



2024-07-09 18:00:38 来源:网络


世界这么大 能遇见不容易 英文翻译 谢谢??
It is not easy to meet each other in the such big world.
世界这么大🌱-😲,能遇见你🎆-😔,不容易😖-🐒🐙, The world is so big, can meet you, is not easy,


The world is so big, can meet, not easy.
It's destiny that makes our world meaningful in so big a world.
世界那么大🦉🐡|🤣🐒,遇见不容易🐝🪄|-🎎,缘浅缘深*😌|🥅🦃,路长路短🤤_|🌎,看见就好🌸——|⚾🦅,The world is so big, not easy to meet, shallow edge of the deep, walk a short way, can see enough.
唯美英文语录1🌔-🎭、It is not easy to meet each other in such a big world.世界这么大🎇-🧿🙃,能遇见🐺*-🦌,不容易🦬🐏-😗🐁。2🐙🐋-——🐘🌝、I sit at the that side, looking across the river gently your smile.彼时我坐在天涯的那端🦙🐫_-🐯,看着对岸轻轻微笑的你🐿🎑--🦄。3🦘-——🦤🌵、You live longer once you realize that any time spent 有帮助请点赞🌎|-😔♦。
——世界这么大😕💥——🎲😡,能遇见🐝_🪢🐑,不容易🐂🦃|-🐰😍。3🛷🎄|——😨、It’s the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness,not the death and darkness themselves.大家对于未来与死亡的恐惧并不是它们的本身🐐🌒|——🏑🦕,而是对于它们的未知😫*_|🎄。4😈🐑|——🦀、I love waking up and seeing text messages on my phone 我爱一觉醒来时⛈🌖||😈,读到你发来的到此结束了?🌤|——🎱。
4🐷——🤪🦜、如果再重来🤒_🐄🌳,会不会稍显狼狈🤧🌻|🐈。If you do it again, it will be a little embarrassed.5🦖🕷-🐔、相遇不容易🙉🎣——🙄,且行且珍惜*_-😍。It is not easy to meet and cherish.6🐇-😁🐈、疯狂的青春🥍🪴_🎏,哪有这么多对错?Crazy youth, where are so many right and wrong?7🪳|-🪅、世界这么大🌏😊-|🐽,能遇见😞_|🦅💐,不容易🎫|🌤🐽。The world is 有帮助请点赞🐒-——🤓。
当你最终放开了过去🌪——-🌖🪲,更好的事就会来临🍁🐁__🦇🧵。4🌺🐒——🐸、Real aloneness is not one`s loneliness,but the loss of oneself in the endless noise.真正的孤独不是一个人寂寞🦡🎗——|🌾🪀,而是在无尽的喧哗中丧失了自我🐝|——🌒。5🎇——_🏒、It is not easy to meet each other in such a big world.世界这么大🏒🪆--🐽🌳,能遇见🥋|_🐤🎲,不容易😵|-🦂🌻。
1.人生就像一条单行道🪴——**,一去不复返🐂🤣——_🤑🐹。Life is like a one-way street, never to return 2.那段从前怎么去捡♟||🐹🐕‍🦺,光阴似箭一直向前🌼🌴-|🏑。That was how to pick up the flight of time, straight ahead 3.没有了你这个世界多么寂寞🧸——😈。How lonely the world without you 4.世界这么大🙀_🎄,能遇见🏅_🪅,不容易⭐️🐩——🧶🍂。It希望你能满意👻——🐲。