



2024-07-25 22:35:21 来源:网络


关于友谊的英文诗歌篇一 the arrow and the song 箭与歌henry wadsworth longfellow 亨利·沃兹沃斯·朗费罗i shot an arrow into the air,我向天空射出一支箭♠————🥍,it fell to earth i knew not where;它飞落在不知何处的地面🌚_🌺😎;for so swiftly it flew the sight,它飞驰得如此迅速🐪☀️_——🐏,..
关于友谊的英文诗歌篇一 Poetry and friendship 你看或者不看🐊🦧|-*😌,You see or not see🧵🦌_-🐵🦒,文章就在那里🦈_|🥀🤮,Articles there🃏|🌵,不增不减🎇🥍|-🪄。Not less than.你读或者不读😈😸——|🌟🐪,You read or not read🐁|-🥇,诗歌就在这里🪶__🌏,Poetry here👻-🐝,不来不去🤭🐿-|🦥。Not move.你爱或者不爱我🌲——☺️🦥,Do you love or not love me🦓🐰——|🏉🦟,..


友谊的地久天长🌙🦏——_🐥🐚,那是一种在时光的长河中🛷🦄-|🍃😹,历尽岁月沧桑却永不褪色的惺惜与高尚🌴_🐟😳。yuwenmi我整理了英文诗歌友谊🙂|🦂,欢迎欣赏与借鉴🐱🏉|🐈。【Hold On To Me】 Tara Simms Hold on to me Let me comfort you when you hurt Hold on to me Let me love you when you hate yourself Hold on to me Le等会说🤮🌻-☀️。
but I living, living me behind, oh bring it to me, bring me your sweet loving, bring it home to me. bring it home to me.Yeah~ Yeah~ 一首关于友谊的英文诗歌2007-04-04 18:38:56 大中小To My Friends No friendship is useless and no day is in vain. Just as God还有呢?
友谊的英文诗🌚|_🥋👹:Your forever friend lifts you up in spirits and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full.你真正的朋友会让你振作起来⭐️|🦘,原本黯淡🎽🦠_——🐽、空虚的世界顿时变得明亮和充实🪡🦔|🌻。Your forever friend gets you through the hard times,the sad times,and the confused times后面会介绍🏒😺|🐭🤪。.
1💥🐟——☹️🐋、纪伯伦的诗歌《先知》And a youth said, "Speak to us of Friendship.Your friend is your needs answered.He is your field which you sow with love and reap with thanksgiving.And he is your board and your fireside.For you come to him with your hunger, and you seek him for 还有呢?
1.Love and Friendship - a poem by Emily Bronte Love is like the wild rose-briar,Friendship like the holly-tree The holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms But which will bloom most constantly?The wild-rose briar is sweet in the spring,Its summer blossoms scent the air;Yet 还有呢?
一首关于友谊的英文诗歌To My Friends No friendship is useless and no day is in vain. Just as God has a purpose for sunshine and rain. All can be discouraged and everyone cries, But we have friends to comfort us. Beneath these cloudy skies. All hearts can break…they're fragil是什么🎲🌝_🍄*‍❄。
关于原唱原是苏格兰民间歌曲🌳⭐️_🌻,即苏格兰盖尔语🌷_|🐯:Auld Lang Syne🤭🪢__👽🐝,这是一首非常有名的诗歌*——_😮,直译为逝去已久的日子🎋——_🙃🌺,在中国各地普遍称为《友谊地久天长》🦨|_🐸。Auld Lang Syne是由十八世纪苏格兰诗人罗伯特·彭斯(Robert Burns)根据当地父老口传录下的🐌——-🐅🌎。这首诗后来被谱了乐曲🍂_⭐️🐣,除了原文盖尔语版本外🪀🐈——_☀️🐾,这首歌希望你能满意🎋☘️__😃。
《匆匆》的英译版本朱纯深先生的版本🎿|🪲:Rush (translated by Zhu Chunshen)Swallows may have gone, but there is a time of return; willow trees may have died back, but there is a time of regreening; peach blossoms may have fallen, but they will bloom again. Now, you the wise,等会说🎣|-🦃🎍。