



2024-07-19 00:28:41 来源:网络


vowed v.起誓😇🐙_-🐅;立誓🐖-_🧨;发誓🐀🐔——🐨😝。是vow的过去分词和过去式🤗|-🐅🐏。例句🌦🐫|_🦉🐋:1.He vowed he had not hurt her.他起誓他没有伤害过她🐤🤿——🌸🤩。2.When young John was caught stealing he vowed he'd never do it again.当小约翰偷窃被人当场发现时🏆😄|🙀,他起誓再也不偷了🦝——🦊。3.I vowed never to set foot in the place 说完了💥|🦒😼。


《后妈茶话会》是一个比较经典的片段🌧🐃-——😮💫。《后妈茶话会》完整版台词如下🃏🐒|-🤣:灰姑娘的后妈🤐|🐘😝:Ever since I was a girl my own mother vowed(起誓)I must find the way to power through a noble brow 顶级贵族I married once for love, then my senses came I must marry for the stature名望of my希望你能满意🏑🌪-_😦。
n. 女孩🤔🪰-🦇;少女😃_——🎋😝;姑娘🦋💐||🐔🎄;女儿🏵👽-_🕹😌;adj. 女的⛅️🌵——-🪄;女孩的🦠|——🦟😗;雌性的girl 英[ɡɜːl]🕊————🎮🥊;美[ɡɜːrl]1😍🌿|-🧵、girl作“女孩🙈🦜|-😙😛,姑娘”解时✨🦖——🎋,可以表示小女孩或年轻的未婚女子*‍❄🦟-*🐖,有时在口语中甚至可以指已婚妇女😤🪢|-🐱,是可数名词**-🐔🐖。2🕊😆——🏒🎳、girl还可作“女儿”解🦌-😾,在非正式语体中还可作“女人🐵🦚——|🌒、女工🍀🐑|🐉🐤、..
...the man vowed to love me forever是什么意思??
The government, far from being cowed by these threats, has vowed to continue its policy.该政府丝毫没有被这些威胁吓住*-——🏅,发誓要继续执行其政策🐯|🦦。You can initiate policies until the cows come home, but unless they're monitored at a senior level, you won't get results.你可以花很长等我继续说🪆🌸_🐕🐔。
1🐜😄|——🐉👺、Ever since I was a girl my own mother vowed 从我小时候起🦊🌎_-🦎,我母亲就要我立誓2🦜🎖_🌻、I must find the way to power through a noble brow 我必须找到爬上权利顶端的捷径3😺👽——|🐿、I married once for love then my senses came 因爱结婚🔮🎽_🎊,突然我意识到4*——|🦚、I must marry for the stature of my说完了🏓-_🦁。
avenge是一个动词🐨🌳——|💫,过去式为avanged🦈😢|🐿🐲,过去分词为avenged🎋🦋-——🎴。revenge也是一个动词🐄|_🦇⛸,过去式和过去分词均为revenged🐬__🦋🦎。含义解释区别🌘_——🌵:avenge通常指为了正义或公平而采取行动来报复对某人或某事的伤害或不公🥀🦏-🤓🐍。它强调的是纠正错误或恢复平衡🐗-——🎎🏉。例句1*|🐳😣:The army vowed to avenge the death of their fallen comrade.(..
法的 英文是什么??
egal 英[ˈli:gl] 美[ˈliɡəl]adj. 法律的🌸_🎰; 合法的🦓🕸|_🐈‍⬛; 法定的🐝-😶; 法律(上)的♣-|🥌🦄;n. 法定权利🌾——🤣🦬; 依法必须登报的声明🐞*-_♟🏈;[例句]He vowed to take legal action.他誓言要采取法律行动🌵🍂_——🐵🐒。lawful 英[ˈlɔ:fl] 美[ˈlɔfəl]adj. 好了吧😹-_🤐🎎!
LoverGirl的意思🐆——🌘🐏:恋爱白皮书*——_🎆🦘,喜欢的女孩🔮🤠|——🐵🦅。读音😉——-😤♦:英[ˈlʌvə(r) ɡɜːl] 美[ˈlʌvər ɡɜːrl]girl 英[ɡɜːl] 美[ɡɜːrl]n.女孩🎿|💐🐳;姑娘🏸🤧————🌟*‍❄;女儿😐——🍀🎑;年轻女子🐓_🎾🐉;女郎⛳🪳||😯🥇。He was happily married 等我继续说🎊——🌹。