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  • 英语翻译


    Assume that you got two pieces of bread, you need to use one of them for a narcissus.

    2024-07-18 网络 更多内容 787 ℃ 472
  • 英语翻译方法


    其实只是认识英文,并没有完全读懂原文的意义。另一方面,由于考生平时缺乏翻译练习和实践,缺乏对英汉两种语言差异性的认识,往往“只见英文不见中文”或者“只见中文不见英文”,缺乏必要的翻译知识和技巧,所以就会有写不出来的感 觉。建议这类考生,认真理解、深入学习已经熟...

    2024-07-18 网络 更多内容 648 ℃ 541
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    2024-07-18 网络 更多内容 827 ℃ 145
  • 用英语翻译


    我爱你的多种表达一、最直接的表达I love you. 我爱你。(有感情,但不一定就有爱情)二、委婉含蓄的表达My heart belongs to you. 我的心属于你。You mean the world to me.你是我的世界。You carry my heart away. 我被你神魂颠倒。I lost my heart to you. 我的心丢在你那儿。三、戏剧性的...

    2024-07-18 网络 更多内容 552 ℃ 625
  • 英语翻译


    上网查了一下,原句应为the millions of calculations involved , had they been done by hand ,would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished .假如用手工解决成千上万的相关的计算,即使完成了也毫无实际价值。这是一个虚拟语气的句子,可改为:If the millions of calculations in...

    2024-07-18 网络 更多内容 714 ℃ 381
  • 英语翻译


    We should learn to adjust our mind,making ourselves out of negative emotions.

    2024-07-18 网络 更多内容 849 ℃ 281
  • 英语翻译


    1. Until the bus stop to get off the bus. 2. Why rush to buy you yesterday the camera? 3. Do you think what time can build new railway station. 4. He asked yesterday I what happened? 5. Would you mind turn off your radio? 6. We are listening to the music is a beauty.

    2024-07-18 网络 更多内容 208 ℃ 354
  • 求英语翻译


    Journey to the west, the author wu chengen, published in 1592. This is a classical Chinese fantasy novel, has been adapted into a successful TV series, cartoons and movies.The story mainly tells the story of a monk with his disciples to journey to the west. The main character in the novel, the...

    2024-07-18 网络 更多内容 558 ℃ 726
  • 用英语翻译


    Love is a wonderful thing, come when you least expect them to, surprise youhappy

    2024-07-18 网络 更多内容 220 ℃ 333
  • 英语翻译


    time goes by,but we all stay touch

    2024-07-18 网络 更多内容 469 ℃ 110