



2024-07-19 16:09:26 来源:网络


1🦈✨_🐳、feel like 1)释义🎲|_👺🐣:想要♣🦕————🦑🎆;感到好似2)例句I feel like part of the group now.我现在感觉像这个团体的一部分了🐷🦚——🐱♦。2🦖😃-🎭、feel free 1)释义🐾_|🌟🎖:随便🐵--🐁,轻松2)例句Feel free to join us, if you want to.如果你想🎯🎉|-🐅🌧,随便加入到我们里🎆_-🦁。3🌺|-🌱🐖、feel about 1)释义🍃——_🙊*:摸索2)例句How do you f到此结束了?👻||🐔。
用单词feel造句🦓_😫:1. She could feel herself blushing.她可以感到脸都红了🎀——_🎯。2. I feel quite exhausted.我感到筋疲力尽🙄🎄-_🦑。3. I feel so happy that I can see you.我能见你感觉很开心🪀😣|🎇🏆。4. To feel the flame of dreaming and to feel the moment of dancing, when all the romance is far 希望你能满意*-|😢。


I feel very angry .(我感到很生气👻_——🍂🥍。
1. I like the feel of this cloth; it has a warm woolly feel.我喜欢这块布给我的感觉🦭😓-🦄🐼,它摸上去毛茸茸的很暖和🐙-🦜。2. Are you feeling better?你感觉好些吗?3. The dead cannot feel.死人没有知觉🤕🐷_——🦙🦍。4. My children's skill with computers really makes me feel my age!我的孩子使用电脑到此结束了?🦕||🥇🐁。
用feel 造句??
回答🎆🦐-☘🌔:I feel it easy to do it myself.I feel it happy to stay with you.
1. feel + 宾语+ 动词原形(宾补*🌳-——🌻🐑,表示完成的动作)🌎😙_🦩:I felt the house move. 我感觉房子动了🐷——_🦁😧。2. feel + 宾语+ 现在分词(宾补🌝——😳🏑,强调正在进行的动作)🕷|-🐺🪱:She felt a worm creeping on her foot. 她感觉有一条虫正在腿上爬动🌕🪶--🦚🦟。3. feel + 宾语+ 过去分词(宾补🎑|——🪅☺️,被动关系)🤒——🐡:I feel the 还有呢?
1. I feel very tired 2.She feels hot 3.He feels cold 4.They make me feel awful 5.I feel nervous
回答🦫🌿|🐒:可以用来修饰物😎_🤓,也可以用来修饰人😲🎿——_😃☁️。I feel cold(我感觉到冷) It feels cold.(那个东西感觉起来很冷) 希望可以帮到你😾🌥-|🦬🐼,有什么不会的尽管问
him very much.我相信每个人都会怀念他🤐_🐝。感觉🧶🦠__🎰,觉得🌔__🎍🐾,感知feel cold 觉得冷I felt the branch touch my face.我感到树枝碰着了我的脸🏏🤓-🥎🌼。We feel great anxiety about the general engineer's sickness.我们非常担忧总工程师的病情🦔__🥅🦟。He seems to feel a bit down today.他今天好象感到情绪不佳🐒——🕹。
 1.am feeling very depressed 我觉得非常沮丧😚🎽——🦢。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》2.It feels good to have finished a piece of work 完成一项工作后感觉很好🕸🐸——😐。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》3.The metal felt smooth and cold 这种金属摸起来冰冷而光滑🦕_🪁🌹。