



2024-07-17 00:23:09 来源:网络


2011-06-24 英语作文🌵🪴————😖🐵:计算机与人们生活*|🎑🐈。130字10 更多关于英语作文的知识> 网友都在找🤕_-🥇: 电脑游戏优点和缺点的英语作文正在求助换一换 回答问题😊|*,赢新手礼包 苦等7分钟🦝🐜——🃏💐: 为什么都去刷ECU 回答 苦等11分钟🏉🙊-🦢😉: 觉得4S店卖一台车到底能有多大利润回答 苦等12分钟♦-🎀🍄: 为什么越来越多的人不喜欢玩英雄联盟等我继续说🐷🦓_⚡️。
Computer can help us to do a lot of things to do office work, studying, shopping can also play games. On human computer also has good and bad, on the computer can learn a lot of things people do not communicate together with the convenience, but if the game will be addicti是什么🕊_😕。


电脑的好处与坏处 英语作文??
With the development of the computer technology,the internet is becoming more and more popular.You can find computers and the internet nearly everywhere in our life,work and study.Even,the internet is becoming one of the most important parts in our social life.But, some young people有帮助请点赞🤮🧩|🐙🎖。
The advantages of playing computer games are: you can play when you want and you can play with a friend. It is more visual than a book or board game. there is a wide variety of games to choose from. Some computer games are educational.The disadvantages of playing computer gam有帮助请点赞🦎_——🦍🦨。
我们可以再网上看电视节目🧐_🐆、电影😘😸——_🍂😙,或者玩网络游戏🦋🧩_⚡️🍄,也可以自由地和朋友聊天🪢🌼——🐱,这是一种很好的放松的方式🦟——🦛🦐。In short, there is no denying that the Internet has its own disadvantage, but I think its advantages far overweight its disadvantages that we can make good use of those good but avoid有帮助请点赞🥊_🦏🐇。
can't be too much. It's bad for your eyes to play computer for a long time.So do not infatuate with it.Computers are good, people should use it well.If you don't do like this, computer will do you great harm.说不定有语法错误🐳🌷__🎖,请见谅(纯自己写的🐟-🐐🎭,没有抄袭)..
can't be too much. It's bad for your eyes to play computer for a long time.So do not infatuate with it.Computers are good, people should use it well.If you don't do like this, computer will do you great harm.说不定有语法错误🤮*||🦚🦨,请见谅(纯自己写的☹️🐾_😤🤡,没有抄袭)
to contact the computer, therefore I understood very much to the computer.I like the computer!我非常喜欢电脑🌓🐉__🐙🏒,我经常玩一些网络游戏🤤|_🦕,我喜欢在电脑上听歌🐺|⚾,在电脑上查阅资料很方便😅-🐫☹️。我在网络上有很多朋友🦏🐳-😝🤤,我们可以沟通🐤🪰_🌲。我从小时候就开始接触电脑🥊-*🕊,所以我对电脑很了解🐟-🐫🐬。我喜欢电脑🦉😥|🕊!你看可以不是什么🎽_——🌜。
They spend a lot of time playing computer games. It is very bad for their eyes. Many children have to wear glasses for this reason. What is worse, some of them don’t pay attention to their studies any more.To solve this problem, parents should help them. Give them time 说完了🐌👺|🪳😷。