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  • 翻译成英文


    我把第一个“害怕”翻译成为一个动词“颤抖”,第二个用了形容词“afraid”。是因为我没找到两个合适的形容词。另外为了押运,我把你的三四句的顺序颠倒了一下。同样五六句也颠倒了。 “害怕失去”我想了一下,用loss,lossing不是特别好,因为会被人以为是“失败”,我想你这里的...

    2024-07-18 网络 更多内容 167 ℃ 725
  • 用英语翻译


    我爱你的多种表达一、最直接的表达I love you. 我爱你。(有感情,但不一定就有爱情)二、委婉含蓄的表达My heart belongs to you. 我的心属于你。You mean the world to me.你是我的世界。You carry my heart away. 我被你神魂颠倒。I lost my heart to you. 我的心丢在你那儿。三、戏剧性的...

    2024-07-18 网络 更多内容 782 ℃ 937
  • 英语翻译方法


    把握翻译技巧:拆分、组合轻松搞定英语翻译 翻译作为一门学问,可谓博大精深,要求译者具有较高的语言修养和灵活处理两种语言的能力。但是,任何学问都有一定的规律和一些基本的方法和技巧,英汉翻译也不例外。所以,要做好考研翻译的试题,除了具备一定的词汇量和文化背景知识外...

    2024-07-18 网络 更多内容 516 ℃ 529
  • 求英语翻译


    Journey to the west, the author wu chengen, published in 1592. This is a classical Chinese fantasy novel, has been adapted into a successful TV series, cartoons and movies.The story mainly tells the story of a monk with his disciples to journey to the west. The main character in the novel, the...

    2024-07-18 网络 更多内容 863 ℃ 276
  • 英语翻译


    上网查了一下,原句应为the millions of calculations involved , had they been done by hand ,would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished .假如用手工解决成千上万的相关的计算,即使完成了也毫无实际价值。这是一个虚拟语气的句子,可改为:If the millions of calculations in...

    2024-07-18 网络 更多内容 689 ℃ 781
  • 翻译为英语


    I didn't receive the file, the other two "apply" file has been sent to you.

    2024-07-18 网络 更多内容 286 ℃ 522
  • 英语翻译


    Assume that you got two pieces of bread, you need to use one of them for a narcissus.

    2024-07-18 网络 更多内容 265 ℃ 498
  • 求问英语翻译,谢谢


    A letter of credit that, in addition to other required documents, requires presentation of a time draft drawn on the bank nominated as the accepting bank under the letter of credit.我是这么理解的:in addition to other required documents做插入语,补充说明,不充当句子成分。A letter of credit (th...

    2024-07-18 网络 更多内容 273 ℃ 358
  • 翻译英语全文



    2024-07-18 网络 更多内容 103 ℃ 698
  • 求救,英语翻译


    他把许多漂亮的明信片拿给我们看。(show)He shows us many beautiful postcards.这个小俱乐部只有十个成员。(member)There are only ten members in this small club.照片右边的这位女士是我们经理的夫人。(on the fight)The lady on the right in the photo is our manager's wife.晚上好,使...

    2024-07-18 网络 更多内容 861 ℃ 298