



2024-07-17 01:28:23 来源:网络


2🦒-——🦙😌、Most kids like animals.Girls like cats🐵🤐——*🥎,and boys like dogs.However🎨😳_😋,my favorite animal is the horse.The horses are strong🐊-——🦝🀄,not like the tame cats or puppy dogs.They look wild and hard to get close.Yet🐈👽_😖,they will be very timid and friendly after they get to know you.Horse还有呢?
英语小短文如下🐉🐞——🐜🦉:1🐂——-🦩、Park There is a park near my home. There are a lot of beautiful trees, flowers and birds in the park. So many people go to the park to enjoy their weekends. They like walking or having a picnic in the park. But I like flying a kite with my sisiter 到此结束了?🧧⛳_🪱。


很简单的英语😤⛸_🪆:very simple🎽🦀|*。很简单的短语🦃——🐾:The matter is very simple.那个事情很简单🎄_-🥈😮。Choosing a career is very simple.择业其实很简单🐜🀄——🦅😭。In fact,happiness is very simple .幸福其实很简单🏵🦡|_😨☘。Life is very simple.生活其实很简单🦇🌎——💐。
很简单的英语😒-|🐈🦀:very simple🕸||🏸🪳。很简单的短语😺🦙——🪳:The matter is very simple.那个事情很简单🐐🌴——🌞。Choosing a career is very simple.择业其实很简单😮🐭_-😶🥊。In fact,happiness is very simple .幸福其实很简单😛✨-🤩。Life is very simple.生活其实很简单🐽|💥🐞。
很简单的英文表示🐟😇-|🐗:very simple😬——-🏑。very simple🪲-_😴🐪:很简陋😂-🦏🐍;很朴实🌛🦠-🐒;很纯粹😥🦌|_🐹🐝;很简单短语😜🐽——🙁🦀:Very simple in French 懂得简单的法语He feels very simple 感觉他很朴实English is very simple 英文很简单Are very simple 都十分简陋method is very simple 方法非常简单very convenient and simple 方便简单等我继续说🌻🐉||♣。
It’s nice meeting you.很高兴认识你*_-😒。Nice meeting you, too.我也很高兴认识你☘||☀️🎋。I’ve heard a lot about you.我听说过许多关于你的事情🕸🐏——-🐌。 久仰大名🛷——_🎄🐈。Let me introduce myself.让我介绍一下自己🎴🐋——|🐷🐼。Let’s call it a day.我们今天就做到这儿吧🤕-🤡。You mean a lot to me.你对我来说太重要了到此结束了?🌹——|*。
我们通过写日记提高英语写作水平🐰🎳_——🎁,下面是比较简单的英语日记🐍🎾|——🥏🌼,欢迎参考🌵|——🦏🦆! 第一天🌈🤩_-*😦:THRIFT节俭 There is not a(no)thrifty man but becomes a rich man sooner or later.Why?Because he will not spend such money as is unnecessary.Little by little his money will accumulate.Ten to one,he is bound to make有帮助请点赞*‍❄——-🦟。
写作思路🕷——-🦓:把每天发生的事情写下来😢🐊-|*🌥。1🏉😓——🐐、日记一Today🦠🐞|🐯♟,the biology class is very different. We don’t need to sit in the classroom🤒||🌱,because the teacher takes us to do activities. We go to a field that is near our school🦂——_🦘🎽,and the task for us is to observe flowers. We feel有帮助请点赞🦤-🐽🦅。
含有“很简单🎐🐇——_🙊,很容易”意思的英文🐓|——🐐*:very easy 例句🏆🦑|——🌑🐍:Learning lines is very easy. Acting is very difficult.记台词很容易🌧💐_|😄。表演却很难🎀||🤪🐩。词汇解析🪁🐂_⭐️:一😆——-🦈、very 英[ˈveri] 美[ˈvɛri]1😔-🌑😡、adj.很😏|——🃏🥍,非常🌳🎋——🌟;恰好是🌧🦊——😵🤥,正是😺🐥-♣;十足的🌖🦕|——🦍🦜;特有的2🎐-😆、adv.很🌏_*,非常🥍😸_|🌥;充分二🦙|🦃🦌、easy 英有帮助请点赞🦝🦙|🐰*。
如下🐼|-🤓🌒:It is easy to go to school from my house.从我家上学很容易🦐——💥⭐️。First you turn right when you are at the door.首先你在门口右转💀|💐。Then walk along Guangming Road.首先你在门口右转🌑😛-_🦮。Turn left when you see the bus stop.当你看到公共汽车站时向左转😲🐨-|♥。Wlak for another five mimutes 到此结束了?🦌————😿⚡️。