



2024-07-11 22:47:17 来源:网络


人教版七年级下册英语金牌练习册Unit4 Section B(1a-2c)答案
【答案】🦟👻|🌻:预习检测Ⅰ🤫😌|_🐋、1🦎🕸-⛸、do the dishes 2🐖🐵_🐤、help his mom make breakfast 3🦣🍁|☁️、practice the guitar 4😸——|🦘🎮、do his homework 5🪆_⛈、watch TV 6*🏒|🕹🤔、clean the room Ⅱ🕷|_🥌、1😡--🦈、make your bed 2🥇——|🎀、leave🦌|🦐🌗;in 3🐗|——😥、relax🎄-☁️;either 4🤥🍁——🐑、how🎣🎊|——🌦🎉;feel 5😺😏————🙉、make:to help 6🎮|🌤、follow the rules 课堂达标Ⅰ等会说🦝🏑_🏈。
【答案】♣__😱:预习检测Ⅰ🦒🌑|-🪀🪄、1🐤||🤓🐟、boat 2🐂*|🐓、town 3🐰🐬__🌏🌱、river 4🐄🐵——😽🌜、car Ⅱ*😲_-🐿、1🐋-——🌱*、How😠-|🐣;around the world 2😸|-😝、must be🐆-🧨😽;than 3💮🕊_|😶🌕、are different from 课堂达标Ⅰ♠😴——|👽🐲、1-5🎃🦊-|😴、DBADD Ⅱ🐁_🦬🦂、1🧿_😷、took me🏒🦕-🀄🎫;to do 2🦢_|🐹、to cross the river 3🪱🥀——🎇、How long 4🐋|😀🙈、to ride 5🦒——|🥋😖、go on a ropeway 语法讲坛·希望你能满意*♦|——🐨。


人教版七年级下册英语金牌练习册Unit4 Section A(1a-2d)答案
【答案】🪳_-🦝:预习检测Ⅰ😨🪅|_🧿🐝、1🌿*-😇、What: rules 2🍀🌎|——🦘、arrive/be late for 3🏸-|🐪、can't eat 4🌦-🦂🎴、dining room 5🌻——_😓、What else Ⅱ*--😕、1🎄🏉————*🤒、must💐🎱|_🦟;on time 2😍——🐀、There are😚🌸——🌴*;rules 3🌩_🦎、can't bring 4🦜-_⛸、have to be quiet 课堂达标Ⅰ*🌨_🦒😥、1☺️——_😘、eat 2🤢*|-🦁🐇、outside 3🪅|_🌳、arrive 4🐈🤔-|🐼、Don't 5😎🐺__🛷🦙、listen to Ⅱ🌙——🐍、1-5后面会介绍🌦🦄|——🪰🥉。
【答案】🤤|——🎲💀:预习检测Ⅰ🍀|😝⛈、1🌓🌜-——🦘🎎、train station 2🤣♠——_🌵、bus station 3🏈|😆🦫、subway station 4😢|🌱🦇、bus stop Ⅱ🌼————🌑😙、1*|🦡😁、What🪱——🦟;think of 2🦌🌳——-🦦*、For, to get 3🐊————🐟、between🌟——😝;and 4🦆🦈|😶🌴、is like😂🐼|🧐;to 5🤣😯-🐉🦁、come true 课堂达标Ⅰ🐞|🌏、1🌻🐅_——🕊🥎、takes 2🪳🥋-🪢、minutes 3🤖——🐯、think of 4🌻🦇-😤、lives 5😒🌝——_🎯🦊、leaves for Ⅱ🌱*-——🧸、有帮助请点赞🦔-_🎭🎮。
人教版七年级下册英语金牌练习册Unit1 Section A(Grammar Focus??3...
【答案】🐅*——|🎳:预习检测Ⅰ♥☀️——_🍄🏐、1🍀-——🦧、write 2🕊_-🌔、tell a story 3🌖🌝|🙃😮、talk 4😻——🐈🤗、kung fu 5*|_🥍、show Ⅱ🎈|🙊、1🤡🌹-|🦃🐾、sing or dance 2😠_🦨⚾、tell stories 3🧿_-🐹、talk to 4😦🕸|🐓、show us 课堂达标Ⅰ🦜🐁_😝、1-5🦢🤓|🙉🐫、DDCDC Ⅱ🦔-😽、1🐤——_*、to join 2🕸|——👻*、Can🪶🐵_🌝🧸;play🦜🐳_——🙄🐼;he can 3🦏_🐲🦡、What car 4😂🌈_🎯、They want to join the swimming说完了😳||😶🌪。
【答案】🕊——_🐣:预习检测Ⅰ*‍❄*‍❄——_🐆、1🤠|🐌、train 2🐟🦘_🦥、bus 3🐺-_😴🐊、subway 4🐃|🌵🖼、walk Ⅱ🥉——🐌、1🦭|😥🐏、How do 2🐳🙄|_*、How long 3🦒-🃏、How does 课堂达标Ⅰ🌴-_😶、1*🌞——|🌝☹️、subway 2*🐖|🥏、ride 3🦊🌖||♠🐊、took 4🎯——|⭐️、every 5🧿😢__*‍❄🐓、leaves Ⅱ🐔🦓|🐈🐿、1🦮|-😺、How does😁-🦄;get/go to 2😥🐃--🌵😦、by bus 3🎨-|😈🐩、How does😫🦠_🌷🐷;leave 4🐀🐌-_🌥、walk to 5🕊|🥀、The early 等会说🦇|——🤭⚾。
人教版七年级下册英语金牌练习册Unit1 Section B(1a??2c)答案
【答案】🐞|_🦎🎉:预习检测Ⅰ🌴🐩-🎟、1🐡🐦-_🎋🐀、play the drums 2🪳_🤥、play the piano 3🐾_🪄、play the violin 4🐉🦒——|🦟、play the guitar 5🐺_——✨🌺、play chess Ⅱ🦒|——🦓🦬、1🐹🐀-🤒😌、can also play 2*_——🌒🦗、Are🎑🏑__🌥🌩;good with 3🐳——🐸😵、to help with 4😴_😷🎰、make friends 5🐆🦓_|🐵🦏、on the weekend 课堂达标Ⅰ🎨🎄|🦢、1🎮🥏_🙀😾、A: Can Eric play the piano B:有帮助请点赞*🦃-🐄🐾。
Ⅱ.选择最佳答案1. A 现在进行时🦇-——🌝:be+doing+sth. 现在进行时的一般疑问句用be引导句子开头🌷——-🌾🐪。回答也是用be.如🦛_——🐀:Yes, I am; No, I am not; Yes,they(you) are; No, they(you) aren’t 等等♟|_👽。2. C read abook 看书3. B 询问意见用🐿__😌:how(what) about;like doing sth. 表示喜欢做某事4. C 询问方式等我继续说*‍❄——🎽🎣。
七年级下册 英语 牛津版 综合练习册 unit1答案??
Unit 1 Vocabulary A. 1. smart 2. misses 3. laugh 4. remained 5. strict 6. support B. 1. hard-working 2. goes to work 3. all day and all night 4. gives up 5. person 6. probably Grammar A1. 1. I have a goldfish. The goldfish is called Rosemary.2. The Moon说完了🦖-🥇🎳。
Unit 1 Vocabulary A. 1. smart 2. misses 3. laugh 4. remained 5. strict 6. support B. 1. hard-working 2. goes to work 3. all day and all night 4. gives up 5. person 6. probably Grammar A1. 1. I have a goldfish. The goldfish is called Rosemary.2. The Moon好了吧🐍-——🌙!