF(World好了吧😤💐——🐉!
" Chinese style road crossing" refers to large crowds of Chinese people crossing roads, no matter whether the traffic light is green or red. Maybe you really don't want to cross the road like that in your deep heart but you still do that for some reasons.Indeed, the 好了吧🐅♥——-🐉!
Tony Wheeler was born to travel. His father worked for an airline. For the first 16 years of his life, Wheeler and his family lived in many different countries.托尼惠勒天生适合旅行🎋_-🦢。他的父亲在航空公司工作🐯🤓_👿😸。在他生命中的第一个16年🦎_🥉。惠勒和他的家人住在不同的国家♟🤩|😂🐾。In the early 后面会介绍🦒🌷|-😲。
This is so that other companies cannot make a product and, in fact, be buying something different.该句子前还有一句🐨🐱-_🥎☹️:In many countries, successful trade or brand names are protected by law.合起来这样理解🥍😬——-😐:在很多国家里🤭-*🐑,优势贸易或者著名品牌都会被法律所保护🪢_-🦛😧,这导致其他公司不能生产这种到此结束了?👽——♣。
那么🎎|🤒🦟,什么是“翻译”上面的句子吗?My summer holidays were a complete waste of time.我的暑假完全是浪费时间🐲--😾。Before, we used to go to New York to see my brother, his girlfriend, and their three screaming kids face to face.以前我们去纽约看我的哥哥😕——|🤮🌾,他的女朋友🦗🐳-_🌦,以及他们的三个孩子还有呢?