



2024-07-17 13:31:59 来源:网络


释义🤑🥊|——🐜:knowledge中文意思是了解🤑|🪅,理解🎍🌻-♟;知识(表示多方面的知识时有复数knowledges这一用法)学科🤧_-🌒;见闻造句🐥——_🐯:Knowledge is power.(知识就是力量😶🐪--⛈🐷。)The teacher imparted knowledge to us.(老师把知识传授给我们🦙🦉-——😣。)As far as I know, the knowledge we have learned is far from enough.(据我了解说完了🪢——-😛🐄。
名词n.1.知识🤿——🌳,学识🦆——_🦇🐑,学问[U][S][(+of)]A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.一知半解是很危险的事🎍♦|_🎿🌸。2.知道🧨-——🌲,了解🎃🦢——_🐂;消息[U]My knowledge of Mr. Read is not very great.我对理德先生的了解不是很多🦃🍁_🦓。3.认识[U]


N-UNCOUNT 知识🐣|🎭;学问🥉😛|🤔🦓;学识Knowledge is information and understanding about a subject which a person has, or which all people have.She told Parliament she had no knowledge of the affair.她告诉议会她对此事并不知情🕷——|🎋。2 PHRASE 据…所知If you say that something is true to yourknowl是什么🌖--😲。
名词n.1.知识😆🦭_😜,学识🃏*——🌩😲,学问[U][S][(+of)]A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.一知半解是很危险的事🐘🤫——🤪🦛。2.知道☘️🐯_🐼🌩,了解😐|-💐;消息[U]My knowledge of Mr. Read is not very great.我对理德先生的了解不是很多🦄🥍——_🦅。3.认识[U]是否可以解决您的问题?
一切知识起源于劳动🐤_|🎍。The student trotted out his knowledge.这个学生炫耀他的知识😰🎨|_🦏🎀。Never content ourselves with book knowledge only.不可满足于仅仅有一点书本知识🌻-😱🏓。You can also obtain knowledge through practice.你还可以从实践经验中获得知识🐄_-🌚🕊。Knowledge is a matter of science, and no dishonesty 等会说🙊🏸——☹️♣。
1💐🦔_|😄、The door to knowledge is study.释义♥——🐯:通向知识的门径是学习🐖🤖__🐂🌱。2🦃——|🐂、All knowledge originates from labour.释义😇🦒_|🥈😝:一切知识起源于劳动😕_🤠🐏。3😯——-🤧*、The student trotted out his knowledge.释义*🐝__🤕🌗:这个学生炫耀他的知识🦣🐽——😬🦠。4🐫_🎑、Never content ourselves with book knowledge only.释义🌴_😣:不可满足于仅仅有一点书本知识等会说🧨——🕸😌。
5🤫🐒||🦋🦗、His knowledge and experience increase with his days.他的知识和经验与日俱增🌷😹_😳🎟。6🐏-|😌、He will share his professional knowledge of haircare.他将和大家分享他在护发方面的专业知识🏵🏓|🐞。7😝-🐸、With knowledge and wisdom, evil could be vanquished on this earth.拥有了知识和智慧就能够把恶势力从这个世界后面会介绍🎍-|🦈🌸。
He did not get a chance to deepen his knowledge of Poland.他没有机会更深入地了解波兰🌺|*。To the young boy his father was the fount of all knowledge.对于这个小男孩儿来说😮——🎄,他的父亲就是所有知识的源泉🤮🌞_🌒。
knowledge造句如下🐜_-😟:1🎏🐞——_🐝、Knowledge Economy and the Value Theory of Labour.知识经济与劳动价值论2🦁🥎_🪲🦛、Good knowledge of automation and drive.良好的自动化和驱动专业知识.3🐙-🦖、It is assumed that the reader has intermediate knowledge of those two products.本文假定读者对这两个产品的知识达到中级水平*--*🦨。
关于knowledge造句简单如下🎎🦡_-😄:1.He had only a rudimentary knowledge of French.他只有最基本的法语知识🐍|——🕷😙。2.She was a woman with extraordinary vibrancy and extraordinary knowledge.她是一个活力四射🥀😜__🦭、知识渊博的女性🌻🌑-🐁🐷。3.The course seems to presume some previous knowledge of the subject.这门课程等会说😻😏_🌱。