



2024-07-17 07:25:36 来源:网络


15🎳🐸——🐰🐸、生命是真实的*‍❄🦒——🌘😄,生命是诚挚的😄|🦋,坟墓并不是他的终结点🦫_——😍🦃。——朗费罗life is real, life is sincere, the grave is not his endpoints🤥_🧸。16🐂😭——🤠、聪明的人警告我说🎫_|🐦🐀,生命只是一颗荷叶上的露珠🐏-🤭。——泰格尔wise man warns me that life is but a dewdrop on the lotus leaf🎾🐉--🐑。17💫-*🐺、我爱人生🦤🌓-🌺🤔,所以我愿像一个狂到此结束了?🎳🐭|-🐙🐼。
25🐣-——😢、生命是珍贵之物🐄_——🎳,死是最大的罪恶🧩🦡——*。Life is a precious thing, and death is the greatest sin.26🐖-🐳🌦、人生不是一支短短的蜡烛✨🐺|-🌤,而是一支由我们暂时拿着的火炬🌴🐊——🎆。Life is not a short candle, but a torch we hold temporarily.27🎫|🐸🦮、只有献身社会😑-😮,才能找出那实际上最短暂而有风险的生命的意义💥——🐕🏸。Onl还有呢?


Harvest depends on labor, fitness depends on exercise. 43🦔-_😔、运动是一切生命的源泉🦛🐞|-*。Sport is the source of all life.有关快乐的英语名言名句 1🤮_☹️🐇、智爱使人快乐🐏-|😠,愚爱使人痛苦🙀🦣-🐔。, a sign of happiness. 5*🧶——|🌸🐞、错在明知是错👿||🍂🐑,快乐该怎么选择😒🦄_😱。Happy in kno, pain is the happiness. 15🎁————♣、过往的欢乐是否褪希望你能满意🌍🥉——_🐗🌲。
Life is only as good as you think it is.生活是你想多好才能多好的The existence of human life is a highly overrated phenomenon 人类的存在是一个被非常高估了的现象第一句是原创🎟——🎿,第二句记得是动画里的🎈|👺,
6.关于生活的英语单词句子短语life is like a song. love makes people forget about time, while time makes people forget about love. don't let yesterday take up more of today. 爱情使人忘记时间🐖||😨,时间也使人忘记爱情🐙😹_|🏑。不要让太多昨天占据你的今天🌤🐅——|🦋! “there are moments in life when you really 等会说🎣|😐🦠。
let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves 生如夏花之绚烂死如秋叶之凄美💥__🎄,
Therefore, we have to cherish every moment of our life.So we'd better cherish every minute and second in life.valuing life is not weakness Love yourself, enjoy your life.
1. 以珍惜生命🦭🌥_——😟🦃,安全出行为题写一篇英语短文 Save your life It's important to save your life, but in recent years, lots of people lose their life in the traffic accidents. We need to learn how to save our lives. First, you mustn't go across the road before the oncoming是什么😏--🦎。
30🙄😒|🐌、安全是第一🐽_——🥀🎖,如果不注意安全就会结束生命🐄🏒|_*。Safety is the first, will end your life if you don't pay attention to safety. 名句作为警示自己的句子🤣__😼🎋,希望以上《英语人生格言10句》内容对您有所帮助🐞🎀——🦘,如果还想获取更多名句内容可以点击正能量人生格言座右铭短句专题🦕🍁-🦎。 已赞过已踩过< 你对这个回答的评说完了🎟_🕊。
我看见的😱——|😩,只有这这个还不错🦃--🐤:-- 惟有死亡能让人了解生命的真谛🐪|——🥍🏒。(Only alone death can let people comprehend the true meaning of life.)我所能给你的惟有死亡(Only death is all that I can give you.)这个还满意吗?还要什么尽管说🙄-_👺。回答者🎁_-🐼:55398175 - 兵卒一级12-25 16:00 -还有呢?