



2024-07-18 22:19:37 来源:网络


分工🪀_*: [ fēn gōng ]1. divide the work 2. division of labor 其它相关解释😺-🤫😳:<division of work> <differentiation of labor> <job-share> <division of labour> <demultiplexing> 例句与用法🌺_|🤕🐱:1. 蚂蚁间有明确的分工🐯||🦙。There is a clear division of labor in ants.2. 我的部分工作是同我们的等我继续说🐌|🌿。
分工[词典] divide the work; division of labour;[例句]当前工人与管理部门的分工将会改变🎊|-🌜🕷。The current division of labor between workers and management will alter.


分工[词典] divide the work; division of labour;[例句]当前工人与管理部门的分工将会改变🧩🐦||🥊。The current division of labor between workers and management will alter.
分工与合作division and cooperation We arrange the work division and cooperation.
role assignment 直译可以是这样的具体语境不同的时候可能不同🐃——|🏓🌾,
division of roles 希望有帮助*-🐵,
分工协作co-operation based on division of labour
industrial specialization🎍🦔——-🍀🦣,不过不常用产业分工其实也就是劳力分工*🦖_🌧,division of labour是最常见的说法*🌳|🎏,
"Meticulous division of labor"希望楼主采纳我的答案🤬🐽-_🤑🪰,
师的英文是division 1读音division 英[dɪ'vɪʒ(ə)n] 美[də'vɪʒən]2释义n. [数] 除法🧵|-🍃;部门🐑|_🍂🖼;分配🦊_🤯;分割😠-🤧;师(军队)*-🎋;赛区3短语division of labor 劳动力的分工frequency division 分频😖🤩||🥉🎗;频率划分administrative division 行政到此结束了?🌑——🐓。