



2024-07-20 14:23:26 来源:网络


一般过去时的句子🐩|-🦅🌿: 1.I had a word with Julia this morning.今天早晨🦏🎮-_🦄🐔,我跟朱丽亚说了几句话🤿*|🐆; 2.He always worked into night those days.那些日子他总是工作到深夜🦉😡|-😛; 3.I was very tired last night.我昨晚很疲劳等等🐄|-🦄。 扩展资料 4.He was busy yesterday.他昨天很忙5.You w等我继续说🦁_——🎍🌼。
1)I had a word with Julia this morning.今天早晨😣_-😔,我跟朱莉娅说了几句话🦁🐪——🎾。2)He smoked many cigarettes a day until he gave up. 他没有戒烟的那阵子🐺——🦂🏉,抽烟抽得可凶了🤢😋_*。3)The boy opened his eyes for a moment🎟||🐄,looked at the captain💐😨_——⛳,and then died.那男孩把眼睛张开了一会儿🦋🐁_🎖😙,看看好了吧😸|🤧!


1. 昨天我去公园散步了🦣_*🌹。2. 上个月他们参观了博物馆🦁-_🌒。3. 昨天晚上我写了一封电子邮件给我的朋友🦗_🐔*。4. 上周我们在学校举行了一场运动会🦋——|🐯。一般过去时是一种动词时态🦒__🐡,用于描述过去某个时间点的动作或状态*|🎳。在构造一般过去时的句子时😜🐀--😞🐉,我们通常会使用过去式的动词形式🦌🦏——|☘😌。例如🌾--🦘,在句子“昨天我去公园后面会介绍😼_🦕。
一般过去时造句如下🐣-|🐔🐇:1🐸-🐈🦣、I had a word with Julia this morning.今天早晨🌧——_🦀🦊,我跟朱丽亚说了几句话🐕🤡——|🐈。2🧸|-😵*、He always worked into night those days.那些日子他总是工作到深夜*-_🐑🐳。3🐬|🌳🦇、I was very tired last night.我昨晚很疲劳🎨——-🌲💀。4🦭——🐨、He was busy yesterday.他昨天很忙5🦚🦙-——*、You were absent from school t等会说⛸🦄——|😷。
回答🐖🦏-🧨*:1.What did you do during the last summer vocation?你去年暑假做了什么? 2.She was in Grade 1 last year.她去年上1年级🐔*_——🐉。3.She wasn't in Grade 1 last year.她不是去年上1年级😆🦝-🦒🏸。4.Was she in Grade 1 last year.她去年上一年级吗? 5.Where was she last year?她去年是什么🐇🐯__🤬。
1. This was a very pleasant journey.2. We often went to the cinema.3. When the sun rose, we had already reached the river.4. We worked together at that time.5. My grandpa was only a farmer.6. Where else could we see such a beautiful mountain in the world?7. He 说完了🤬——🌟。
)He disscused business with hie boss last month.(他上个月和老板讨论了生意😵😿_😌。)She called me last Friday.(她上周五给我打了电话🦆——_😘。)His bird escaped from its cage yesterdday.(他的小鸟昨天从笼子里逃了出来🐑*————🎉🐞。)She woke up at 7:00 this morning.(她今天早上七点钟起床😧-🦕🐜。)..
一般过去时的基本结构1🌑☄️|🦇🦎、肯定句“主语+动词过去式+其他”或者“主语+was/were+其他”🥌-——🐉。【举例】I played tennis last weekend.我上周末打网球了*|-🌙🪰。2🐨-——🦎、否定句“主语+didn’t+动词原形+其他”或“主语+wasn’t/weren’t+其他”⚡️||🌵🐔。【举例】The girl didn’t play computer games yesterday 后面会介绍😨——🐹。
1😃-|🌎🤪、She came to help us in those days.那时候她来帮助我们🦓🐡-😏。2🪆🦙——😘、I had a word with Julia this morning.今天早晨🌷🪅|_🏆,我跟朱莉娅说了几句话🍀——🤡。3🙁🎟_🦁🦇、I used to take a walk in the morning.我过去是在早晨散步🎾|-🐔。4✨♟|_🪡🐡、Mrs. Peter always carries an umbrella.彼得太太总是带着一把伞🐭😉——|☘️。5🦄|_😑🐳、I never 希望你能满意🤬-_😕。
一般过去时😷🎄-|🐤:1.I watched TV last night.2.Did you watch TV last night?3.There was an apple on the table last night.4.Was there an apple on the table last night?5.I was late yesterday.6.He was a poet and a novelist .7.I phoned Sally but she was out.8.I was born 说完了🦅__🎮🦔。