



2024-07-06 19:37:41 来源:网络


初一上册英语阅读理解练习题及答案1 Little Tom down the street calls our dog "The keep dog".Zip is a sheep dog. But when Tom tries to say" Seep", it comes out "keep". And in a way Tom is right. Zip is always bringing things hoem for us to keep! I'll tell you about some of 还有呢?
初中一年级英语阅读理解【1】 David is eight. One day his friend Rose says to him, "This Sunday is my birthday. Can you come to my birthday party?" David says, "Yes."On Sunday, David asks his mother if he can go to the party. His mother says, "Yes, you can go, 到此结束了?🌟😎——|🥀🤣。


初一英语短文篇1 To be a Chinese, we should learn how to love our country and protect her.China is our mother,we can't injure her,we are her pride. we can't make her feel disappointed and sad.We are flowers of our country,we should work hard, in order to devote ours到此结束了?🃏🕸——🤑🦡。
我的初一上学期英语阅读10篇  我来答1个回答#热议# 【帮帮团】大学生专场🦟🐬_|⚡️🐅,可获百度实习机会🦫😠-|🧩!匿名用户2014-01-16 展开全部 1🐄_*、We,human beings,have been dreaming of a beautiful and harmonious society.At first,we should start from ourselves.At home,we must repect our parents;in our 有帮助请点赞🍂🤤————🌼。
初一英语阅读题及答案在初一英语考试中班😍-——🐃🐵,做阅读理解题时⛅️_🐏🐭,对于与题目无关的内容🐟🐄——*,可采用略读法😏*-🐹,以减少阅读时间🥀🦂——🦟,提高阅读效率🐄🐟_|🎍。下面是我整理的英语阅读理解题🐂🙁_🤡,欢迎阅读🦐🐀_😪!初一英语阅读理解题【1】 “Joe, you are a very old dog,” said policeman Fred. “Today is your birt等我继续说🦅——-🐁。
初一英语短文篇1 I Like Study My teachers and some elderly people often praise me. They always say that I must have a bright future, because I like study very much. I really like study. The knowledge from the book attracts me so much. Every time I search the knowledge there,是什么🦒|♥。
初一英语阅读理解【1】 Lots of people were asking me the same question—How did a 22-year-old woman row(划)a 19-foot boat for 70 days?Well,when I was on the sea alone,the biggest difficulty was the feeling of being lonely.I started on January 3,2010.More than h希望你能满意🧶-🎫🤗。
英语阅读短文通常有3%的生词量😖-——😱,单词量在250~300左右🙉🌺||🦘🦓。下面我给大家整理了初一英语的`阅读表达题及答案🎎————⚾*,一起来看看吧🐇🥏_|🐯🦇!第一篇🌲__🦅:任务型阅读☺️*_-🐉😉。阅读短文♠🥌——-🐡🐹,并按要求完成1~5题😢🦅-😈。Have you ever taken photos by using mobile phones with selfie sticks(自拍杆)? For better or worse, they have taken 到此结束了?🦃_👿🐪。
初一英语课外短文🍀——🦒:fail the exam 名落孙山In the Song Dynasty (宋朝) there was a joker called Sun Shan (孙山).宋朝有一个很幽默的人🐜__😽,他叫孙山🎮🪳_|🐁🦋。One year he went to take the imperial examination, and came bottom of the list of successfulcandidates.有一年他去参加考试🤧_🌟🦐,公布名后面会介绍*🎋|🐅。