



2024-07-25 07:45:11 来源:网络


《行行重行行》行行重行行🎇-_😔,与君生别离🧸-——🤯*。相去万余里🐣🙀——-🦥,各在天一涯🍃😯——🌲🐘;道路阻且长🌷🏅——-🦈🐪,会面安可知?胡马依北风🐩🦜__*,越鸟巢南枝👺🍂|🌱🐅。相去日以远🎍🐨|🦖🕸,衣带日已缓🎿——🌸;浮云蔽白日🐚——🎾,游子不顾返♦__🦓🦗。思君令人老🐯🐔_-🥍🐇,岁月忽已晚🦚|♟🌎。弃捐勿复道🐬——😲🦊,努力加餐饭🌳🎱_🌷😼!journey after journey,apart from you,my dear.thousand miles away,th有帮助请点赞🐍😐——_🤡。
1*🎰-🦍、《春晓》作者孟浩然A Spring Morning Meng Haoran Translated by Pr. Xu Yuanchong 春眠不觉晓This spring morning in bed I'm lying,处处闻啼鸟Not to awake till birds are crying.夜来风雨声After one night of wind and showers,花落知多少How many are the fallen flowers!是什么😸🪅-🌘。


01静夜思——李白床前明月光🃏-🦠,疑是地上霜🍄🎭——|🦛。举头望明月🐵🐯_——🐦🎳,低头思故乡🏵_🐘。Before my bed a pool of light🦧🐙__🎆,I wonder if it's frost aground.Looking up, I find the moon bright🌤😓-😝,Bowing😉|🐪⛅️,in homesickness I'm drowned.02登幽州台歌——陈子昂前不见古人*🦏-🐝,后不见来者🌼🐿|😕🌚。念天地之悠悠🤬_🙉🦚,独怆然而泪下🧧-——😕。
《静夜思》静夜思床前明月光⚡️🌴|-🦜,疑是地上霜🌵——🙉🌕。举头望明月🎄🌼_🐫🌘,低头思故乡🐩——_🤫😱。1).In the Still of the Night I descry bright moonlight in front of my bed.I suspect it to be hoary frost on the floor.I watch the bright moon, as I tilt back my head.I yearn, while stooping, for my home希望你能满意💥🐗_-🌙🦄。
一🥏-🙊🐃、《浣溪沙.一曲新词酒一杯》——宋.晏殊一曲新词酒一杯😜🐘_👺,I compose a new song and drink a cup of wine 去年天气旧亭台🌧🎈-🐡。In the bower of last year when weather is as fine.夕阳西下几时回😰🦗-🐒。When will you come back like the sun on the decline?无可奈何花落去🎗_——🤿,Deeply I sigh后面会介绍🐑_😟。
古诗翻译成英文有《春晓》*🤖——-🐘🐕、《静夜思》和《江雪》等🦁-——🌵🐜。一🐲-_🌟、《春晓》原兆哗咐文🏑——🌧:春眠不觉晓😻|🐚🐉,处处闻啼鸟🤑-🎫。夜来风芦滚雨声😑🦖_*,花落知多少🐄__🦄。翻译🐫-🐈‍⬛:spring morningno aware of the spring moring,I hear birds singing everywhere,how many flowers have withered,in the wind and rain last night?赏析🌳😠|🐣:..
by night Appear to rise up from the deep.The Milky Way with stars so bright Sinks down into the sea in sleep.How happy I feel at this sight!I croon this poem in delight.这里还有很多古诗翻译🎯🐭|🐕,强烈推荐搂住看一看吧🦑🦃--🦄😖!我也收藏这个页面 等会说🌹——😕。
城阙辅三秦🕊_🐊😺,风烟望五津⛳_🏑🐰。与君离别意😛🥀_——🐪🦍,同是宦游人🥈🦇————😸🤯。海内存知己🎯——-🐺🤩,天涯若比邻🐩-*🎮。无为在歧路🦘_-🤗🎀,儿女共沾巾Let's send the ShuZhou du less ChengJue auxiliary look WuJin dongxi, auxiliaries.And the monarch, with HuanYou departure meaning is.A bosom friend, the world is but a little 等会说🐀_——🏆😝。
小学古诗英语翻译阅读柳永《蝶恋花·伫倚危楼风细细》伫倚危楼风细细🍃🌧-🌻🦏,望极春愁😼😸-🎰🙀,黯黯生天际🦮🦛-🦉😻。草色烟光残照里*-_🐖,无言谁会凭阑意?拟把疏狂图一醉🎣_——😨🦤,对酒当歌🤭🌛|——🙁🕊,强乐还无味🌱|-🌴。衣带渐宽终不悔🪆🐥-|👻🦍,为伊消得人憔悴🐺🐗__🐏。Feng Qi Wu Liu Yong Alone I lean against the parapet of a high tower in a 等我继续说*_😫。
天将小雨交春半🦔🐹——-🐏,谁见枝头花历乱*🧵——|🐫🏸。纵目天涯🌝_🦝,浅黛春山处处纱🐑🐫-|😇。The sky will fall in the spring and half, who sees the flowers in the branches. Even if the eyes are at the end of the world, the shallow youthful mountains are everywhere.时雨及芒种🦅|_🌺,四野皆插秧☁️||♠。家家麦饭美🌗_🏆🌈,处处菱好了吧🐇-_🐣!