



2024-07-19 21:23:24 来源:网络


along造句有🐄-🌖🍄:walked along the street alone. 佩德罗独自一人沿着这条街走🐍🀄-😷。除此之外还有🐙🤯_🐩:Many trees were planted along the river-bank.沿着河岸种植了许多树🐼_|🦨。There are trees all along the road.沿着这条路从头到尾都有树🎾|🥀🦫。Let us walk along.让我们向前步行🏐——🕸。she will send it back along wi是什么🙈_-🧧。
1. go along🐆⛳-_😇🌾:沿着某个线路或方向走😒🤨——🤬;2. bring along😂_🦇🎱:带某物或某人一起去🐃🍃——|🦝;3. along with🌔🦏_🦆:和🎳-🐁;与后面会介绍*————*🌸。一起*🦮|🥍;4. tag along🎋🐺|🏉🦁:跟随某人☁️|🪶🌺,陪同某人🐬😺||🐨;5. be along🏸|😵:到达某个时间或地点🐭-🐁,或进展顺利🦔|🐊;二♥|🌺😦、其他用法1☁️*——_🥊🎏、在时间或空间上的某个点🐚🪁-☘🌤。2🐁——|🌴、作为补充或附加信息🎳🌖_🐅😖。3😴_|🌪、沿着(某个方向)🍄——🦑。三后面会介绍🐆|🐨*。


along造句 不要词组,譬如说get along with这样的不要,??
3.Along the wall there is a hedge.沿墙着有1道树篱.
1.across: They boated us across the bay.他们用船把我们送过海湾🦁-_🐰🐃。He moseyed across to the bar.他闲荡着走向对面的酒吧.We can gain some time if we cut across this field.我们如果抄近路穿过这片田野可以省下一些时间🕊-😆。2.along: We coasted along on our bicycles.我们骑着自行车向前滑到此结束了?🦀🐪——_🌩🌹。
go along和walk along的区别??
区别🦔_-🎫:1🐑🐺——|*🐬、walk along更强调walk这种形式🌍————😒🦝,不是坐车或者其他形式🐳_-*🧶。2🦁——🏉、go along 和with连用时有赞同的意思🐽🎱|🐸😙;顺着某人的意思🦦💐|_🐿🐟;赞同某人🍄🦁——-🐯🦖,而walk along 不行🎍|_👻🤯。例如🐕——⚾:I’ll go along with you on this one.在这一点上我同意你的看法3🐙😃|🌥🦅、walk along 有闲走的意思*|-🎉💐,go along 只是表示在走🦃🦥|——🌿。
沿着河岸走的英文造句🎊🌚_|🌹:1🌦🌛——🪢、We walked along the river bank for a few miles, admiring the beautiful scenery.我们沿着河岸走了几英里🌾——|🐳,欣赏着美丽的风景🀄♥——🦢。2🦟🐝-🏉😏、My dog loves to run along the river bank, chasing after birds and squirrels.我的狗喜欢沿着河岸奔跑🐚_-🌴,追逐着鸟类和松鼠🦁-🧸😪。3🌑_🦛、Every 有帮助请点赞🦐🐰_😊🕷。
along with 用法解析以及例句??
一🌝🥍-*、along with的意思1.与…一道🌿🦃——_🌤😏,与…一起🎊-🐁🐡,共同🐞🌖-——🦖,连同🐟🦉-|🦭🌥,和🦫-🎫;作伴🪳🎁——|🏵☹️;随着He came along with some friends.他和几个朋友一道来的☘|🐪。2. (除…外)又…*🐾--🪴🐉;加之Along with that, you learned some basic grammar to assemble the words into sentences.后来你学会了一些造句的语法二🤩🌲——*、用法along with说完了🏸_💀。
Kennedy worked along three tracks
1.与有帮助请点赞🦊-🦏。一道🌸🎃——🤿,与有帮助请点赞🕹🦉——🦓*。一起🐈‍⬛🌧-*,共同🌓🦄|*,连同🦐——🦍🙈,和*|🐿;作伴🎑||🦅🐨;随着🌩——🦏;He came along with some friends.他和几个朋友一道来的🎇🏓————🦍🌛。2.(除有帮助请点赞🌞__🏓🎊。外)又有帮助请点赞🐪-——🐫🦊。🎯*_😖;加之🎟*——🪳;Along with that,you learned some basic grammar to assemble the words into sentences.后来你学会了一些造句的语法🕸-_🦘🐞。along with例句*--🐽🐌:1.The problem有帮助请点赞🌷_🐦🐂。
run along造句有如下*😤——|🐥🐄:1.These strips can run along the wall, or along the tops of desks, or sink into the surface of a conference table.这种接线板可以贴墙面或桌面放置🤪-😮🪡,或嵌到会议桌的桌面里🦎🍀-🐜。2.Unity, founded early in the last century, is one of several British schools run 有帮助请点赞🤐_-🤢🐿。