
当前位置 > 英文史诗有哪些诗英文史诗有哪些诗有哪些

  • 著名的英文诗


    When in eternal linesto time thou grow'st:当你在不朽的里与时同长。So long as men canbreathe or eyes can see,只要一天有人类,或人有眼睛,So long lives this, and thisgives life to thee.这诗将长存,并赐予你生命。这是莎士比亚著名的十四行诗,希望能给予你帮助,这首诗歌还有英语教学...

    2024-07-10 网络 更多内容 829 ℃ 547
  • 著名的英文诗


    埃德蒙·斯宾塞 Sonnet 十四行 Fresh spring the herald of loves mighty king, 新春啊,你这君临万方的爱神的先驱, In whose cote armour richly are displayed 你的外衣富丽堂皇,展现出 All sorts of flowers the which on earth do spring 世间的繁花万朵,不胜枚举, In goodly colours gloriously arra...

    2024-07-10 网络 更多内容 407 ℃ 481
  • 英文的诗


    On Climbing Youzhou Tower by Chen Zi'ang Where are the sages of the past And those of future years? Sky and earth forever last, Lonely, I shed sad tears. 登幽州台歌 陈子昂 前不见古人, 后不见来者! 念天地之悠悠, 独沧然而涕下! Coming Home by He Zhizhang I left home y...

    2024-07-10 网络 更多内容 801 ℃ 793
  • 要几首 世界著名的英文诗

    要几首 世界著名的英文诗

    莎士比亚的, 一直都很喜欢,今天和大家分享~~1When forty winters shall besiege thy brow, And dig deep trenches in thy beauty’s field, Thy youth’s proud livery, so gazed on now, Will be a tatter’d weed of small worth held: Then being asked where all thy beauty lies, Where all the trea...

    2024-07-10 网络 更多内容 563 ℃ 94
  • 著名的英文诗


    1. Beautiful Dreamer a poem by Stephen Foster Beautiful dreamer, wake unto me, Starlight and dewdrops are waiting for thee; Sounds of the rude world heard in the day, Lull'd by the moonlight have all pass'd away! Beautiful dreamer, queen of my song, List while I woo thee with...

    2024-07-10 网络 更多内容 517 ℃ 601
  • 著名的英文诗歌


    其实首行推荐首我觉错现代英文诗脍炙口哦英文照I like for you to be still《我喜欢寂静》 我喜欢寂静仿佛消失 I like for you to be stillit is as though you were absent,远处聆听我我声音却触及and you hear me from far awayand my voice does not touch you. 像双眼已经飞离同吻封缄嘴It see...

    2024-07-10 网络 更多内容 316 ℃ 280
  • 要几首 世界著名的英文诗

    要几首 世界著名的英文诗

    The Furthest Distance in the world Tagore The furthest distance in the world Is not between life and death But when I stand in front of you Yet you don't know that I love you. The furthest distance in the world Is not when I stand in front of you Yet you can't see my love But when undoubtly knowing...

    2024-07-10 网络 更多内容 443 ℃ 657
  • 最经典优美的英文诗


    泰戈尔 的诗集。英文版很赞 >.< 爱尔兰的诗人叶芝的诗歌,充满了精灵与骑士,梦幻与美好。 诗人Thomas Hood (民谣体诗歌,最喜欢他的I remember,I remember) 诗人John Keats(低调的华丽,19世纪英国浪漫主义著名诗人,擅长描写自然和表现物体的色彩和立体感) 雪莱。 拜伦。

    2024-07-10 网络 更多内容 654 ℃ 330
  • 关于英语诗的


    关于英语诗的 什么 说详细点呗

    2024-07-10 网络 更多内容 466 ℃ 320
  • 英国文学史最伟大六大诗人


    具独一无二想象力的布莱克(William Blake);崇拜自然神秘的华兹华斯(William Wordsworth);意象丰富动人的柯勒律治(Samuel Taylor Coleridge);思想深邃的拜伦(George Gordon Byron);思想和充满矛盾的雪莱(Percy Bysshe Shelley);天才早夭的济慈(John Keats);世人称为六大诗人(the bi...

    2024-07-10 网络 更多内容 856 ℃ 779