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  • 跪求纪录片《美丽中国》英文观后感


    Wild China is a very good series made by the BBC Natural History Unit. I saw the whole documentary, and was quite stunned by the picture quality, sound, last but not least, how they'd capture the animals and nature on film. It covers with great diversity, from high Himalayan mountains and de...

    2024-07-16 网络 更多内容 932 ℃ 990
  • 四季中国好句摘抄英文


    Spring is a lot of rain,summer is hot,autumn is the best season in a year,it is cool and busy ,winter is cold and sonetimes snowy.Spring is a wonderful season to celebrate rebirth and new life.The long, cold winter is over . The weather is warm and sunnier. The trees again have leaves ...

    2024-07-16 网络 更多内容 133 ℃ 647
  • 求美丽中国纪录片英语字幕文稿?



    2024-07-16 网络 更多内容 276 ℃ 174
  • 英语美文摘抄


    英语文章摘抄 (一) Eliminate Internal Negative Chatter The first step is one of awareness. It will be hard to make a change to positive thinking without being acutely intimate with the thoughts that run through your mind. Recently, I was amazed to discover deep buried emotions from negative th...

    2024-07-16 网络 更多内容 898 ℃ 677
  • 英语美文和美句摘抄



    2024-07-16 网络 更多内容 159 ℃ 27
  • 英语美文摘抄


    把自己装饰得美丽。 The perfect decks itself in beauty for the love of the Imperfect。 错误经不起失败,但是真理却不怕失败。 Wrong cannot afford defeat but Right can。 这寡独的黄昏,幕着雾与雨,我在我的心的孤寂里,感觉到它的叹息。 In my solitude of heart I feel the sigh of this widowed ...

    2024-07-16 网络 更多内容 267 ℃ 933
  • 英语美文摘抄


    把自己装饰得美丽。The perfect decks itself in beauty for the love of the Imperfect。错误经不起失败,但是真理却不怕失败。Wrong cannot afford defeat but Right can。这寡独的黄昏,幕着雾与雨,我在我的心的孤寂里,感觉到它的叹息。In my solitude of heart I feel the sigh of this widowed eve...

    2024-07-16 网络 更多内容 669 ℃ 215
  • 英语美文摘抄


    The first step when you write from what you read is to be sure you understand what you have read. To ensure your understanding, you should be an active reader. This means that you should read more than once with a different purpose each time, you should ask questions before, during, an...

    2024-07-16 网络 更多内容 369 ℃ 200
  • 英语段落摘抄


    英语段落摘抄 1、However mean your life is,meet it and live it ;do not shun it and call it hard ***.It is not so bad as you ***.It looks poorest when y... 每一页都记录着我们小时的喜怒哀乐;童年是一杯茶,喝完后,嘴里还流露着甘甜的味道;童年是一幅画,画里有我们五彩的生活.一只昆虫,一个玩具...

    2024-07-16 网络 更多内容 315 ℃ 471
  • 求 美丽中国 BBC 纪录片 wild China 的中英文字幕的文本

    求 美丽中国 BBC 纪录片 wild China 的中英文字幕的文本

    网页链接 六集全。而且带单词备注的。

    2024-07-16 网络 更多内容 436 ℃ 674