



2024-07-04 06:15:08 来源:网络


Parents are supposed to warn their children to the Internet. 八年级英语试题参考答案及评分标准二🀄——|😫、单项填空(共15小题🎱👻——_🐘,计15分)21—25 BBDAC 26—30 ADBBC 31—35 DCBAD三🎮--🧿🌳、完形填空(共10小题*——🦙,计10分) 36—40 BBACD 41—45 CBDBD 四🐉————🌖🦑、阅读理解(共12小题🐔🎫_🐄😧,计18分)46—49 CCDB 50—53 ABDD 54—..
17How long has 16Why do you 15run out of 14another one 13common 12particularly 11by the way 10In 9about; for 8for 7for 6from 5stamp 4store 3cake 2anybody 1kites


八下几道英语题目 答出多给分哦哦哦!!??
8 could get 9 was好了吧♦🦃——-🐳!her 10 travels faster 在间接引语中🎑_🦒🌧,如果说的是客观真理🥍__🕷🐖,时态应用一般现在时😌-_🎿。1 Will you go on a school trip this Sunday?2 What were you doing at that time?3 How much did you spend on the bike?4 No,there won't.5 What an 6 care for 7 around the好了吧😾|🦕!
3. 十年后他会成为一名宇航员🐖🐓-🦕☺️。He will be ___ ___ ___ ten years.4. 昨天Tom与英语老师争辩♣|🌳🦋。Yesterday Tom ___ ___ the English teacher 5. 你看上很累了🥇🌪——🦜,应该休息一会儿🦍-|🌼⛳。You look very ___, and you should ___ ___ ___.6你认为十年后你的朋友会做什么职业?__ do 后面会介绍🐀🎲__🐖。
1. many 2. while 表示对比🎇|-🐝,“然而”🪅🦙-_🌍🐃。3. in 4. coins 5. paper 6. enjoy 7. sailing (帆船运动)8. is 9. spare 10. happiness 名词形式作宾语🌾🦇_-🐂。
1. robot 2.paper 3.less 4.trees 5. buildings 第二大题1. everything 别担心🪅🐝————*‍❄😩,我相信一切都将会很快好起来的🦜_🥎。 2.fewer 更少的🐣🥏|-🐖,题中有than, 要用比较级形式☹️_-😂🎁,译为🍀🦇|🐁🐇:你能用比我们更少的时间来解决这个问题吗? 3. crowdy 拥挤的 4.要用名词形式pollution 5.much 到此结束了?*🐕-😴🐬。
★★★八年级下几道英语问题 (酌情追加赏分)??
laugh at固定搭配作嘲笑讲🐙😎|🐒。介词at不能落⛈——😫。被嘲笑的人是宾格形式*🐝__🐔,如🏸——🎑🐭:i am laughing at him. 而不是i am laughing at he.B: The teacher made him clean the classroom.make sb. do sth. 强迫某人做某事🐍👻——_🦇🌲,动词直接用原形🍃|——😴⛳。C: What an interesting piece of music it is?music 不可数😠🏸——🐿🦮,如还有呢?
17.How long has 18.hasn't been 19.I appreciate your 20.since 2 hours ago 1.pair 2.raise 3.since 4.collect 5.several 6.has 7.was 8.studied 9.skaters 10.started 11.have been working 12.2 full hours' time 13.raise money for 14.How long have 15.for 5 years 后面会介绍🦚_-⚡️。
八下英语几道题目 拜托了 我给50分??
正确答案是🐄⛅️——_🪁:第一张*🏵||🦩🐷、1 【The film has been on for 20 minutes. 】2 【more than】3 【He has been making model planes since he was seven.】4 【It】 【to obey】5 【Have they been cleaning the house for two hours ?】第二张🦠-_🧶、1 【have been studying/learning】【还有呢?
note 🌍🤪|🦃🙊,to learn 🐨🌱_|😽🎐,feel like doing sth😃_🛷,too to