
当前位置 > 英汉翻译句子英汉翻译句子翻译方法

  • 英汉互译在线翻译句子


    英汉互译 句子翻译 1.He is good at every subjects,especially math,chinese and english,and has a good knowledge of chinese history.2.Like sports,good at playing basketball,is a member of school's basketball team.3.He was always ready to help others,always respect the olds and care ab...

    2024-07-17 网络 更多内容 423 ℃ 475
  • 英汉互译句子翻译器


    英汉互译句子翻译器?建议楼主使用我一直在使用的手机翻译工具 语音翻译器,支持中英文语音互译和文本互译两种互译模式,尤其是语音互译模式,说出说出中英文就可以进行翻译,简直太方便了。英汉互译操作步骤:1:在手机应用市场打开我们的翻译工具语音翻译器,打开后我们选择...

    2024-07-17 网络 更多内容 770 ℃ 493
  • 英汉互译句子翻译器


    英汉互译句子翻译器?建议楼主使用我一直在使用的手机翻译工具 语音翻译器,支持中英文语音互译和文本互译两种互译模式,尤其是语音互译模式,说出说出中英文就可以进行翻译,简直太方便了。英汉互译操作步骤:1:在手机应用市场打开我们的翻译工具语音翻译器,打开后我们选择...

    2024-07-17 网络 更多内容 320 ℃ 646
  • 英汉在线翻译句子


    How are you doing recently? I would like to call you "brother" rather than "honey", and I simply hope the current relation between us will last forever. I feel very comfortable to be your sister. Given this, we can still dine together or have a chat from time to time. You are suc...

    2024-07-17 网络 更多内容 332 ℃ 716
  • 英汉在线翻译句子


    How are you doing recently?I would like to call you "brother" rather than "honey", and I simply hope the current relation between us will last forever.I feel very comfortable to be your sister. Given this, we can still dine together or have a chat from time to time.You are such...

    2024-07-17 网络 更多内容 100 ℃ 725
  • 英汉句子翻译


    1. You should devote youself to education in the future. 你应当将自己的未来奉献给教育事业。 2.They drvote all their hours /time to working in their lab. 他们将所有的时间花在了实验室的工作上。 3.I have a devoted firend,he would do anything for me. 我有一个忠实的朋友,他会为我做任...

    2024-07-17 网络 更多内容 679 ℃ 243
  • 英汉句子在线翻译


    All along, music phones are a vast number of students a warm welcome from friends, and the Sony Ericsson W580c used as a Walkman music player's powerful music slider phone, only a very elegant design, but it is also Good to the continuation of Sony Ericsson mobile phone is very deli...

    2024-07-17 网络 更多内容 316 ℃ 518
  • 根据英汉提示翻译句子


    1.Some programs make him want to sleep.2.You should slow down when you are in the street.3.How should you deal with this matter?4.It is your duty to find out who brought that dog away.5.If you hear from her,please tell me.6.I will try to get in touch with Mr. Wang.7.This rain lasted two...

    2024-07-17 网络 更多内容 545 ℃ 410
  • 英汉句子在线翻译


    All along, music phones are a vast number of students a warm welcome from friends, and the Sony Ericsson W580c used as a Walkman music player's powerful music slider phone, only a very elegant design, but it is also Good to the continuation of Sony Ericsson mobile phone is very deli...

    2024-07-17 网络 更多内容 128 ℃ 614
  • 2024-07-17 网络 更多内容 411 ℃ 155