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  • 初三英语试卷


    which is similar to the old one. 18Their situation is similar to ours. 19Even if he studied hard, he won't pass the exam 20i stand on the right side of my English teacher . 21That is the car you bought a couple of days before ? 22This is the city's best hospitals as far as I know. 23T...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 899 ℃ 753
  • 初三英语试卷答案


    71.Because they visit some of the old and sick people there who can't take care of themselves . 72.The singer, The cook and The Memory Lady 73. Because Grandpa's disease became more and more serious. 74当我意识到这是怎么回事时,医院的探病时间已经到了 75. Gra...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 188 ℃ 231
  • 初三英语试题


    1. As a_librarian__,she works to serve readers 2.The more exercise you take ,the _healthier__ you'll be 3 He spent as much time as he could __practicing__ writing in Enlish 4 When I walked into the kitchen,I found the glass was _broken_ on the floor 5 Be carful,or you won't work out th...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 756 ℃ 734
  • 初三的英语卷子



    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 291 ℃ 573
  • 初三英语试卷


    可以参考下哈1.if you fill in the application form,2.as long as you ***.you will be able to establish friendship with them,4 Some students are arranged in the hotel.5 The english course will last for half a month6 Six weeks away from home is a long time7We need to check in at once嘻嘻、、、希...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 333 ℃ 302
  • 初三英语试题


    argue, good at making,divided, qualities,modest, pleasure, excited, unfair, inactive,to do, drawing, personal, students', libraries, ability  

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 355 ℃ 166
  • 初三英语试卷


    第一题:He had to take care of his mother at home第二题:The hole is too far to let the panda go though 第三题:I think SuZhou is more beautiful than WuXi第四题:We found her an imaginative girl第二大题1:sliently2:foggy嗯,大致的答案就是这样的,希望对你得学习有帮助,加油!

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 489 ℃ 747
  • 初三英语试题。


    51.need 52.times 53.nothing 54.trouble 55.After 56.worry 57.admitted 58.returned 59.letter 60.strong

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 636 ℃ 105
  • 初三英语试题


    1.what she said 【surprised】_ us.we could hardly believe our ears. 2.how _【serious】__(严重的)do you think the problem is? 3.你认为哪=一=张画最好看? which 【do you think 】is the nicest picture? 4.I want to be a professional _【不用填或者basketball等】_ player.What should I do ?...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 589 ℃ 907
  • 初三年级英语试卷


    1. I'm not sure 2. the fastest 3. went through 4. more than 5. because of

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 241 ℃ 942