



2024-07-22 07:23:57 来源:网络


1🌿😀|🌧🐲、It was my first job after graduation.那是我毕业后的第一个工作🦂————⚡️。《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》2🤓——🐹🎫、My whole family came to my graduation.我的家人都来参加了我的毕业典礼🐷——😸💮。《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》3🌹🐐——_🍁🦕、The graduations are marked on the side of the flask.烧瓶壁标有刻度🐆⚡️_——🦚☘。《牛津高阶英汉有帮助请点赞*-🕹🦖。
毕业的英文翻译是graduate🦉——-🌤。graduate 英[ˈgrædʒuət]vi. 渐变🐩🥅|🦛; 渐渐变为(与into连用) 渐渐消逝🐟🥈-🌴;vt. 授予学位或毕业证书🐉-🎗; 从…接受学位🐀😘——🃏; 分成等级🎗🧿--🐽;n. <美>毕业生😠——🥈🦅; <英>大学毕业生🧐😹--🦧; 研究生🪁⛳_|🐡; 量筒😆🌴|🀄;adj. <美>毕业了的😡🐄-😶🥀,研究生的*_🤢; 有学位的⛳😢——*;好了吧🐏🪰|-🪲!


graduation photo的造句1🐩🦎-⛈、Yesterday, I received my graduation photo from the university photographer. It looks amazing!昨天我收到了大学摄影师拍摄的毕业照🐥——😅🌪,看起来太棒了*🤔|_🤥!2🤫🐃_——🦘、My parents were so proud when they saw my graduation photo hanging on the wall.当我把毕业照挂在墙上👹|_🐸🦨,父母看到等我继续说🐗-_🌸。
Mary was graduated from Oxford.玛丽毕业于牛津大学🦨|-🦐。给等会说🦥🌏——-🦀☺️。标上刻度This ruler is graduated in centimeters.这把尺的刻度是厘米🐐🌴|🦙🎐。She graduated from Harvard.她毕业于哈佛大学*🐪_🎋🎳。He graduated from petty theft to bank robbery.他从小偷小摸发展到抢劫银行🦇🌏||🦝。
congratulations造句1.Bochmann lisped his congratulations.博克曼口齿不清地表示祝贺😘-_🌙🦀。2."Congratulations,"he said sincerely.“祝贺🦅🌪|🦠,”他真诚地说道🤔*-_🌑。3.Congratulations,you have a healthy baby girl.恭喜你🎽_——🍁,有个健康的千金宝宝😔🎫——|🦈!4.'Congratulations!'he said,slapping me on the back.“祝贺你😳🪰_🐯🌲!
动词🤬😳|——🐀🌴。表示祝贺🤔|——🌼、庆祝或称赞🤖——🐇。用法🐕‍🦺🦛_——🐍:表示向某人致以祝贺🦍——|☘、庆祝或表达赞许之情🤒🌤——⛅️。词形变化🦋-|😱:第三人称单数👿🕊-🐦:congratulates 现在分词*😀-——😒:congratulating 过去式😑🦁|🦖🦕:congratulated 过去分词🏈_⛸:congratulated 词语搭配🐸——-🥀:1. congratulate someone on something🐔😮-——🌔🎃:因某事向某人表示祝贺2. congratulate someone on their success/后面会介绍😛|🦃。
celebration造句🐑😿--🎫:1🧵|_*、We had a big celebration for my sister's graduation, with lots of food and music.2⚡️🦅|——🐑🐜、The whole town was decorated with lights and decorations for the New Year's Eve celebration.3🦒_——🐆、They organized a special celebration to mark the company's 50th anniversary.4好了吧🏓_🦘🔮!
"theatre"的造句🪢🙄-🎇:1🎋-🐏🦎、This is my first time in a Broadway theatre.这是我第一次进百老汇的剧院🦆🐌——_🎿🐰。2😙🦠-|🕷😏、He resolutely goes into the theatre considering his hobby.考虑到自己的爱好所在🙂🐗_|🤧,他果断地进入了喜剧行业🐓🐚——🎃🙃。3🥉——-🦏🐙、Our graduation ceremony was held in the new theatre of the school.我们的毕业是什么💫-🐾。
As the years passed,many occasions-birthdays,awards,graduations-were marked with Dad's flowers. 随着岁月的流逝🦍🦔-——🐺,许多场合😚——_🦁,如生日🦖||🪆🌟,获奖🦭|🌗,毕业✨🤩-🌛🐲,都有父亲的鲜花. be marked with:留下记号😿-🐔,有.. 等我继续说🥅🐫_*。It is certain that he is alive.肯定他还活着🦊🐥-🪁🕊。It is David that won the game.就是等我继续说🐦|🐖。
3💐🐄_🦜、After his graduation, he chose to work as a clinical doctor in the best hospital.毕业之后🐔🐺-_🐺,他选择在最好的医院做一名临床医生🌘🌳|🧩。4🌥🌚||🐥🦢、We can't find a clinical reason for your high sugars.我们找不到你血糖偏高的临床原因🐨🥀_-🐯。5🐃--🌛、We'll have to do a few clinical trials in order to 后面会介绍🔮🌳_🍄😍。