



2024-07-19 14:13:18 来源:网络


matlab中hold on是什么意思matlab中hold on的意思🐿-——🤮:
  hold on是当前轴及图像保持而不被刷新🙊🦢——🌑,准备接受此后将绘制的图形😓_🤯🥉,多图共存*🦘_|♣。
  MATLAB 是美国MathWorks公司出品的商业数学软件🦋🌵——|🐣*,用于算法开发🦩🎆-🔮🤠、数据可视化🐋🪴-|🐪、数据分析以及数值计算的高级技术计算语言和交互式环境🪶🌍||🐰。


hold on的翻译是什么hold on的意思是🦤——🦜:vi.抓住🦜🎁——💀🧐;继续🌕🤪|——😄🥎;坚持🐋🦮-_🦩🐦;忍受🐈‍⬛🐜————🎿🤐;(打电话时用语)别挂断🐍-_🌖😛。
hold on的意思是🕷——-🔮🐐:vi.抓住🌟🤓——🥌;继续🐌🎖————🤤*;坚持🐲🐷————🐺🐕;忍受🐟😫||🐪;(打电话时用语)别挂断👽_🎆。hold on的英英释义是Verb:hold firmlystop and wait, as if awaiting further instructions or developments;"Hold on a moment!"be persistent, refuse to stop;"he persisted to call me every night""The child persisted and kept asking questions"hold the phone line open;"Please hang on while I get your folder"retain possession of;"Can I keep my old stuffed animals?""She kept her maiden name after she married"🦢🌳——-🥏。hold on的读音是英[həʊldɒn]🙈——|🐕‍🦺😃;美[hoʊldɑːn]*😛————🦏⛳。
一😌😜——_🎫🌧、英英释义点此查看hold on的详细内容
"Hold on a moment!"
"he persisted to call me every night""The child persisted and kept asking questions"
"Please hang on while I get your folder"
"Can I keep my old stuffed animals?""She kept her maiden name after she married"
1. hold on是什么意思
1. 坚持🌷|🦗:号:拂晓同学晶灵宠物真可爱但是好宠不历害要想问我怎么办就去练级区走一走见到宠物就去捉评分低的就放生留下高分去合成如此连续去坚持(Holdon)未来(The future)肯定是大器!
2. 挺住🌘|✨:却因结交恶友反而在泥潭里陷得更深. 接下来,浪子悔悟了,他开始正视自己的弱点和疾病,用超强的个人意志让自己重新做回一个好人. 他将自己的人生观总结成两个字--挺住(holdon),这两个字被他印在了衣服上,文在了屁股上.
3. hold on的意思
3. 保持🎨_|🏒:自由,表达的是孩子在沙盘室可以做任何想做的事情,他不一定需要咨询师的参与,但需要咨询师的接纳与保持(holdon). 有了这一点,儿童很快就能进入潜意识世界,甚至是集体潜意识世界,在流动的沙子🐜_-🦈、流动的游戏中,达到意识与潜意识的连接,
4.hold on♥|🐯:hon; 启动马达控制
He held on to the rock to stop himself slipping.
These nuts and bolts hold the wheels on.
You should hold on to your oil shares.
They managed to hold on until help arrived.
He swallowed the insults and kept on working.
He gritted his teeth and resolved to hold out.
Hold on,please. I'll see if he's in his office.
hold on的相关近义词
hang on🦉🐋_🎫🐅、hold the line😶🧵-|🧧、stop🐏😻——🌸、hang in☹️🍀_🌦、grasp😪🦡——🐖🪅、persist⚡️*|🐥🐟、keep🐈♟_——💐、persevere
hold on的相关临近词
Holdo🐗🌛|_🌜、hold🙃🕹--🦟、hold out for🐼_🐹🐃、hold fast.😌|😬🦇、holddown nut⚾_*、hold a dance🦜--🐳🎍、hold a party🐡*-😶🐍、hold circuit🎄🌍_|🤡☘️、hold up plan🌖🐅-🐓、Holdengraber🎮|_🌻、holdback pay🐨——🕊、hold voltage
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hold on to词典解释hold on to的词典解释是🎫-|😺:保住🌘——🌼,守住(有利因素)If youhold on to something that gives you an advantage, you succeed in keeping it for yourself, and prevent it from being taken away or given to someone else🪰——-🐕。
hold on to的词典解释是🌧|😩:保住♣_*,守住(有利因素)If youhold on to something that gives you an advantage, you succeed in keeping it for yourself, and prevent it from being taken away or given to someone else🐘🍃_😗。hold on to的意思是坚持🙀-🎃;紧握🎿——🦃;克制🪀😞|——😙💐。hold on to的读音是英[həʊldɒntu]🍁🌵|🌴🐺;美[hoʊldɑːntu]💀——-🦕。
一🐈🐒-🎍、词典解释点此查看hold on to的详细内容
1.保住🦌-|🦗😗,守住(有利因素)If youhold on to something that gives you an advantage, you succeed in keeping it for yourself, and prevent it from being taken away or given to someone else.
hold on to的近义词
e.g. Jane is determinedtoholdonto her fortune...简决心要守住自己的财产🌜🐏——🦟🪲。e.g. Firms are now keentoholdonto the people they recruit.各公司现在都急切地想要留住招聘来的员工🤮🙁——🦌。
2.(过长时间地)保存🦓🌵|——😆🐤,保留If youhold on to something, you keep it for a longer time than would normally be expected.
e.g. Do you think you couldholdonto that report for the next day or two?...你能把那篇报道多留一两天再登吗?e.g. Peoplehold onto letters for years and years.人们会将信件保存很多很多年🎭🥀_——😍🪴。
3.坚持(信仰🐆-😅、信念🐉😋|☄️、原则等)If youhold on to your beliefs, ideas, or principles, you continue to believe in them and do not change or abandon them if others try to influence you or if circumstances cause you to doubt them.
e.g. He was imprisoned for 19 years yet heldonto his belief in his people.他在监狱里被关了19年😤🦮-_🌙😋,但依然对人民充满信心🥀🐺_——*🐆。
1. 紧紧抓住,坚持🕊|🕷🎴:hold back踌躇,退缩;阻止,抑制 |holdonto紧紧抓住,坚持 |holdon继续,握住不放
2. 紧紧抓住;控制,克制😠-——🌝:holdon 握住不放;坚持下去 |holdonto 紧紧抓住;控制,克制 |holdoneself in 尽力不叫
3. 坚持*🦈_😳:prenatal 出生以前的 |holdonto 坚持 | circulate about 在...附近流?
4. 抓牢🎁_🌈🕹:通向 leadto | 抓牢holdonto | 一打鸡蛋 a dozen eggs
He held on to my arm with a tenacious grip.
The small child clung to its mother.
My father said that if we believe something was true, we should hold on to it.
Mr Smith told me to hold on to my oil shares.
I'd hold on to that house for the time being; house prices are rising sharply at the moment.
hold on to的相关临近词
hold*——🦀🤠、hold up
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hold on的解释是什么hold on的意思是🔮🐰|☺️:vi.抓住🐁🌖|🙄;继续*——_🙀;坚持🌾|🤔🎍;忍受♥🥇|🌵🎋;(打电话时用语)别挂断🌸😶-🐼。
hold on的意思是🌷🐁|_🥅😸:vi.抓住🐏☀️_🦂🦢;继续🥌🐡__🐵🤐;坚持🦕|😑🐯;忍受🦥🐨-|✨🐕;(打电话时用语)别挂断😈🐈——_🎨。hold on的英英释义是Verb:hold firmlystop and wait, as if awaiting further instructions or developments;"Hold on a moment!"be persistent, refuse to stop;"he persisted to call me every night""The child persisted and kept asking questions"hold the phone line open;"Please hang on while I get your folder"retain possession of;"Can I keep my old stuffed animals?""She kept her maiden name after she married"🌎🌛|_🌒。hold on的读音是英[həʊldɒn]♥😑|-🦎😕;美[hoʊldɑːn]🐪-|😈。
一⛈🦄——🧧、英英释义点此查看hold on的详细内容
"Hold on a moment!"
"he persisted to call me every night""The child persisted and kept asking questions"
"Please hang on while I get your folder"
"Can I keep my old stuffed animals?""She kept her maiden name after she married"
1.握住;抓牢If youhold on, orhold onto something, you keep your hand on it or around it, for example to prevent the thing from falling or to support yourself.
e.g. His right arm was extended up beside his head, still holdingon to a coffee cup...他的右臂伸在头的一侧🦙🪰_-🐃,手里仍紧握着一个咖啡杯🌏🕷|_🐕。e.g. He was struggling tohold onto a rockon the face of the cliff...他奋力想要抓住悬崖壁上的一块岩石🌺|——✨🏐。
2.坚持不懈If youhold on, you manage to achieve success or avoid failure in spite of great difficulties or opposition.
hold on的解释
e.g. Juanito scored for the Spaniards with only two minutes left, but the Romanians heldon...华尼托在仅剩两分钟时为西班牙队进了一球🐝-😜🐅,但罗马尼亚队将优势保持到了终场🪄||🎉🎫。e.g. This Government deserved to lose power a year ago. It heldon.这届政府一年前就该下台了🐞🤯_🐲🦛。可它还在撑着🦠-🍄。
3.稍等;等一下If you ask someone tohold on, you are asking them to wait for a short time.
e.g. The manager asked him toholdon while he investigated.经理让他稍等一会儿🏏_🦒⭐️,他去调查一下🙄-🦈🌱。e.g. Holdon a minute.稍等片刻🐄——-💐☄️。
He held on to the rock to stop himself slipping.
These nuts and bolts hold the wheels on.
You should hold on to your oil shares.
They managed to hold on until help arrived.
He swallowed the insults and kept on working.
He gritted his teeth and resolved to hold out.
Hold on,please. I'll see if he's in his office.
hold on的相关近义词
hang on🦙🦫|-*😉、hold the line🌱——👽😞、stop🤕——😼、hang in🐩🦭——-🦛🌝、grasp🐳-——🐸、persist🦧_🤪😐、keep🤧-🐐、persevere
hold on的相关临近词
Holdo🦊🦆|_🐌🐓、hold🦜——🌧、hold out for🦈-🦅、hold fast.🐄_🐂🌸、holddown nut🤪🐑|🤔、hold a dance😟🎖|_🐿🐘、hold a party🌷|🌴、hold circuit🦢🐀_-🐝、hold up plan🐋😾|🎃、Holdengraber🐷——🦕🐔、holdback pay😑🥎-🌺🐊、hold voltage
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hold on的词典解释是什么hold on的词典解释是🤿|_🐺:握住;抓牢If youhold on, orhold onto something, you keep your hand on it or around it, for example to prevent the thing from falling or to support yourself🪴♦|_⚡️🐹。
hold on的词典解释是🦁🤣-|🐳:握住;抓牢If youhold on, orhold onto something, you keep your hand on it or around it, for example to prevent the thing from falling or to support yourself🦦_🤑。hold on的例句是用作不及物动词(vi.)He held on to the rock to stop himself slipping.他紧紧抓住岩石以免自己往下滑🐥😚_🐘。hold on的读音是英[həʊldɒn]🎳_🦕;美[hoʊldɑːn]🕊|🦆🐹。
一🐷-——🦙😥、英英释义点此查看hold on的详细内容
"Hold on a moment!"
"he persisted to call me every night""The child persisted and kept asking questions"
"Please hang on while I get your folder"
"Can I keep my old stuffed animals?""She kept her maiden name after she married"
1.握住;抓牢If youhold on, orhold onto something, you keep your hand on it or around it, for example to prevent the thing from falling or to support yourself.
e.g. His right arm was extended up beside his head, still holdingon to a coffee cup...他的右臂伸在头的一侧🐨*‍❄——_🌕*,手里仍紧握着一个咖啡杯🍃_😭。e.g. He was struggling tohold onto a rockon the face of the cliff...他奋力想要抓住悬崖壁上的一块岩石🐘⛸_🦒。
2.坚持不懈If youhold on, you manage to achieve success or avoid failure in spite of great difficulties or opposition.
hold on的解释
e.g. Juanito scored for the Spaniards with only two minutes left, but the Romanians heldon...华尼托在仅剩两分钟时为西班牙队进了一球🐪😬||🐩🦜,但罗马尼亚队将优势保持到了终场🐉🪅——_🏏🎏。e.g. This Government deserved to lose power a year ago. It heldon.这届政府一年前就该下台了🦟-😗🌾。可它还在撑着😹-🐌。
3.稍等;等一下If you ask someone tohold on, you are asking them to wait for a short time.
e.g. The manager asked him toholdon while he investigated.经理让他稍等一会儿😫🎴_🐓🎈,他去调查一下😵🐃_🐯🎑。e.g. Holdon a minute.稍等片刻😤——🐪🐜。
He held on to the rock to stop himself slipping.
These nuts and bolts hold the wheels on.
You should hold on to your oil shares.
They managed to hold on until help arrived.
He swallowed the insults and kept on working.
He gritted his teeth and resolved to hold out.
Hold on,please. I'll see if he's in his office.
hold on的相关近义词
hang on⚡️_——🎄、hold the line🦂🪀-👽⚾、stop🥌_|🎇*、hang in🦚|_🦅、grasp🌪——🐭、persist🐤|🐀🦛、keep🦓🐍——-🦀🦌、persevere
hold on的相关临近词
Holdo🐗🥌-_😁🤒、hold🐐🦙_🏸🥇、hold out for🎋————🧐🦚、hold fast.🌲😜|_*🐁、holddown nut🦈——_😬、hold a dance🦇🐼|——🏉😕、hold a party🌷_🎖、hold circuit🤑🦡_🐕‍🦺、hold up plan🌒😊——🦋🤡、Holdengraber🧧🦙-——🐺、holdback pay🥏——|😻、hold voltage
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