



2024-07-11 23:04:00 来源:网络


人教版七年级下册英语金牌练习册Unit3 Section B(3a-Self Check...
【答案】*|_🐐:预习检测Ⅰ🎊——*‍❄、1🐱|😘♦、boat 2💮--🐆、town 3🪆🐕_——🐣🦋、river 4💥__🐗🐳、car Ⅱ🐊😃————🐩*、1⛸|🌺、How🦉_😱;around the world 2🐊🦥|🐟🐇、must be🐿🥎_🍀;than 3🌏-🦔🌍、are different from 课堂达标Ⅰ*-——🐁*、1-5🤩🐦|——🤿、DBADD Ⅱ😹🦤-|🐝💐、1⛸__🐼、took me🧐🐒--🏵;to do 2🐋⛅️——🎀🥉、to cross the river 3🕷|🌖、How long 4🐳——|😙、to ride 5🦀🐑-🍃、go on a ropeway 语法讲坛·等会说🤓🦫-——😞🐍。
【答案】🐥——-🎎:预习检测Ⅰ🐬*-🎟😈、1😏🐑_|🐋🏆、do the dishes 2🙂_🦙、help his mom make breakfast 3😁————🦟、practice the guitar 4🏸🕊-😺、do his homework 5🌦*_-😯、watch TV 6🐖🐈‍⬛_🦆、clean the room Ⅱ😖😎|-🌷、1🎰🎲|_🐅🤥、make your bed 2🎍_🌝🦀、leave🎰——|🕸;in 3🌕⛸——|🪶、relax😓|——*‍❄🐭;either 4🤒🦘_🦒🐡、how🐙-🤕;feel 5*——🦆🦘、make:to help 6🦉-🦣、follow the rules 课堂达标Ⅰ到此结束了?🦕😚|🦍🐃。


人教版七年级下册英语金牌练习册Unit1 Section A(Grammar Focus??3...
【答案】🙂_🐑:预习检测Ⅰ🐏||🎋👽、1🤯-🐞🦕、write 2🦗👹-🦡🐜、tell a story 3😱👹|🦔🐤、talk 4🎴*——*🌧、kung fu 5🏅🐳————🦋🐰、show Ⅱ🌸_🌵🦨、1🐆🤑——|🌈🌤、sing or dance 2🐔_🌈🙀、tell stories 3🌏_|🐔*、talk to 4💮——🌓🐺、show us 课堂达标Ⅰ🤧🍃|-🐋、1-5😐🌚-☘️🦏、DDCDC Ⅱ🦃♠-|🐁😋、1🦉🤖_-☀️、to join 2🐊-🍀、Can*🤪_🐍;play🌖——😷;he can 3🎆|🦖、What car 4🥅_——🐓、They want to join the swimming等我继续说🐂🍁——|☁️😍。
【答案】👻🌜-|🏏😭:预习检测Ⅰ🤫_——😠🙀、1🦇🎿——-🦀🐗、train station 2🍂🐺-_🎐、bus station 3🦃🏆|——🌙、subway station 4🪅_|🪴、bus stop Ⅱ🤓|😻🐗、1🤯🐝-😂、What😵🌴|😬;think of 2😹🤓_🐤、For, to get 3🥀🌻-🦭🥈、between🌤_|🐚;and 4🐑————🥅、is like🌔🐗|🐥;to 5🤢|-🌾😌、come true 课堂达标Ⅰ🐤🕸|——☘、1🐪-🐊⛳、takes 2🐼||🏉、minutes 3🥋_——💫、think of 4🖼——🧸🎍、lives 5🧶_|🐗🥍、leaves for Ⅱ*🐾——🐣、说完了🎍😇|🤿😅。
人教版七年级下册英语金牌练习册Unit3 Section A(1a-2e)答案
【答案】🌈--🌵:预习检测Ⅰ🦆*_🐙、1🦉|——🦜、train 2😹🐭-_🌕🐺、bus 3🎃——_*、subway 4😪🦖-🦂、walk Ⅱ😻👹————🌵🐹、1🐾🤐|😣、How do 2😝😐——_🤔🌵、How long 3🐳☄️——-🎖🦐、How does 课堂达标Ⅰ😓🕷_🐣、1🦒——🐕‍🦺🍂、subway 2🌛🐍-😪、ride 3🐀🍀-😠🐝、took 4😮_🎋、every 5😪☘|-😺、leaves Ⅱ🦤-——🥅🌥、1🎄——-🎋、How does🐤|——🃏🐯;get/go to 2🥅😂|😾🤤、by bus 3🦔_-🌵🦆、How does🦍||🛷🦇;leave 4😣*_🐁🤗、walk to 5*🐦_😻😔、The early 后面会介绍🐀-——🌺🌾。
【答案】🌥🐟|——🌛:预习检测Ⅰ🌲🐝_🐬、1🪀🏸|😧、What: rules 2🎫————🦦😣、arrive/be late for 3🌥🐄--🐀、can't eat 4🌖😨_🧨、dining room 5🐭🎟-😭、What else Ⅱ🐽🏈——-🦗🐜、1🍂🌚——🎽、must🌻🐘-⛸🕷;on time 2🦎🐏————🙊*、There are🛷🐬|🌕;rules 3🎑🐭|🤑、can't bring 4🥀🎀——🦚🐄、have to be quiet 课堂达标Ⅰ🐭*——🐅、1🐋🦈_🍀🐄、eat 2🦇🎱_——🕸😠、outside 3🐨||🐬🐃、arrive 4🪁-_🦫⛅️、Don't 5🎐——☘🐋、listen to Ⅱ💫|♠🦙、1-5等会说😤*-🐝☀️。
人教版七年级下册英语金牌练习册Unit1 Section B(1a??2c)答案
【答案】😕|🐉🦐:预习检测Ⅰ🌹🐗——🏏、1😷🎮-|🦬、play the drums 2🙉🧧——|🐃🐦、play the piano 3🐃🦬——🐑😞、play the violin 4🎯🕸|_*、play the guitar 5😾🌺|😬、play chess Ⅱ🏉|🦐、1🐄🌳-🐺🐀、can also play 2🌔_🌲、Are👺|——🎐🐓;good with 3🐨🐙|🌦、to help with 4🐾|😳🐿、make friends 5🥀😡_🐽、on the weekend 课堂达标Ⅰ🧸🙂|-🐕💮、1🦬_——⭐️、A: Can Eric play the piano B:希望你能满意🐼__👽😔。
这是人教版的配套五单元的答案🛷-😤🌤。A部分一🧐🦕|🦤、(A)cleaning show apartmant sure on (B)read a book writing a letter doing his homework talking on the phone waiting for 二🎮——🧐、D A D B A C 三😀🐓-🦔、What doing What is doing 希望你能满意🪢🦔——|🐆🐀。
人教版 七年级下册英语练习册答案??
不知道你们学校用的是什么版本?人教版的答案🏆_🎊*:一.A)1.has 2.are watching 3.playing 4.did 5.bought (B) 6.fight 7.outside 8.classroom 9.else 10.hall 二. CBDCD 三.1Can eat 2.Come to 3.No don’t 4.Don’t listen 5.other things 四1. thoes ru等会说*——_*‍❄。
Section A (1a-2d)预习检测Ⅰ.1.What;rules 2.arrive/be late for 3.can't eat 4.dining room 5.What else Ⅱ.1.must ;on time 2.There are;rules 3.can't bring 4.have to be quiet 课堂达标Ⅰ.1.eat 2.outside 3.arrive 4.Don't 5.listen to Ⅱ.1~5是什么🐦|——🌖。.