



2024-07-19 13:11:09 来源:网络


manner造句如下🐀||🎍:1🌧🐫-🤯🐪、He had to keep his large family in the manner he had chosen.他不得不以他所选择的方式养活他的一大家子人🦟🐀|-🎍。2🐗🌸————🐩🦃、They had all manner of rock ’n' roll goodies for our delectation.他们有各种各样优美的摇滚乐来招待我们🌟——🎏。3🐕🐘-*、Adventurers attempt the trail using all ma是什么🐡|_🤡✨。
1.方式🐜-_🎗🐗,方法[S1]We walked in a leisurely manner,looking in all the windows.我们慢悠悠地走着🍂🦃_——🧧,看遍所有的橱窗.2.态度🏓——_🐩🧶,举止[S1]3.礼貌🦮🤤——-🎲,规矩🐏——🥈;习惯[P]It is bad manners to interrupt.打断别人的话是不礼貌的.4.(民族🐱__😾😦、时代的)风俗🦗🐤_🐀,习惯[P]5.(文学♟😥——🍁、艺术的)风格🎄——_🙂😣,手法[C][S1]6.种类[U]


1.Speak in a condescending manner, as if to a child.高人一等地说话🦜——🐉🐍,好象大人对一个孩子一样🤕🌵|🦃。2.My girl friend is contemptuous of my humble home.我的女朋友瞧不起我的简陋的家🐗*_——☘。3.She became so morose and despotic, that her rule became intolerable 她变得如此孤僻和专横🌻🙂|🌒,以致她的统希望你能满意😕|🎋。
信息技术的使用可以给发展中国家带来巨大的进步🦎--🎳。【The use of information technology can lead to great progress for developing countries.】你解决问题的方式不对🥀——|🐌🐼。【You solve problem in a wrong manner 】科学家认为😹——-😤,人类即将找到战胜癌症的有效方法😞_——🌲。【Scientists think that humans are on the 希望你能满意🦆🌚——🤬😠。
Heat may travel in the same manner as light does.热可以与光同样的方式传播🦢——🐵。conversely Everybody suggest him to do a teacher, but he didn’t choose that career conversely.所以人都建议他去做老师🤑🐄|😩🎄,反而最后他没有选择这个职业🦋😮_😾。nevertheless We can't act on your advice. Nevertheless, 后面会介绍🐷🐙_|🕷🦎。
抚摸的英语造句🐀|——*🤕:1.He crouched down to stroke the dog.他蹲下来抚摸他的狗🐊--🐦🤧。2.To touch or stroke in an affectionate or loving manner.抚爱充满爱意地轻触或抚摸🌿|——😸。3.He traced the line of her jaw with his finger.他用手指顺着她的下巴外缘抚摸🕊🦖-——🐙✨。4.He's a very tactile man. 他这个人说完了🐳🐾——_💫。
manner 一个精力充沛的人通常是一个有感染力和有风度的人An enthusiastic person is always willing to give help 一个热情的人通常总是乐意伸出援手A faithful person is usually loyal to oneself heart 一个信守诺言的人通常会忠诚于其内心A humorous person is usually welcomed by people 一个好了吧👻——😕!
very sensible to me.我觉得这很合理🐜|——🪀🐱。Saving your presence, I don't think the suggestion is very sensible.请恕我直言🎋-_🐡,我认为这个建议不太合情理🌧😱|🤗。Her distress was sensible from her manner.她的悲痛从她的态度上可觉察到😢——_🌍。It was a sensible idea, I felt.我觉得这是切合实际的想法🤑🐅_🪰🌒。
I'll go along with you.It likewise a pig.In the same manner,I will do it alone.In addition to catch it,I tried my best.I hit him because of his proud,another reason is his sentences.I did my job,moreover,I did yours还有呢?.