



2024-07-16 18:00:15 来源:网络


正文🐳🦉_🦢:Last saturday. I and my father went to dali. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired🌲-|🥋🐬,it began to rain,My West Lake silk还有呢?
i was very happy


大理英文介绍旅游景点作文 介绍大理古城的英语作文??
英语作文🙈-🦋:TOM来中国云南旅游🦊|_🤥,介绍一下云南Tom I'm glad to hear you will come to China's Yunnan tourism.Let's me introduce my hometown for you. The climate of Yunnan Province is in four seasons such as spring,and with moist summers .Yunnan Province has long hisory.The Da希望你能满意*-🥈。
My home town Lijiang,is a magical and beautiful place Lijiang sun light White clouds through the city with the stream Four seasons of normally open flowers culture of lijiang is dressed up.Lijiang each season is like a picture,is so beautiful and unique.In the early spring,all th是什么🪢🥎-——😵。
首先🍀——🎨,您的题目有点不明确🤫_|🦚,姑且认为是求一篇以游览大理古城为题的英语作文☄️_🍀😲。示例如下*‍❄😛--🐕🦆:Last year, my family and I visited a place of historical interest - Dali Ancient City. Dali is not only a national historical and cultural city, but also a famous scenic spot, located in the 希望你能满意🐵__🎣。
throughout the city of East Lake Tour, and Diancang Mountain West. Here mild climate, fertile land, beautiful landscape scene in China's southwest border early development of one of the areas in the far more than 4000 years ago, the original inhabitants of the Dali area alone.
英语作文 云南大理观后感??
Is framed the majestic mountains,in the hazy mountains many strange birds live there.Far see features like a soldier standing on the erhai lake,no matter how much wind and waves can't shake him,sun and like a vicissitudes of life of the old man,the top of the mountain of 后面会介绍😡*——*。
abundant marine resources, but also a Yili scenery scenic area. 洱海古代文献中曾称为叶榆泽🎈🐦——🤿、昆弥川😌——-🦑、西洱河🌷🦗_*🐰、西二河等🐍⛅️|-🤭🐳,位于云南大理郊区🏸——|🤡😣,为云南省第二大淡水湖🐃——|😪,洱海北起洱源🦛|-🌑,长约42.58公里🐽🦠||🐹🤪,东西最大宽度9.0公里🐟|🦠🥋,湖面面积256.5平方公里😞——-⛈🦍,平均湖深10米🦠🌍-|🐍🐞,最大湖深达20米🏉-——🐆🌹。洱海有两个出水口还有呢?
英语作文 我的家乡是大理??
Look! Is framed the majestic mountains, in the hazy mountains many strange birds live there. Far see features like a soldier standing on the erhai lake, no matter how much wind and waves can't shake him, sun and like a vicissitudes of life of the old man, the top of the 有帮助请点赞😑🐔|😲🐀。
Last sunday. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to dali by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired🎀🕸_😘🥋,it 后面会介绍🌓——😀🪁。