



2024-07-19 18:21:55 来源:网络


straight out的中文意思??
释义坦白地😄🤤——🤢🐁,率直地💫_-😫,毫不犹豫地网络率直地🎳——|🥀*; 坦率地🦠⛈|_😬; 坦白地双语例句I told her straight out that she was wrong.我坦白地告诉她🎗🌧|_🕊,她错了🌓🪰|-🦀,
straight out na.坦白直言地😯||🤖;坦白地🌾🌒————🦋🦟;坦率地例句1.Eyewitnesses say it was a scene straight out of a black and white movie from the 1950s.目击者说这仿佛是直接取自20世纪50年代黑白电影的一幕🐥🦈|*🦏。2.She didn't hesitate for a moment but came straight out with her reply.她没有迟疑说完了😸-|😾。


straight out 是什么意思???
straight out: 坦率地🏆——🦦,直言地Examples:1. Mary told me straight out that she was fed up and wanted to leave.玛丽坦率地告诉我💐——🦓,她厌倦了🦒-🌧,想走🐍🐖-🦝。2. Tell me straight out, will I ever recover?坦率地告诉我🤗🦩——🎈🪴,我还会康复吗?3. I shall tell him straight out that if he is not able有帮助请点赞🐍——*。
straight out 是一个固定短语🦤-_🦗🐣,直言地🤠🎑-🐽🤩,坦率地🦝🦨_🏈,straight 是形容词😲——_☀️🦭,out是副词修饰straight 🎄⛳————🦨,straight out of a fairy tale 是一个后置定语修饰a romance的😠😛-——🦔🎊,句意为一个直接(没有再做其它比喻修饰)来自童话的浪漫🧵🦚--🌱,
straight out??
要有上下文的🪢__🥋🍂,有时候“径直走出去”也可以讲straight out的.挺直身子♥|——🤡,也可以讲“straight up"
straight意思是🦊🌍————⚡️🌾:直的🥋🎎——🐭;直筒型(非紧身)的🌴-——🐟;准的😎|🌺🎁;正中目标的🐌_——💥;平正的🎃🦢——_😫🎟;整洁🦅-😭😎;坦诚的🐬|😃😴。双语例句🦗-🦔:1🦚_🐼、They may be straight or curved, but not in sharply kinked configurations.它们可以是直的或弯的🦡☁️——🦚,但不呈现纠缠在一起的外形😟|🦔。2🕷🐗————🐱🥈、You can really see that it is not straight.你已经可以看到了🌺-——😼,它等我继续说🎉☹️-🦥。
Straight 又称直人指异性恋或非同性恋者🐄|😺。在英国常用bent(弯曲的)作为同志的代称🦟🦥-😜🌖,straight便相对用来指异性恋🤮🪢_🦧。在流行文化中🐱-|🦏⛸,常有此类说法🐷-🐽:把某人掰弯了🦠🌲_🤕🦟,意思就是把非同性恋的人变成同性恋🐪☀️||😹。regular英音🦙🧵__😿🏏:ˈregjələ(r)]美音🐋_🐺🎳:ˈrɛɡjəlɚ]以下结果到此结束了?🦒🦙|🦟🐌。
您的问题很简单😚_——🍁。呵呵😻——_🐇。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题🌹-🌳。原句🐜🐕——_🐨😆:with legs straight out, bend forward until you feel sore in your back.翻译🐏😌|🌗:让双腿伸直*——-🦜⛸,弯腰🦁|_*,直到你感觉在你的背部疼痛百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译🌈|——🐂。
With legs straight out,bend forward until you feel sore in your...
是这句句子吧🥈-🧵🌴。If you buy something such as a computer or software and you can use it out of the box, you can use it immediately, without having to do or learn complicated things first.straight out of the box:就是指拿出盒子就可以使用的计算机或者软件🦠🎴_|🦣🐅,不需要装额外复杂的东西💮🐵-🪢☘。..