



2024-07-19 15:22:42 来源:网络


用come up against造句子造句指懂得并使用字词🪁😨|🎲🪁,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺😌|🐪🧐、意思完整🙁-——🤖🦒、符合逻辑的句子😺🎊|🐃。依据现代语文学科特征🌼🐷|🦍🎈,可延伸为写段🥀-|🎗、作文的基础🐀————🐐,是学生写好作文的基本功🥊——♟🙁。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八🦒|——🐅:“其用意*-|🐂,其造句😖🦢|🦡🪴,均以纤巧胜🎃🧿|-🐱✨。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四🤮_*:“造句也共同斟酌🌦_——🦔,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来😐|🪶🐪。”
下面为您提供关于【come up against造句】内容😟——🧵🐘,供您参考🍁😦——_😥。
1♥🀄_🤗😉、And what is you had come up against the most troublesome issue at present?(以及你现在已经碰到最麻烦的事情是什么?)
2😃😭|_😔🪀、We expect to come up against a lot of opposition to the scheme.(我们预计这个计划要遭到很多人反对🤔-🪄🎋。)
3🐅🦓——|🐿☘️、While we all aspire to climb to the top of our respective professions♦_🐌🐼, from time to time we come up against a roadblock🐐♥_🪴*, a barrier that slows our pace.(当我们都致力于攀登我们各自领域的巅峰时🌾🐋|——🦃🕸,我们不时地遭遇到障碍物🎏|_🌵,降低我们的步速🎏_✨。)
4🤡——|😰、Chris Pine and Ben Foster play West Texas brothers who come up against the law in the person of Jeff Bridges at his sly🎲🐝_🎊🦓, old-coot best.(克里斯?潘和本?福斯特在影片中饰演西德克·萨斯的一对兄弟🦅🐊|🤔,他们和狡黠的老警察杰夫·布里奇对抗周旋🎐-🦄。)
5🐍🤧-🌳、We expect to come up against a lot of opposition to the plan.(我们预料这个计划会遭到很多人的反对🦏|——🐺🐂。)
6🪅🦃——🌚😺、When they go into the Champions League and come up against good teams will he still have that influence?(到了冠军杯和那些大球队较量的时候他还会有那样的影响力吗?)
7🐇🍄-_😃🌞、But her healthful habits have been known to come up against her strong sweet tooth — especially in the middle of the night.(但是她健康的饮食习惯提醒着她不该吃这些甜食🐅_——👻🐹,特别是在夜深人静时候🎍|_⛅️。)
8⭐️——_🐬、the fund's attempts to flesh out what countries threatened by a surge of capital should do come up against a more fundamental problem🌎——🐇, too.(基金组织还试图教导面对资本涌入威胁的国家应该怎样解决一个更基本的问题🏵_🐦🥅。)
9🎍|🌺🐝、Before then you must consider some of the problems you'll come up against while data modelling.(在此之前必须考虑到数据建模时可能遇到的一些问题🤒|——🌙。)
10😰_|🐷🦙、When you come up against the hosts🏆🪱_——🌜, it's always tricky for any opponent.(对阵东道主🍁🌙|🀄,对任何球队而言🤔🌹--💫,都是件棘手的事情😞🕹——👹😖。)
11🐿😆-🦫😟、If it was a really lucky🐚💮|✨, plucky virus♟_🦇, it might make it to market - where it would come up against more healthy pigs living in small herds.(如果有一个侥幸没死🪰|🐯、百折不挠的病毒🐹*_🐥😙,它可能会(随病猪)流向市场🦓_🪢😑。在那里🐄——🦔,这个病毒要面对的是更多的生活在小群落中的健康猪🐚🐹——🍁🐯。)
12🪁♠--🥅、For whenever the Israelites planted crops🥊😰_🐡😅, the Midianites and the Amalekites and the people of the East would come up against them.(以色列人每逢撒种之后🐀——🦏,米甸人😙_🌈、亚玛力人🐑_-🙃,和东方人都上来攻打他们🌵🦗_|🌧。)
13🦮🦆--🥈🦜、Isn't it enough for me to extrapolate from cases that I do come up against in this life?(难道仅仅依靠我这辈子碰到的东西🦤😥_🤠,不足以使我推断出来吗💀🧶|😥。)
14😄🐐_🎁、It's here that we come up against the difference of approach.(正是在这一点上我们遇到方法上的分歧🎋🦭——|🐱。)
15🐥🎄——🐣☺️、Now in the fourteenth year of king Hezekiah did Sennacherib king of Assyria come up against all the fenced cities of Judah😞_——🐘, and took them.(希西家王十四年🐅😁|🐜,亚述王西拿基立上来攻击犹大的一切坚固城🌪|🪡*,将城攻取🌴🙄————🌷🎐。)
16🌝😒-|🪀😪、You will come up against my people Israel🧧😉-♥🖼, like a cloud covering the land.(你会来对我的人民以色列💥——🎣🐬,像一个云涵盖的土地🌻😍_🦉。)
17🌷🤤——🪱😈、When two big sides come up against each other🌵🥀-🦩🐐, people expect fireworks time and time again. That doesn't always happen.(当两只很好的球队对抗的时候*——🌸🔮,球迷总是希望看到一次又一次的精彩场面🦡-——🐈🧧,但是这并不是经常发生的🦙🦖——🏆🐟。)
18🥀🤩_|😴🦨、Have you come up against Harry much in training?(在训练的时候你和哈利有身体对抗吗?)
19🦡🎇__🦜、The greatest of programmers can come up against the graphics barrier and sometimes just fall flat.(程序设计师经常会碰到图片问题✨_🎃🎫,即使是专业的设计者在遇到这个问题时🐍_|☘😙,也会犯错误🐨🙊-🪅🦘。)
20🥊_☘⛸、There are all kinds of combinations you come up against down in the different layers of meat and Frank knew how to work every one.(在肌肉的不同层次里面🌧*|🌘,你会遇到各种不同的问题组合🤖🥀_-🎈🐙,而弗兰基全都知道如何解决🎄-|🦋。)
21🏏🐱|-🍀、If you try to find out more about this committee😖🦅————🐄🌖, its members🤒——*👺, its powers and remit😖🐯——🐃, you would come up against a dead end.(如果你试图找出关于这个委员会的更多情况🤤☘️——🦙,比如其成员🐪|😡,权力和职责范围的话🐡🐜__😛😯,就会走进死胡同🦫🌔_🌞🙃。)
22*_*🎈、Editor: How do you come up against dingdong atelier?(编辑*🪰_🌲🤧:你是怎么碰到叮当工作室的?)
23🐣🎈--🐩🐔、You've come up against a powerful adversary.(你遇到了一个强大的敌人*——😖🍄。)

五🪳——🦓😱、用关联词造句🌳🐌——🐬,必须注意词语的合理搭配🌑_🐬。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句😬|-🌍:“尽管今天天气很糟🌪🐔——-🐭🦕,但是大家都没有迟到😖🌻——🐄。” 这就需要在平时学习中🐂|-😣,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住🦛--🐏。


用run up against造句子造句指懂得并使用字词🐂_🦐,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺🐆_💀、意思完整🙊|🌷、符合逻辑的句子😢-🌱🦊。依据现代语文学科特征🦓|🦁🐕‍🦺,可延伸为写段🌓🌥|🐓*、作文的基础⛳😌-——🦅*‍❄,是学生写好作文的基本功🐍🦚|🐜🐑。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八🦏🐜-|🤐🥀:“其用意🦨😥_|*🥎,其造句👻🐽——-🐞🐨,均以纤巧胜🎀——*。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四🧐✨|🐄:“造句也共同斟酌🦅🔮_|🐘,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来👿☀️——🦖。”
下面为您提供关于【run up against造句】内容👹|_🥎,供您参考😯🪰-🐘😗。
1🎴-🦫🐀、Getting IronRuby built and run successfully has some possible issues associated with it and Justin handles all of the scenarios he came up against🪰————🍁, explains what they are and how to get around them.(编译和运行IronRuby中可能发生一些问题🧧——🦗,Justin处理了他所遇到的所有情形🦘😆——🥏,解释了它们是什么和如何解决😊-_🐅✨。)
2🦀🤓_🥋、Have you run up against any problems in getting your passport renewed?(你在护照续签时遇到什么问题了吗?)
3😙|😢、If you try to change the name of the school you will run up against a lot of opposition.(倘若你要更换学校的名称🌗🌵-😿🕸,你会遭到多人的反对🐑😼_😆🎽。)
4🦖😨-|🌺🐼、Over the course of a long marriage*|_🍂🌴, you’re bound to run up against financial issues that you didn’t plan for.(在漫长的婚姻旅途中🎇|_🤤♟,你注定会遇到史料未及的财务问题🎏*_*🤡。)
5🐺|🦚🦅、in the long run😩_🙄, ensuring women's access to earnings will speed up both the economic recovery and the fight against poverty.(从长期看*-🐸🥊,确保妇女获得收入将有助于加快经济复苏和减贫进程♟|-🐾。)
6🪁💫|🦒、But this would run up against Putin and Russia's veto.(但是这会遭到普京的反对🐳🐓-|🙉☘️,俄罗斯会投反对票*_😟🦫。)
7🐊😪-_🖼、Every time we try to get the scheme going we seem to run up against yet another problem.(我们每次试图执行计划时🎆——🤣🐽,似乎又碰到了另一个困难😹🦃_🐃🤑。)
8🌤-🦢🐆、A creature must balance perfecting a skill or trait (building up legs to run faster) against experimenting with new traits (wings).(生物必须在完善现有技能♣🪀||🦬、特质(练腿力以便跑得更快)与尝试新特质(翅膀)之间作取舍🕸🐿——🕸🦫。)
9🐬_🐯、Homes are 30% overvalued against the long-run ratio of prices to rents😸🦗|🐘🐈, the gauge used in the Economist's quarterly round-up of global house prices.(相比长期租金比率😌————🐚🐅,住房价格被高估30%——引自《经济学人》的全球房价季度汇编🐓🐈——_🪡。)
10🐳🥋————😭、If he tries to change the rules of the club he will run up against a lot of opposition.(如果他想改变俱乐部的章程🌔🏈——|😏,就会遇到很多反对意见*👹_|🍁🐍。)
11🐐🐄——🐽😘、In Africa🦅*-_🌦, such efforts have run up against stiff opposition from the transnational tobacco companies🦌🍀||😴🙊, whose revenues dwarf the economies of some African countries.(在非洲🙂🤪|🎐🌱,这些努力成果遭到了跨过烟草公司的强烈反对☘——-🐙,这些跨过烟草公司所在的国家经济收入比其他一些非洲国家的要少🐩🌤——😔。)
12🐋|_🐱、Yet the new products can run up against longtime habits and even cultural concepts of cleanliness.(但新的产品可能会与以往长期的习惯🌟——🦭,甚至是清洁的文化概念相冲突🦗😺__**。)
13🦎🎎||🦌、If he tries to change the rules of the club he will run up against a lot of oppositions.(如果他企图改变俱乐部的规定🪀🐔|——😃,他就会遭到许多人的反对🎫|——😄。)
14*|_🥉👹、You can't give up the moment you run up against difficulty.(不能遇到点困难就打退堂鼓呀🐇|🎭🐪。)
15😻_🌗🐅、Whether you are prototyping to prove a concept🐈————🛷🌙, developing a new application from the ground up🀄_-🐱🐟, or just studying SQL💥🐰|-🐅🥉, you need test data to run your application against.(无论您是在用原型证明某一概念🦈🦮|🧧🦊,还是开发一个全新的应用程序😣-🌓,或者只是学习SQL☘️|😋,您都需要在您的应用程序上运行测试数据🐨🐏-🌥😜。)
16🎳😶||🌻🎰、Also🏆-🤩🏈, if you run up against obstacles☹️*|🌚, it is critical to let management know right away.(同时🐄__🤣🦦,如果你碰到的障碍🌼🍀——-🧿,关键是要让管理层知道吧🌼|-⭐️。)
17☘🐘——🌼🤫、I dream I can run up against strangers just like those people in the movies*🐡————🦎, get to know each other then become friends;(总期待能象电影里那样偶遇陌生人🦚|🏵🐔,从搭讪到相识相知🌵|-🦄♠;)
18👿🤗_——🌗、In keeping a diary in English😱🦃|-😇, we inevitably run up against a lot of difficulties.(坚持用英语写日记🐯☘-|🤨,我们不可避免地要遇到很多困难🪆|🌱。)
19🦁🦭-🦗、Up until now🌧🥉_🐽, it was possible to run unit tests against your personal Twitter account without anybody knowing what you were up to.(到目前为止♦🦛_🕊🎗,可以在个人Twitter帐户上运行单元测试🏑🦆——⛈🀄,而其他人并不知道您要干什么🦂🐤-|😧。)
20🐨————🤮🎨、Even so🎖|😼, you'veprobably also run up against people who love your idealism😯————🐽🌜, but warn you tolower your sights*——|*, to scale back your ambitions a bit😙——_*, to settle for somethingless.(虽然如此😜🐯-|🦌,你可能已经遇到了一些人非常欣赏上你的理想主义🦍🌨-|🕸😠,但是同时也告诫你要放低你的眼光🏅-——✨,稍稍丈量你的野心🐃-|🦂,把自己的梦想放低一些🐐|_🐪🦟。)
21☀️————🎰、Before long I run up against my own constraints🐀🐟_🦛🤫, and the van slows and pulls to the side of the six-lane highway to let me out.(很快🦟🙊-☺️🐋,我就碰到了自己的约束条件🎆--🦦。这辆面包车减速🤩————🌻,停靠在一条六车道高速公路旁——我该下车了🤨|——☘🐷。)
22🧨🌍|-🐸😘、We've run up against a big problem .(我们碰到了一个大问题🦬🐯——😓。)
23🦗🐽_😖🎖、Don't back up the moment you run up against a little difficulty.(不要遇到一点困难就打退堂鼓🥏🐞_🐭。)
24♟————🐲🦉、That means telecoms can finally put fiber-optic lines into people’s homes🍄|-🐼, where cables often run up against right angles and tight squeezes from the sidewalk to the house.(这意味着电信公司终于可以把光纤铺进千家万户了——在市内电缆经常要沿着墙角拐许多弯并被紧订在墙上☺️_——🐺。)
25🍀——_🐉🦄、Suspicions have recently grown that Japanese-supplied fuel was used by the United States in 2003 in the run-up to the war against Saddam Hussein⚾😀|*, something America denies.(最近对2003年日本也向美国的伊拉克战争提供燃油补给的怀疑开始增大*🌹_-🐆,美国对此矢口否认🐰🐫|——🦍。)

五🌾__🦮、用关联词造句🐦🐷——🦃,必须注意词语的合理搭配🌑🥊|_🐱。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句😯🤿|🦏🐤:“尽管今天天气很糟🌧——_🪳😟,但是大家都没有迟到🙊——🌞。” 这就需要在平时学习中🦤_😢🦡,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住*🐷_*🧵。

struggle against造句造句指懂得并使用字词🎱-——🤕,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺🪳|_🦤🧩、意思完整🎑|🪳、符合逻辑的句子🐓——|🦕😰。依据现代语文学科特征🦖🐟|🐄🐳,可延伸为写段🌍👺——💐🌳、作文的基础🥉-🐯🐙,是学生写好作文的基本功🥎😌——🦜🐲。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八😫🤗-🤩🦦:“其用意🪡*——🐭,其造句*-*🥊,均以纤巧胜😧|🐒🌛。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四🦊_——🐯🤮:“造句也共同斟酌🦛-😼🤖,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来🦟——_🌎。”
下面为您提供关于【struggle against造句】内容🦘🦔——🎳,供您参考🌼😇_🪲🤯。
1🦉🦃——💥、Europe is making progress in its struggle against the deadly E-coli outbreak🐨|_😸, with the rate of new cases steadily declining.(欧洲在对抗爆发的致命的大肠杆菌方面取得进展😡——🌲,新增的病例比率正逐步减少😊|🐇。)
2🐐🦁||🏐🐣、We rely on the Earth's abundant resources as much as it relies on us to succeed in the struggle against climate change.(我们依赖地球丰富的资源🎱_🐐🥋,它依赖我们在应对气候变化斗争上取得胜利🎖🏒——😭。)
3🦦🦠-|🦜*、We struggle against time.(我们与时间斗争🐱🦛|🤥。)
4🐿🐃——🤒、in the struggle against enemies🐡😁|🐈, we should avoid wronging an innocent person.(在对敌斗争中🐂*--🤿🎐,我们要避免冤枉好人🎰🥌_😚。)
5🐦-🎉🪶、Here is a work which🌹😅——-*😊, in a chiaroscuro more gripping than the light of day🤐|🙂, permits us to seize man's struggle against his hopes.(这部作品其中的明暗对比的反差比白昼之光还来的强烈*‍❄——🐆😂,我们能够因此而抓住人对希望的反抗和斗争💮|_😂🍀。)
6🤒——😌🔮、This year😳|-🦉🥏, which marks the 20th anniversary of World AIDS Day🦠🐄|😒, also marks a major milestone in the long struggle against this disease.(今年是世界艾滋病日二十周年🎃_——🐖,也是防治这一疾病的长期斗争中的重要里程碑*--🌕。)
7🎆🏑_——🐜、They had to struggle against all kinds of adversity.(他们不得不同各种困境斗争👹🐙-🐰。)
8🧐🎲-🐜、The court's ruling is a step forward in the struggle against both corruption and official favoritism.(法院的判决是反腐败和反官场偏袒的一个进步😪——🕹。)
9🐯🎣-🎄、Divers must bring extra breathing gas when they'll have to struggle against a siphoning tide.(由于水流的虹吸现象🦆_-🪶🎟,潜水员需要携带额外的氧气来对抗这种阻力🧿😎-🦊😼。)
10🦩😐_😨🐈‍⬛、It has also realigned itself with the Qassam Brigades in a joint struggle against Mr Hamad's interior-ministry forces.(它还重新与卡桑旅结盟对抗哈马德的内政部军🤫🦘__🦥🐨。)
11😞🧩-😶、They have learned to struggle against adversity.(他们已经学会同逆境做斗争🐔——|🦓🐙。)
12🦡_|🐰🦙、According to Robertson😉🐘|_🎿🏅, the struggle against the record labels is one of the defining business and legal battles of our time.(罗伯逊表示🌸——🤿🍃,与唱片公司之间的斗争🌴——🙃,不仅是我们这个时代最为重要的一项事业*--😻,也是一场具有决定意义的法律之战🎖🤿-——💐。)
13🐼-——*、He praised her role in the struggle against apartheid.(他赞扬了她在反对种族隔离制的斗争中所起的作用😣🦋-🌼。)
14🐿🌸_⛈🐃、Most of his adult life has been a losing struggle against debt and misfortune.(他成年后的大部分时间都在与债务和不幸作着失败的斗争🥀🐑-——🐥🦡。)
15🐏*|——*、A small boy had become a pawn in the never-ending struggle against Castro.(一个小男孩成了针对卡斯特罗无休止的斗争的牺牲品🌎*_——🐦。)
16🐈‍⬛|_🦕🦇、He went all over the country♣——_🐋, rousing the workers and peasants for the struggle against oppression.(他到全国各地😢🌺_——🐈,唤起工人和农民进行反压迫斗争🐋——🍂🐓。)
17😨🎎_🦌👺、Mr Akiyama's comments highlight the value of subscriptions to print media in the struggle against online competition.(秋山耿太郎先生的评论中还大力强调了平面媒体在订阅方面所具有的重要价值🏅🐸_🎲,正是凭借这一点平面媒体才有能力与网络媒体分庭抗礼😶——🐍。)
18🐱🖼-_🐇*、The struggle against environmental destruction is far from over.(对破坏生态环境的斗争远没有结束⛈-🦢🦢。)
19🐃_|🐁、They must struggle against their circumstances to acquire the basics of survival and human dignity.(他们必须在这样的环境下进行斗争来获得基本的生存权和尊严🐁🌵_——🦄。)
20🦙__*😗、This could be a struggle against adversity🙀_——🍀, selfless work for a good cause🥍_😿, or something really funny or unique.(这可以是一场和逆境的抗争🌺——😨、为一个好理由做出的无私奉献*————*😄、或是真正有趣或特别的事♟_💮。)
21🧿——🤓、We will aid their struggle against violent repression.(我们将帮助他们反抗残暴的压迫🐑_😝🦛。)
22🧸🏸————🦗🪴、Baturina has been embroiled in a legal struggle against a fellow Moscow property developer🦚*_🎣, Chalva Tchigirinsky.(巴图林娜曾卷入与一名莫斯科地产开发商ChalvaTchigirinsky的司法诉讼之中🧨🥍——🐤。)
23🦚——🌹🎄、DNA profiling would now be added to the struggle against vandalism.(DNA描画如今也许会被加到对抗故意破坏公共财物的斗争中🤩🛷————💀。)
24🏓||🐥、Ireland is planning budget cuts for next year of 3.8% of GDP; any economy would struggle against that headwind.(爱尔兰正计划将下一年的预算降至GDP的3.8%🧶——🌤;所有公司都要顶风前行🎱——-🌱🐁。)
25🌈😀-😱🌨、These silos and isolation are the things that the SOA solutions struggle against.(这些竖井和孤立就是SOA解决方案要斗争的对象🐍——🐥😐。)

五🎊☘️|😾、用关联词造句🥈|_*🤪,必须注意词语的合理搭配🏆☄️__🤑☹️。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句😓🐋--🐺🦂:“尽管今天天气很糟😪🐄-|🦙,但是大家都没有迟到🌚-_🦜🥊。” 这就需要在平时学习中🧨-🏅,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住🌧🌙_🎭💐。

depend against造句造句指懂得并使用字词*🏒|——🦠,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺⛸——|⛈、意思完整🐂|-🪀、符合逻辑的句子🎮🎖——|🐫。依据现代语文学科特征🦉♣||🐉,可延伸为写段🐇_🐰🐵、作文的基础🦃_🦠✨,是学生写好作文的基本功🐊_|😬。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八*_🐓:“其用意🙁-🖼,其造句🎴🌴_🍀🐔,均以纤巧胜🐀🦚_🦃🦢。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四🦦-🐾*:“造句也共同斟酌🦏--🤭🕊,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来😠🐔————🧧。”
下面为您提供关于【depend against造句】内容😙🦨-——🐡🌾,供您参考🐵🐊-|🤐。
1🐙🌑|——🤪、i believed🐷————🦉, rebelled against me🤖_|*‍❄, i depend on🦣🎨|🙁, abandon me.(我信的🪱🪲|🌱🤖,背叛我🤥🤔——🐉🎄,我依赖的🦚_——🐀,舍弃我🌨-——🐁。)
2🐄|——🧿🐋、Clients have to link against all the libs my lib used symbols from😖__*🙊, even if the client's code doesn't depend on any symbol of a lib.(客户链接的所有库我自由使用符号🐋🦢_|🦘,即使客户的代码不依赖于任何一种自由的象征🐹|——🌛*。)
3🌖-_🌤、You can make changes to the utility-classes project that cause it to be rebuilt🤨🪢|🦗, but the projects that depend on it will not be rebuilt and tested against the new version of the utility classes.(可以对工具类的项目进行修改🐨|💫,从而造成它被重新构建🪱🐸|🐉,但是依赖它的项目不会针对工具类的新版本重新被构建和测试🐳🐲|-🦘😍。)
4🐦_🦅、But it is very hard to get doctors and families to trust the evidence😊*_|*🐀, because it goes against the instinct not to feed the people who depend on you.(但让医生和患者家属相信证据是很困难的事情🌤--🌱,因为不给依赖于你的人喂食违背人的本性🖼🎮——|🐅🎮。)
5🐍——|😉、It is amazing what a definable and concrete attitude this is. One can depend on it. There is always a person "up against" anything dislikable in him.(令人惊叹的是这是一个可以定义的具体有形的态度👺-🐡。而这可以依靠🌳🌲|🐑🌴。总是这样🐋————🪅🪰,个体要去“面对”内心中不被喜欢的部分🎃🎑-🌎。)
6😉🦓——|☀️、Any inflows of funds will push up the values of the region's currencies against the U. S. dollar🀄——_🐹, undermining industries that depend on exports to the United States and Europe.(任何资金流入都将促使亚洲货币对美元的价值上升🤡|_🤯,从而削弱那些依赖出口到欧美的工业💀|——🏅。)
7🌿_-🌛、Milan are also planning further summer transfers⚡️🐤||🌿, but much will depend on the result of their Champions League third qualifying round match against Red Star Belgrade🐆-|♦😘, which they currently lead 1-0.(米兰也在计划更长远的夏季转会计划🐵——🐂🤿,但这很大程度上将取决与他们与贝尔格莱德红星队的冠军联赛资格赛第三轮的比赛结果🏈|🐞✨,目前他们总比分1🤥🧨-🌛:0领先🌳🐂|-🎎🐡。)
8🦙🪁-_🤐🎍、There is little doubt that Williams's future will largely depend on how he fares against Quintana.(毫无疑问🎊🦔_🪴,威廉姆斯的未来肯定不会主要取决于他和昆塔纳比赛时的表现☹️🙁-|🎣🙊。)
9🌸|🐷、During their training and education🌺💥_🌪🌙, these "pods" were kept together🐨🐅|🍂🦛, forced to depend upon each other🌘🤖-🌍, and pitted against other pods in combat.(这些“群体”在训练和教育期间都会在一起🎇__🎟🥀,被迫互相依靠🪢🐽——*🥉,在战斗中与其他群体竞争🐖🪅-_🦨🎖。)
10🐞_💐、Arsene Wenger believes Arsenal's success this season will depend on how well they do at the Emirates Stadium against teams such as Blackburn.(阿尔塞纳·温格相信阿森纳本赛季是否成功将决定于本队在埃米尔球场对阵布莱克本这种水平的球队时的战绩🌑--🥇🪢。)
11😹_🐅、Whereas dolphins and whales rely on thick blubber to help keep warm in cold water🦍——🦮, fur seals and sea otters depend on dense fur to trap a layer of air against their bodies.(在寒冷的水域中😭-😏,海豚和鲸鱼依靠它们厚厚的脂肪进行保暖*🐘|🌱,而海狗和海獭则依赖于它们那稠密的皮毛来留住空气层🤓-_🐟。)
12🏒_🐈、It's simply not enough to depend on traditional AntiVirus products to protect against all threats.(仅依靠传统反病毒产品无法抵挡所有威胁🪳-😵😆。)
13😿_-🤥🪅、Then🎀|——🐍, we present a new designated confirmer signature scheme🥋|🤮*, whose security against adaptive adversaries is proven to depend on reasonable security assumptions.(提出一种新的指定证实人签名方案🦔🥌————🐫,对自适应方式攻击的安全性依靠合理的安全假设*🤫__🎖。)
14🦑🪄__🦔🦜、Aggregation enables you to have an API module and an implementation module; modules that depend on yours would build against the API module🙀🐜_🦃😄, and run against the aggregate of API and implementation.(聚合使您能够拥有一个API模块和实现模块*——☘😅;与您的模块有依赖关系的模块将根据API模块进行构建🤬💐-🌛,并针对API和实现模块运行🐙🐥——_🐿🦭。)
15🙂⛈|🦏、The problem is to balance the needs of the environment against those of the economy or consumers trying to cope with the high cost of living without destroying the earth on which we all depend.(问题其实是要在环保需求同经济消耗需求之间找到平衡🦔😳_|🦢,既满足生存的高消耗又不能破坏我们依赖的地球🥀_|🤨🐳。)
16*——😽、depend against

五🤩🎿——🤪😴、用关联词造句🦓|🦅,必须注意词语的合理搭配🦢|😐😮。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句🎿🦃-🦡:“尽管今天天气很糟🌤-🎋,但是大家都没有迟到😔🐸——🦩🦝。” 这就需要在平时学习中🪲-🦁,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住*🏉|🐔。

run up against造句造句指懂得并使用字词🐅-😀,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺🌍💐——-🦆*、意思完整🪰-💮、符合逻辑的句子🍁|_🌻🌹。依据现代语文学科特征🌝🐰-|🌴🌼,可延伸为写段🐯-——🐅🌲、作文的基础♟🀄——_🦊,是学生写好作文的基本功🌜😩-——😊。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八🐉🐀——|☹️*:“其用意🧶🌤--🎖,其造句🦔——🖼🐤,均以纤巧胜🦌|-🐕。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四🌹——🎽:“造句也共同斟酌🐤|🦃🤿,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来🦄🎍——-🦃🐜。”
下面为您提供关于【run up against造句】内容🌩__🎍,供您参考😼——🐩🐈。
1🪀🐪|-🐺、Getting IronRuby built and run successfully has some possible issues associated with it and Justin handles all of the scenarios he came up against😰-😴, explains what they are and how to get around them.(编译和运行IronRuby中可能发生一些问题🥍☘️——🌟😋,Justin处理了他所遇到的所有情形🌳😱-🐊,解释了它们是什么和如何解决🐂|——*。)
2🤨😌|🌸⚾、Have you run up against any problems in getting your passport renewed?(你在护照续签时遇到什么问题了吗?)
3😺🍁_😉、If you try to change the name of the school you will run up against a lot of opposition.(倘若你要更换学校的名称🐒-🏐,你会遭到多人的反对🌲——🦌。)
4🌞_|🐬🐪、Over the course of a long marriage🪳🐬_——*, you’re bound to run up against financial issues that you didn’t plan for.(在漫长的婚姻旅途中🐿🏈|-🦫🌧,你注定会遇到史料未及的财务问题🦚|——🦬*。)
5🤣_😦、in the long run🌈🐥||🏑, ensuring women's access to earnings will speed up both the economic recovery and the fight against poverty.(从长期看*——|🥎,确保妇女获得收入将有助于加快经济复苏和减贫进程*‍❄_😣🥉。)
6👹——🦡🌾、But this would run up against Putin and Russia's veto.(但是这会遭到普京的反对🐪☁️——-🀄😏,俄罗斯会投反对票😘🦣_🥀。)
7🦦🐚-_🦍、Every time we try to get the scheme going we seem to run up against yet another problem.(我们每次试图执行计划时🦓🐗——|🦄🙄,似乎又碰到了另一个困难🦖💐_-🧿🍃。)
8😰🤖-⚡️、A creature must balance perfecting a skill or trait (building up legs to run faster) against experimenting with new traits (wings).(生物必须在完善现有技能🤭🥍_🤩、特质(练腿力以便跑得更快)与尝试新特质(翅膀)之间作取舍😻🦘|_🐤。)
9😣🐲_|⭐️、Homes are 30% overvalued against the long-run ratio of prices to rents🐔🌼——_🐈, the gauge used in the Economist's quarterly round-up of global house prices.(相比长期租金比率🙉🌹——😶,住房价格被高估30%——引自《经济学人》的全球房价季度汇编😱_-🦏🦫。)
10🦭_🥀🐀、If he tries to change the rules of the club he will run up against a lot of opposition.(如果他想改变俱乐部的章程🤖🐂——_🌏🙁,就会遇到很多反对意见🧶🌸-_*。)
11⛳😘_🐕‍🦺🦠、In Africa🐦_——🌾, such efforts have run up against stiff opposition from the transnational tobacco companies🐗-🦃😬, whose revenues dwarf the economies of some African countries.(在非洲🐏🐘|🍂🦣,这些努力成果遭到了跨过烟草公司的强烈反对🐈‍⬛——🐩🎋,这些跨过烟草公司所在的国家经济收入比其他一些非洲国家的要少🐡——|🎟🤭。)
12🧿-🐾😚、Yet the new products can run up against longtime habits and even cultural concepts of cleanliness.(但新的产品可能会与以往长期的习惯🤨|🐺,甚至是清洁的文化概念相冲突🐭😊--🤣。)
13🦔🤔_🌜、If he tries to change the rules of the club he will run up against a lot of oppositions.(如果他企图改变俱乐部的规定☺️😉--⛅️🐃,他就会遭到许多人的反对🤖——🐟🎆。)
14🐏🐗——-🍁🙁、You can't give up the moment you run up against difficulty.(不能遇到点困难就打退堂鼓呀🏵😽_🦭。)
15🥋————🐬🕸、Whether you are prototyping to prove a concept🌺_|🐒🤒, developing a new application from the ground up🐳🐃_🎰🌷, or just studying SQL🎮-🐪🐀, you need test data to run your application against.(无论您是在用原型证明某一概念🪆🐲_🌱⭐️,还是开发一个全新的应用程序🙊|😈,或者只是学习SQL🐣-_🦕🐩,您都需要在您的应用程序上运行测试数据*🦨——_😶🌪。)
16🐤🐌|——🦇、Also🌚——-🐓, if you run up against obstacles🥅🥀——|🥀🦈, it is critical to let management know right away.(同时🦈🐁|🐡🤩,如果你碰到的障碍🙊||🐾🦢,关键是要让管理层知道吧🐀-😋*。)
17💐|🐯、I dream I can run up against strangers just like those people in the movies🤢_-😱🐯, get to know each other then become friends;(总期待能象电影里那样偶遇陌生人😘*_🦎🌜,从搭讪到相识相知🎎|🍁🌾;)
18🐬😭_-😒、In keeping a diary in English🐿——🦚, we inevitably run up against a lot of difficulties.(坚持用英语写日记🦒-_🤫😋,我们不可避免地要遇到很多困难🦙🐊|_*。)
19🎳||🐍🎗、Up until now🤭|-🦍🎋, it was possible to run unit tests against your personal Twitter account without anybody knowing what you were up to.(到目前为止🐺-🙉*‍❄,可以在个人Twitter帐户上运行单元测试🧧_🐷,而其他人并不知道您要干什么🪄🐓——🐞🕊。)
20🍁🐖|🍃🦄、Even so😰——-☘️🎮, you'veprobably also run up against people who love your idealism🌿-——🐾🧩, but warn you tolower your sights🐝——|🐰🌙, to scale back your ambitions a bit🤑——🐪😦, to settle for somethingless.(虽然如此😁|_🐵,你可能已经遇到了一些人非常欣赏上你的理想主义🌜⛳_-🌪,但是同时也告诫你要放低你的眼光*——😰🐹,稍稍丈量你的野心🤿——🦟,把自己的梦想放低一些♠-😞。)
21🐺😥|-🥀🐇、Before long I run up against my own constraints🐪|-🦃, and the van slows and pulls to the side of the six-lane highway to let me out.(很快🦌🦉|-🐬,我就碰到了自己的约束条件🐂——🐔😏。这辆面包车减速🦆😡-⛈🎀,停靠在一条六车道高速公路旁——我该下车了🐔🐋_——😼⚡️。)
22😝——|😈、We've run up against a big problem .(我们碰到了一个大问题🌼🪄-——🐺。)
23🌙——_🐟🧩、Don't back up the moment you run up against a little difficulty.(不要遇到一点困难就打退堂鼓🙄😖-_*💐。)
24🦃🦮-🥉、That means telecoms can finally put fiber-optic lines into people’s homes🌚——😃, where cables often run up against right angles and tight squeezes from the sidewalk to the house.(这意味着电信公司终于可以把光纤铺进千家万户了——在市内电缆经常要沿着墙角拐许多弯并被紧订在墙上🏵||🌵。)
25✨——_🦤☹️、Suspicions have recently grown that Japanese-supplied fuel was used by the United States in 2003 in the run-up to the war against Saddam Hussein⚾|😰, something America denies.(最近对2003年日本也向美国的伊拉克战争提供燃油补给的怀疑开始增大🏉||🦢,美国对此矢口否认💀🌷|🐌🙉。)

五🐲🐣|🐦、用关联词造句*——|😒🦊,必须注意词语的合理搭配🐲🌗_😉。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句*😜|😙😸:“尽管今天天气很糟🏏_😒🐡,但是大家都没有迟到😺——🦁。” 这就需要在平时学习中😿🦖_|🦄,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住🎣————🐭。