



2024-07-18 21:21:09 来源:网络


Unbreakable 真爱无敌You took my hand 你执起我手touched my heart 牵动我心held me close 紧紧拥抱我You were always there 你总是守侯着我by my side 在我身旁Night and day 日日夜夜through it all 自始至终Baby come what may 亲爱的🐑🌵|🐾,不管发生什么Swept away on a wave of em后面会介绍🪶|_*。
[04:01.29]届くまで…(We're)UNBREAKABLE/直至还有呢?(We're)UNBREAKABLE [04:07.48]壊れない 梦を翼に We're gonna fly/装上羽翼去实现尚未破碎的美梦we're gonna fly


Unbreakable的中英文对照歌词(Fireflight 的)??
)Take me where I've never beenI want to go there (I wanna go there)This time I'm not scaredNow I am unbreakable (I am unbreakable!)It's unmistakableNo one can touch me (No one can touch me!)Nothing can stop me[ar:Fireflight] [ti:Unbreakable] [al:Unbreakable] [by:活等我继续说*-——🎋🐏。
Unbreakable - Westlife 真爱无敌- 西域男孩 took my hand 执起我手 touched my heart 牵动我心 held me close 紧紧拥抱我 You were always there 你总是守侯着我 by my side 在我身旁 Night and day 日日夜夜 through it all 自始至终 Baby come what may 亲爱的后面会介绍🐙🐯——-🪴。
unbreakble 歌词??
This love is unbreakable It's unmistakable And each time I look in your eyes I know why This love is untouchable A feeling my heart just can't deny Each time I look in your eyes, oh baby I know why This love is unbreakable Share the laughter, share the tears We both 希望你能满意*_——🦋。
You'll never break me, 'cause I'm unbreakable 你永远都伤不了我🐩-——🐨⭐️,只因为我是无敌至尊[Michael Jackson]Now you can't stop me even though you think 你再也挡不住我🦏-🎐,即使你这样想That if you block me, you've done your thing 就算你想阻挡我🤖🤫__*,你的把戏也玩完了And when you 是什么😼🌥|🐑。
unbreakable 金贤重中文歌词??
Unbreakable 一切渐入佳境一切都会进行得很顺利我尚未死去I'm Back 4 ya Unbreakable Unbreakable 现在起已无法停止他们一定很愚笨到现在甚至不了解我有点异于常人我只能登峰造极为什么大家总是七嘴八舌我总能听到他们交头接耳走开吧我将灵魂注入音乐中即使我的问题尚未全部解决我仍无后面会介绍😻🦖——-💀。
UNBREAKABLE 作词🦜——-🎎😬:久保田洋司作曲🤐——-🦈:堂本光一编曲🎍🐼_-🧩🐘:CHOKKAKU 歌🐋|-🌍🦤:堂本光一どんな未来も 今の二人を夺うことなどできない 怎样的未来也不能把现在的我们夺去もしも爱を畏れぬ者が 要是不惧爱情的人咎めるのだとしても 内疚也好こんなに美しい目で 以这双动人眼睛肯く君がいる 点头的你有帮助请点赞🐁🐾-——🛷。
求WESTLIFE的歌 《unbreakable 》歌词的中文翻译??
在Westlife的歌曲"Unbreakable"中🏑——♥,他们的歌词描绘了一段深深的情感纽带🦏_🌛。quot;Took my hands, touched my heart, help me close, you were always there"*🐆-🐷,歌手拉过对方的手🎋__🐪,感觉心灵的触动😺🐉-——🦩,仿佛他们的爱是无处不在的庇护所🦡🍃-——🐊🐵。不分日夜🌵🐌——😂,他们并肩同行😞🐀_——🌼🌧,quot;By my side, night and day"🐍😰||🌹,即使面临困难🌼🌧_🦆,..