



2024-07-25 03:32:01 来源:网络


关于秋的英文诗句篇一秋autumn by thomas ernest hulme a touch of cold in the autumn night - 秋夜感凉意🌹🎃|🌦。i walked abroad,步庭里🎇——😽🎄,and saw the ruddy moon lean over a hedge 却见晕月斜倚篱🌹__🤔🎏,like a red-faced farmer.红脸农夫何似🎄🐊|🐯!i did not stop to speak, but nodded;未停语🍂😦——|🪀🎽,..
4🦇😒|🦀*、Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.——Albert Camus秋天即是第二个春天*|🐈,每片叶子都是花朵🀄🪅-——🌱🌸。——阿尔贝·加缪5🐱😨-|🪆😳、Autumn mornings: sunshine and crisp air, birds and calmness, year's end and day's beginnings.秋日的早晨是这样的🌩--*:阳光和微凉的空气🤖|——🦎、鸟鸣和静谧的氛还有呢?


你好🏓🌸|——🐺,关于秋天的英语小诗有很多🐪🥋-🐹,详见以下😱🌵-😏:1🐟_——🐁😥、I would rather sit on a pumpkin, and have it all to myself, than be crowded on the year's last, loveliest smile.秋天是一年中最后的迷人微笑.——威廉·卡伦2.Poems of Autumn(秋天的诗歌)---John Keats: To Autumn(济慈😰_🏉,秋颂) SEASON有帮助请点赞😰🦚——-🎭🐼。
选了三首关于秋天的英文诗.希望你喜欢.1.Autumn Fires by Robert Louis Stevenson In the other gardens And all up the vale,From the autumn bonfires See the smoke trail!Pleasant summer over And all the summer flowers,The red fire blazes,The grey smoke towers.Sing a song of seasons!Something b希望你能满意🦅⛸——🎈。
关于秋天的英文诗歌篇一 Autumn 秋Thomas Ernest Hulme 托马斯·厄内斯特·休姆A touch of cold in the Autumn night 一缕清寒在秋夜中飘荡漫步出门🐁|_🐗🪲,I walked abroad, And saw the ruddy moon lean over a hedge Like a red faced farmer.见一轮红月倚在树篱上🌻🌕-🦜,如同一个红脸膛好了吧🦑__🐞!
天气晚来秋. Autumn permeates evening air.明月松间照🌏*|-🐈‍⬛🐅, Among pine-trees bright moonbeams peer;清泉石上流. O'er crystal stones flows water clear.竹喧归浣女🖼-_🐋🦜, Bamboos whisper of washer-maids;莲动下鱼舟. Lotus stirs when fishing boat wades.随意春芳歇🐰|🐥, Though fragrant spring may pass 等会说🎍🐓-🌵。
泰戈尔英文诗100篇节选(1)2007-09-24 12:57 1 夏天的飞鸟🥇🏵——🧶🐸,飞到我的窗前唱歌🤣☀️|_😩🌖,又飞去了🌙——🐼☺️。 秋天的黄叶🌒_🪰🥀,它们没有什么可唱🦖🪄_——🍀,只叹息一声🦆😰--🐫🐡,飞落在那里🦜🦒|🌺。 Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away. And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fallthere with 说完了🙃🦣||🌕。
O wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumn's being, 哦🦂-——*,狂野的西风🪁🦂|🐔🦂,秋之生命的气息🦄-🙈😘,Thou, from whose unseen presence the leavesdead. 你无形🦁🐁|_🐳🌨,但枯死的落叶被你横扫🦧🎿-🌍。Are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing, 犹如精魂飞遁远离法师长吟😟-😝,Yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic好了吧🏒🐪——🐁!
选了三首关于秋天的英文诗.希望你喜欢. 1.Autumn Fires by Robert Louis Stevenson In the other gardens And all up the vale, From the autumn bonfires See the smoke trail! Pleasant summer over And all the summer flowers, The red fire blazes, The grey smoke towers. Sing a song of seasons!
选了三首关于秋天的英文诗.希望你喜欢.1.Autumn Fires by Robert Louis Stevenson In the other gardens And all up the vale,From the autumn bonfires See the smoke trail!Pleasant summer over And all the summer flowers,The red fire blazes,The grey smoke towers.Sing a song of seasons!Something 还有呢?