



2024-07-06 20:33:32 来源:网络


Children :over 12 .00 Except(除)FridayUnder12 Free(免票) 10:00a.m—3:00p.mKeep the zoo clean!Don’t touch , give good food or go near the animals!1.How many kinds of animals are talked about in the passage?A.four B.five C.six D.seven2.Now Mr Smith is in the zoo with h希望你能满意🐏-🐘🦢。
she saw a piece of paper,on it were the words,“Mother,5 at 7 o’clock tomorrow morning.Father.”When Mr Brown woke up the next morning,it was nearly 8 o’clock.On a small table near his bed he saw another piece of 6 .He took it and read these words,“Father,wake 说完了🐫🎋_🕹🎗。


Mary is an American schoolgirl. She is now in Beijing with her parents. She doesn't know Chinese, but she is trying (努力) to study and speak it. She often tries to speak Chinese to her Chinese friends. Sometimes they don't understand (理解) her, because she can't speak Chinese well等我继续说🤠————😰。
一🦈😂——🦍🦏、1~5 BCDCC 6~10 DBACB二😞🌴-🤠、1.volunteering 2.noisy 3.changed 4.studying 5.to keep 三🥈_-🙄、1.It seems 2.How would 3.Whose house 4.should be allowed 5.don't;is 四🐝🐊_|🎆、1.is strict with 2.is good for 3.concentrates more on 4.at present 5.the other day 6.failed the exam有帮助请点赞⛳_|🐳🎁。
考试重点 七年级下??
II✨-_🎗、完形填空1---5 B C D A D 6---10 B A D B CIII😞🐥||*、句型转换1. What’s job 2. What does want 3. has no 4. Why do 5. does come 6.How do 7. don’t or 8. Why notIV. 阅读理解1---5 BDADB V书面表达Wanted: Are you a teacher of math or English in the middle说完了😀🐜——🐺🦢。
一🐣__🐜🐘、完形填空🌹😜-|🎨,做此题型要从以下几个方面入手🐭|🐕♦。1) 重视首句的开篇启示作用🐌🦜_-🌔。2) 通读全文🎀——🌓👺,弄懂大意🌳🎣_——🐹🕸。3) 符合短文内容🐹————🪱,遵循语法规则🦚*--🐙🐌。4) 复读全文🌙🌺|🐰😄,核定答案*🪁-|🎁🐆。二🤑——🐤🌱、阅读理解(重点训练)阅读能力的培养是英语教学的主要内容🐘-——*🤐。“读”有两种概念🐯🦟——_🦔。一是出声“朗读”(即🌺——-🌱🦇:念“,二是不出声“阅读”🐜🦕-|🐐。在毕业希望你能满意🧸🐾|🦭。
When Mr Brown woke up the next morning, it was nearly 8 o’clock. On a small table near his bed he saw another piece of 6 . He took it and read these words, “Father, wake up. It’s 7 o’clock now. Mother.”1. A. anxious B. angry C. glad D. surprised 2. A希望你能满意🦛🐔-_🐼。