



2024-07-18 23:33:28 来源:网络


creed英[kri:d]美[krid]n.(尤指宗教)信条🪡🦉————🐣🐽,教义*🏐|🐥; 主义🦇-🐸,纲领🐽🧸_|🐣; 宗派🦥🍀_*🦙;[例句]Let me guess, creed?让我猜猜宗教音乐?
campus🦎🤑-🤗:A campus is an area of land that contains the main building of a university or colledge.多指大学校园🌚|😞🤥,通常用法有on campus🦔|_🐔,campus life等🦡_|🌿。university🍂🥍_♦:A university is a large and diverse institution of higer learning creaed to educate for life and for a profession and to好了吧🐌||😚🦆!


campus, university, colledge, academy分别有什么意思???
campus🌧——-🦧:A campus is an area of land that contains the main building of a university or colledge.多指大学校园😞🦘-——⚾🕷,通常用法有on campus🐀——_🪄,campus life等⭐️🐝_🐕🌿。university🎲|🐪:A university is a large and diverse institution of higer learning creaed to educate for life and for a profession and to等我继续说☺️🦌————*。
campus🐳|-🐳🪰:A campus is an area of land that contains the main building of a university or colledge.多指大学校园🌹🤔——*,通常用法有on campus😧-🦙🐩,campus life等*-_🦥。university🏵🤕-_🌑:A university is a large and diverse institution of higer learning creaed to educate for life and for a profession and to还有呢?
campus主要指大学校园🥉|-😍🐕‍🦺,固定搭配on campusschool主要学校🏑😺——🥈😠,中🐕🌝-_🦛、小学university主要是指综合性大学🐋🌳——☀️🦒,较偏重于本科college主要指学院🤮🐸-🤤🪡,较偏重于专科学院🪳🎨-——😱,
university😿😙——_🐈🦟:A university is a large and diverse institution of higer learning creaed to educate for life and for a profession and to grant degrees. 指综合性大学🦠——🎁🤫。colledge🦗🦣-——🌹🌨:通常指大学中的学院🌒😰——🐿,比如🦡_|🤬🎮:Colledge of computer science and technology:计算机科学与技术学院🐑_——🙀。这个单词比较常用😞|🎖🤒,..