
当前位置 > 餐饮服务英语句子餐饮服务英语句子有哪些

  • 教我几句餐厅服务员必备英语


    Welcome! 欢迎光临Thanks for coming!谢谢光临May i take your order now? 请问需要什么菜?“请慢走”是汉语式的问候,在英语中是太使用的。你可以说:Welcome back again!欢迎再次光临 

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 906 ℃ 292
  • 餐厅服务员的几句英语


    打包: take away Would you like to take this away? 结帐: have the bill May I have the bill, please? 续杯(不要钱那种) refill May I refill the coffee/tea/this, please?如果是要钱的话可以直接说再要一杯 May I have another glass/cup/bottle, please? 再要一杯? Would you like another one/cup/glass...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 738 ℃ 78
  • 餐饮服务员接待用语英语


    餐饮服务员接待用语英语:向其问好 Good morning/afternoon/evening. 我能为你做点甚么? What can I do for you? 你们有几个人? How many people you are? 想尝试一下新产品...吗? We have new food now,do you want to have a try? 您的餐点金额为..元. The total is ....yuan.或It co...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 100 ℃ 614
  • 写关于餐饮服务的英语对话


    餐饮服务英语 一.基本用语 1. Good morning (afternoon, evening), sir (madam). 早上(下午、晚上)好,先生(夫人)。 2. How do you do? Glad to meet you. 您好!(初次见面) 很高兴见到您。 3. How are you? Fine, Thanks. And you? 您好吗? 很好,谢谢。您好吗? 4. Welcome to our hotel (restaura...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 890 ℃ 609
  • 餐饮业常用服务用英语


    The waitress will be here in a few minutes.服务员马上就来。208) I’m sorry, there aren’t any tables left now.对不起,没有空桌子了。209) I’m sorry,the restaurant is full now.对不起,现在餐厅已坐满。210) We can seat you in twenty minutes.二十他钟后才能安排您入座。211) Have you bee...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 500 ℃ 102
  • 关于餐饮服务的日常英语用语


    What kind of food do you prefer?  Do you like Chinese food?       What kind of food do you like,Chinese or American?     Would you tell me where the Chinese restaurant is?Do you know where I can get a quick snack?W...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 773 ℃ 81
  • 餐饮服务业常用英语


    英国版的和美版的常用语不一样。我只能提供个美版的开始打招呼。。。 How are you doing today?问多少个。。。How many?问喝什么。。。What would you like to drink?问点什么。。。What would you like to order/eat?refill。。。。Do you want more...?撤盘子。。。May I take this?...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 253 ℃ 835
  • 饮食服务英语怎么说


    饮食服务 food service; catering; Catering Services; [例句]他的饮食服务公司使他在41岁成了百万富翁。 His catering business made him a millionaire at 41

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 686 ℃ 495
  • 关于餐饮服务常用的英文对话


    would you please sign your name here? 七、送客 1、感谢您的光临希望再次为您服务。 Thank you,sir,we hope to see you again. 2、很高兴您用餐愉快,再见。 I'm glad you enjoyed your med,Good bye. 3、十分感谢,祝您有个愉快的夜晚,再见。 Thank you very much,Have a nice ...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 193 ℃ 685
  • 2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 325 ℃ 907