



2024-07-24 16:20:39 来源:网络


重用zhong yong 或者chong yong?重用zhong yong:put sb. in an important position put sb. in a more important postion 比较级put sb. in a most important postion 最高级重用chong yong:reuse: 没有比较级和最高级*🌻_🦮,
Who is Mike more important than?为你解答😘|🦦🎴,如有帮助请采纳🎑🌖_🐌😄,如对本题有疑问可追问🐅||😯,Good luck!


建议翻译为🦬|⭐️🌗: It is so big and heavy.
Sometimes he is stupid.
英语less important怎么翻译???
重点词汇🙈🐞——_🐷:less 词语分析😺-_😃:音标🦗|🐬:英[les] 美[les]adj. 较少的🐵🛷-——☁️, 更少的adv. 较少🌟——_🐗, 更少地🌪😘_🐱🎱, 少短语💐-⭐️:less than or equal 小于或等于none the less 依然例句🌓🏈||😒🌛:I was given less cake and fewer biscuits than she had.我得到的蛋糕和饼干比她少🦌_😸*。Angles of less than 90 degrees 希望你能满意🦈-——🐃🐞。
4.Therefore, in my opinion, it's more advisable等我继续说🐷_😀。因此🕸_|🌱🎲,在我看来🪢_🐺,更可取的是…5.From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that…通过以上讨论🦂*|🌺🤢,我们可以得出结论…6.The data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that…通过数据我们得到的结论是🎊🐍__☁️,等我继续说🐲✨_——😸。 7.It等我继续说🤓🐍|——🦑。
A good horse should be seldom spurred.[谚]好马无须加鞭(意指工作积极的人😏——|🥌, 不用催促)🐩🏏_*。a horse of another color 完全另一回事a horse of different color 完全另一回事a horse of the same colour [口]同一回事a horse on sb.[俚]对某人的嘲弄A short horse is soon curried.[谚还有呢?
Don\'t get to talk 等于 cannot .???
那我就会真的告诉你我非常喜爱一些所以用假切动词would而不用shall 就好像说If I were a billionaire I would give you a million 一样道理也🐋|——🦙*。其实B 在这塲合大可以答Yes I do please . 或Yes if you don't mind. 或No thank you.或加but thank you all the same. 就更完美了到此结束了?🐊🐹_🐋。
我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 值得收藏的英语名言大全1🤮⛳-_🐲🦜、Seeing is believing. 眼见为实🎍|😥。2🦢😭||🐝🤥、Deliberating is not delaying. 慎思不是拖延🐇|🐭🤨。3🦗|——🥉🦎、Money makes the mare to go. 钱可通神✨_-🦊🌚。4♣——_🌾🐀、A man alone is either a saint or a devil. 孤身独处的人可以为圣哲🐳🌦——🕷🐼,也可为恶魔⛳_🍀。5🐞-——🦮☘️、Money is希望你能满意🎟|*🦗。